Department of Environmental Sciences

Faculty: Todd D. Crail, Ph.D.

Todd Crail

Distinguished University Lecturer, Environmental Sciences
Ph.D., M.S., University of Toledo 2012
B.A., Bluffton University

Research and Teaching Interests

  • Undergraduate learning and engagement
  • Undergraduate field-based research
  • Eastern North American community ecology

419.530.4583 |

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Crail researchMy primary research investigates student learning and engagement in the Environmental Sciences through my teaching assignments. I work to employ inquiry and project-based pedagogy through non-traditional and informal classroom environments to maximize the student's experience. Topics of inquiry then include:

  • Community ecology and conservation of freshwater fishes with a focus on benthic species;
  • Community ecology and conservation of unionid mussels, one of North America’s most imperiled fauna;
  • Community ecology of plants and herptofauna of the Oak Openings Region, a biodiverse local ecosystem composed of prairie, north woods and Appalachian influences and remnants; and
  • Conservation management of the Oak Openings Region, focusing on the effects of fire suppression, hydrologic modification and invasive species.


  • EEES 1130 DOWN TO EARTH ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE [3 hours] Evaluation of environmental controversies using ecology, economics and human values. Issues range from global change, overpopulation, food production, pollution, disease, and endangered species to unique habitats including rainforests and coral reefs. (Not for credit in the major.) [Fall, Spring] General Education Natural Sciences core course.

  • EEES 2010 INTRODUCTION TO ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES [3 hours] Introduction to issues currently affecting environmental quality. Fundamental scientific concepts relating to those issues, and ethical, economic, legal and political considerations that affect the resolution of environmental problems. Intended for freshmen and sophomores. [Fall, Spring]

  • EEES 4980 SPECIAL TOPICS: ADVANCED FIELD ECOLOGY [3 hours] Applies ecological theory in the context of local Conservation Management. Specific attention to hypothesis formation and testing, and conservation management methods. Develops critical thinking and communication skills; interfaces students with area conservation Managers. Limited to 12 students. Prerequisite: Consent of instructor, EEES 3050, 3060 [Fall, Spring]

  • EEES 2160 BIODIVERSITY LAB [1 hour] Laboratory exercises that complement the material covered in EEES 2150. Topics include an introduction to Excel, Genetics, Population Ecology, Systematics and Conservation Biology [Fall, Spring] Corequisite: EEES 2150.

  • EEES 1140 ENVIRONMENTAL PROBLEMS LAB [1 hour] Basic scientific methods are used to conduct laboratory and field studies of contemporary environmental problems. [Fall, Spring] General Education Natural Sciences core course.

  • EEES 3060 GENERAL ECOLOGY LABORATORY [1 hour] Field-based exercises demonstrating ecological principles from EEES 3050 within the context of local Conservation Biology [Fall] Corequisite: EEES 3050.


Last Updated: 7/15/24