College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences

Dual Degree Options

B.S./M.S. in Medicinal Chemistry

B.S./M.S. in Medicinal Chemistry is an additional degree option that allows students to obtain both a B.S. and M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences degree in five calendar years. Students in the B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences program choose a faculty mentor as an internship mentor during the undergraduate years and continue the M.S. thesis research with the same mentor.

B.S./M.S. in Pharmacology/Toxicology

The B.S./M.S. in Pharmacology/Toxicology is an additional degree option that allows students to obtain both a B.S. and M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences degree in five calendar years. Students in the B.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences program choose a faculty mentor as an internship mentor during the undergraduate years and continue the M.S. thesis research with the same mentor.


Students who want a career in pharmacy management, want to operate their own community pharmacy, or plan to pursue residency training can benefit from this dual degree in business. With terminal degrees in both business and pharmacy, graduates are very competitive in the job market and will increase their opportunities for advancement within the retail and community pharmacy settings. This dual-degree can be completed in six calendar years. 

 Pharm.D./Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry

This dual-degree program is for students who are interested in research and science as well as the practice of pharmacy. Graduates are well suited for careers in academia and in the pharmaceutical industry, guiding the process of creating treatments. After completing the Pharm.D. degree, students pursue the research training for the Ph.D. In total, they spend nearly nine years at The University of Toledo.

 PHARM.D./PH.D. IN Experimental Therapeutics

Students who are admitted to both programs separately may pursue both degrees concomitantly. Although the requirements for both programs will be met, there is some overlap and flexibility, allowing a student to complete graduate-level requirements for both degrees in four to four and a half years. In general terms, students will follow the sequence for the Pharm.D. curriculum during the first four semesters, taking one graduate-level experimental therapeutics course each semester. In the fifth semester, students will take the required Pharm.D. clerkships, plus the two- hour seminar, with at least one clerkship rotation involving a research experience. The advisor can approve 6000-level and above Pharm.D. courses as Ph.D. electives. Beginning with sixth semester (summer following the second year in the program), students will start to complete the remaining requirements for the Ph.D. in Experimental Therapeutics.

 Pharm.D./M.S. in Health Outcomes and Socioeconomic Sciences

This M.S. in Pharmaceutical Sciences in Health Outcomes and Socioeconomic Sciences allows students to focus on patient and population healthcare outcomes, research, economic outcomes of drug and disease management, and the social and behavioral influences of patient and healthcare provider actions. Pharm.D. students who complete this master's program go on to complete residencies or work in many areas of the healthcare and pharmaceutical industry, including contract research organizations, managed care insurance providers, state and national professional organizations, and regulatory affairs. 

Last Updated: 7/15/24