College of Medicine MD Curriculum

Curriculum Year 4: Advanced clinical experience phase

Schematic for the M4 year, showing various rotations over the following themes: Biopsychosocial, Maternal Fetal Health, Medical & Neurologic Care and Surgical Care.

The M4 year is designed to provide students with advanced clinical experiences that will prepare them for residency and enrich their exposure to clinical learning.  During this phase, students have the flexibility to engage in clinical and non clinical electives, interview for residency, and prepare for their transition to post graduate education.

The fourth year M.D. curriculum is 45 weeks in duration.

  • 37 weeks required weeks that include
    • 4 weeks Acting Internship
    • 2 weeks Emergency Medicine
    • 5 weeks -- longitudinal transition to residency course (Advanced Clinical Care 1, -2, -3) that starts at the beginning of the M4 year and concludes with a 2 week course that is designed to prepare students to hit the ground running on day 1 of residency.
  • 8 weeks available as “flex time" to use for interviewing and off cycle electives. 
Last Updated: 7/15/24