Department of Environmental Sciences

Graduate Program: Financial Assistance

The Department of Environmental Sciences offers financial support to students in the form of graduate assistantships.

Both teaching (TA) and research (RA) assistantships are available. To be considered for an assistantship, an application must be submitted online to the College of Graduate Studies ( A graduate assistantship includes a waiver of all tuition fees plus a stipend (salary) for the nine-month academic year of $15,900 for M.S. students and $19,000 for Ph.D. students, plus summer stipends of $3,100 and $4,100 for M.S. and Ph.D. students, respectively. Students are still responsible, however, for paying the University's general fees and health insurance, unless covered by one’s professor from a grant.

Assistantship support is normally limited to 2.5 years for M.S. students and 5 years for Ph.D. students, and yearly renewal of assistantship support can be expected provided a student is making good progress on their thesis/dissertation research and other degree requirements. As RA awards are contingent upon continued grant funding, it is common for students to be funded on a mix of RA and TA support.

TA's and RA’s are expected to dedicate 40 hours per week to their salaried activities, which for TA’s will include up to 20 hours per week on teaching duties (e.g., supervising a teaching lab or grading).

TA’s beginning in Fall semesters are awarded the previous Spring semester. Hence, for Fall applications, requests for financial assistance should be received by 1 February in order to receive full consideration; otherwise, applications are considered on a “rolling basis”.

Last Updated: 7/15/24