Department of Environmental Sciences

Faculty: Henry Streby

Henry Streby

Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Minnesota 2010
B.S., M.S., Ohio University

Research and Teaching Interests

  • Avian ecology
  • Wildlife management and conservation
  • Ecological analysis

419.530.8451 |

ResearchView Dr. Streby's Publications
Download Vitae (PDF)


In my lab we study population ecology and evolutionary biology with the goals of simultaneously producing actionable science for biodiversity conservation and management and improving our knowledge of the evolution of avian behaviors. Along the way, we strive to improve upon conventional methods and develop novel methods in field data collection and analysis to expedite progress in wildlife ecology research.

Recent studies have included full-season (nests and fledglings) productivity and habitat associations of wood warblers and migration ecology and migratory connectivity in the Vermivora species complex of songbirds. Current and upcoming projects include demography and migration studies on red-headed woodpeckers, effects of alternative energy development on breeding and migrating birds, and extensive collaboration on long- and short-term research with the Black Swamp Bird Observatory.


View Dr. Streby's Google Scholar page.

Last Updated: 7/15/24