Environmental Graduate Students
EGS is a student group that acts to support the graduate students within the Department of Environmental Sciences through social and professional events. EGS strives to provide a system of resources that is accessible for all students.
Our regular social events include group outings to visit local restaurants, museums and metroparks. In addition to unwinding and communing with the nature and culture of the Toledo area, we engage in a number of fundraising and outreach opportunities. Our main fundraising event is an annual plant sale to raise money for student supplies, services, scholarships and events. Other events we have held include a Call Congress Day, where we placed 150 calls to representatives in the region advocating our support of the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative and what it meant to us as students in the Toledo area.
For more information on our events or on graduate life in the department, please email the officers at egs.utoledo@gmail.com