TAP/P4 Scholarship Challenge
What is the TAP/P4 Scholarship Challenge?
The TAP/P4 Challenge is a scholarship fundraising initiative in which P4 students create a legacy for future pharmacy students.
Students are challenged to pledge $300 ($100 annually) towards this scholarship initiative. If each member of the P4 class participates, the class total gift will reach upwards of $32,000!
The scholarship initiated by the graduating class will benefit current and future pharmacy students.
What are the goals for the TAP/P4 Scholarship Challenge?
The goal is 100% participation. Participation matters most. Your pledges are greatly appreciated, and the fact that you give is more important than the amount. Our ultimate goal is that every student in the Professional Division of the UT College of Pharmacy receives some form of scholarship support in the future. Your gift will help us reach that goal!
Future classes will be looking at your class's giving participation levels for guidance. Among universities in the U.S., other College of Pharmacy class gifts have reported participation levels over 90%. Let’s strive for 100%!
Are gifts tax deductible?
Yes. The UT Foundation, which manages donations to the university, is a 501(c)(3) corporation. Contributions are tax deductible to the extent provided by law.
When does the P4 class begin paying off pledges, and how are payments made?
By making a pledge, students agree to contribute a gift in each year of the first three years after graduation. Each fall, a pledge reminder will be sent to the address provided on the pledge form. Making a payment on a pledge is as simple as returning the contribution with the pledge reminder. Contributors may also send the pledge payment to the UT Foundation or pay online at http://www.utfoundation.org any time throughout the year.
How will contributions be managed?
The TAP/P4 Scholarship Challenge campaign monies will be held by the UT Foundation, and each year 100% will be used for scholarship awards.
What is the Toledo Academy of Pharmacy?
This pharmacy networking group has a long history of philanthropic support with the UT College of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences. Based in northwest Ohio, TAP provides continuing education opportunities and social activities and produces fundraising events directed towards aspiring pharmacists.
For more information, contact:
Allie Berns, CFRMAssistant Director of Annual Giving