James C. Willey, MD

University of Toledo Health Sciences Campus
Departments of Medicine and Pathology
3000 Arlington Avenue
Toledo, Ohio 43614-2598
Medical Education and Training:
M.D. Medical College of Ohio, Toledo
Resident in Internal Medicine, Georgetown University Affiliated Hospitals, Washington DC
Fellowship in Pulmonary Medicine, University of Rochester, NY
Research Fellow, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda MD
Board Certification:
Internal Medicine
Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine
Clinical Interests:
Lung cancer prevention, diagnosis and treatment
Research Interests:
Use of gene expression analysis to develop clinical tests that will allow identification of:
(1) individuals at risk for bronchogenic carcinoma, and
(2) best treatments for each tumor
Representative recent publications:
<!--[if !supportLists]--> Crawford EL, Blomquist T, Mullins DN, Yoon Y, Hernandez DR, Al-Bagdhadi M, Ruiz J, Hammersley J, Willey JC: CEBPG regulates ERCC5/XPG expression in human bronchial epithelial cells and this regulation is modified by E2F1/YY1 interactions. Carcinogenesis.28:2552-9, 2007
Peters EH, Rojas-Caro S, Brigell MG, Zahorchak RJ, des Etages SA, Ruppel PL, Knight CR, Austermiller B, Graham MC, Wowk S, Banks S, Madabusi LV, Turk P, Wilder D, Kempfer C, Osborn TW, Willey JC: Quality-controlled measurement methods for quantification of variations in transcript abundance in whole blood samples from healthy volunteers. Clin Chem 53:1030-7, 2007
Harr MW, Willey JC: The interactive transcript abundance index [c-myc*p73alpha]/[p21*Bcl-2] correlates with baseline level of apoptosis and response to CPT-11 in human bronchogenic carcinoma cell lines. Int J Oncol 30:1553-60, 2007
Braun DP, Ding J, Shaheen F, Willey JC, Rana N, Dmowski WP: Quantitative expression of apoptosis-regulating genes in endometrium from women with and without endometriosis. Fertil Steril 87:263-8, 2007
MAQC Consortium: Willey JC and others. The MicroArray Quality Control (MAQC) project shows inter- and intraplatform reproducibility of gene expression measurements. Nature Biotechnol 24:1151-61, 2006
Shippy R, Fulmer-Smentek S, Jensen RV, Jones WD, Wolber PK, Johnson CD, Pine PS, Boysen C, Guo X, Chudin E, Sun YA, Willey JC, Thierry-Mieg J, Thierry-Mieg D, Setterquist RA, Wilson M, Lucas AB, Novoradovskaya N, Papallo A, Turpaz Y, Baker SC, Warrington JA, Shi L, Herman D: Nature Biotechnol 24:1123-31, 2006
Canales RD, Luo Y, Willey JC, Austermiller B, Barbacioru CC, Boysen C, Hunkapiller K, Jensen RV, Knight CR, Lee KY, Ma Y, Maqsodi B, Papallo A, Peters EH, Poulter K, Ruppel PL, Samaha RR, Shi L, Yang W, Zhang L, Goodsaid FM: Evaluation of DNA microarray results with quantitative gene expression platforms. Nature Biotechnol 24:1115-22, 2006
Sudo H, Li-Sucholeiki XC, Marcelino LA, Gruhl AN, Zarbl H, Willey JC, Thilly WG: Distributions of five common point mutants in the human tracheal-bronchial epithelium. Mutation Res 596:113-27, 2006
Graves TG, Harr MW, Crawford EL, Willey JC. Stable low-level expression of p21WAF1/CIP1 in A549 human bronchogenic carcinoma cell line-derived clones down-regulates E2F1 mRNA and restores cell proliferation control. Molec Cancer 5:1, 2006
Peters GJ, Van Moorsel CJ, Lakerveld B, Smid K, Noordhuis P, Comijn EC, Weaver D, Willey JC, Voorn D, Van der Vijgh WJ, Pinedo HM: Effects of gemcitabine on cis-platinum-DNA adduct formation and repair in a panel of gemcitabine and cisplatin-sensitive or -resistant human ovarian cancer cell lines. Int J Oncol 28:237-44, 2006
Mullins DN, Crawford EL, Khuder SA, Hernandez DA, Yoon Y, Willey JC: CEBPG transcription factor correlates with antioxidant and DNA repair genes in normal bronchial epithelial cells but not in individuals with bronchogenic carcinoma. BMC Cancer 5:141, 2005
Chen B, O' Connell CD, Boone DJ, Amos JA, Beck JC, Chan MM, Farkas DH, Lebo RV, Richards CS, Roa BB, Silverman LM, Barton DE, Bejjani BA, Belloni DR, Bernacki SH, Caggana M, Charache P, Dequeker E, Ferreira-Gonzalez A, Friedman KJ, Greene CL, Grody WW, Highsmith WE Jr, Hinkel CS, Kalman LV, Lubin IM, Lyon E, Payne DA, Pratt VM, Rohlfs E, Rundell CA, Schneider E, Willey AM, Williams LO, Willey JC, Winn-Deen ES, Wolff DJ: Developing a sustainable process to provide quality control materials for genetic testing. Genet Med 7:534-49, 2005
Harr MW, Graves TG, Crawford EL, Warner KA, Reed CA, Willey JC: Variation in transcriptional regulation of cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor p21waf1/cip1 among human bronchogenic carcinomas. Molec Cancer 4:23, 2005
Weaver DA, Crawford EL, Warner KA, Elkhairi F, Khuder SA, Willey JC: ABCC5, ERCC2, XPA and XRCC1 transcript abundance levels correlate with cisplatin chemoresistance in non-small cell lung cancer cell lines. Molec Cancer 4:18, 2005
Peters EH, Rojas-Caro S, Brigell MG, Zahorchak RJ, des Etages SA, Ruppel PL, Knight CR, Austermiller B, Graham MC, Wowk S, Banks S, Madabusi LV, Turk P, Wilder D, Kempfer C, Osborn TW, Willey JC: Quality-controlled measurement methods for quantification of variations in transcript abundance in whole blood samples from healthy volunteers. Clin Chem 53:1030-7, 2007