Superseded and Rescinded Policies
College of Nursing
College of Medicine and Life Sciences
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Faculty and Staff
General Administration
Graduate Medical Education
Human Resources
Information Technology
Institutional Advancements
Institutional Diversity
Legal Affairs
Marketing and Communications
Safety and Health
Student Life
University Faculty and Staff
UT Medical Center
- IV-6 Due Process for the Student-Athlete-MC (superseded by 3364-35-17)
- 3364-35-09 NCAA certificate of compliance policy (rescinded July 26, 2017)
- 3364-35-11 Athletically related outside income (rescinded July 28, 2017)
- 3364-35-07 Student-athlete medical policy (rescinded March 4, 2020)
- 3364-35-06 Referral policy–sports medicine (rescinded February 17, 2021)
- HIPAA administratrive simplification - MC (superseded by 3364-15-01)
- 01-065 Integrity line - HSC (superseded by 3364-15-05)
- 01-086 Compliance with privacy and security of protected health information - HSC
(superseded by 3364-15-07)
- 01-081 Workforce training on HIPAA - HSC (superseded by 3364-15-08)
- 01-082 Disposal of protected health information - HSC (superseded by 3364-5-09)
- 01-063 Confidentiality of patient information - HSC (superseded by 3364-15-10)
- 01-059 Corporate Compliance Officer - HSC (rescinded November 18, 2008)
- 3364-15-07 Compliance with privacy and security of protected health information (PHI)
(superseded by 3364-15-01)
- 3364-15-08 Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) compliance
training policy (superseded by 3364-15-01)
- 3364-15-09 Disposal of protected health information (PHI) (superseded by 3364-100-90-16
Medical Record Retention and Description; Disposal of Protected Health Information)
College of Medicine and Life Sciences:
- Student Health Insurance HSC 3364-81-04-006-00 (superseded by 3364-30-05)
- Instruction and ancillary fees 3364-81-04-002-00 (superseded by 3364-40-19)
- Student Records/FERPA HSC 3364-81-04-009-01 (superseded by 3364-71-15)
- A-10-12-00001-0206 CME Planning Process (superseded by 3364-81-12-206-1)
- A-10-12-00002-0206 Honorarium policy (superseded by 3364-81-12-206-02)
- A-10-12-00003-0206 Guidelines for Commercial Support-Education Grants (superseded
by 3364-81-12-206-03)
- A-10-12-00004-0206 Guidelines for disclosure(superseded by 3364-81-12-206-04)
- A-10-12-00005-0206 Conflict of interest (superseded by 3364-81-12-206-04)
- A-10-12-00006-0206 Product Discussion and Research Reporting/Research Reporting at
CMA Activities (superseded by 3364-81-12-206-04)
- 3364-81-09-002-00 Elective clinical/basic sscience clerkship rotations (superseded
by 3364-81-09-002-00)
- 3360-81-04-002-00 Instruction and ancillary fees (superseded by 3364-40-19)
- 3364-81-04-004-01 In-State Residency Status for Students HSC (rescinded September
22, 2011, no longer applicable)
- Renamed 2 "Incompletes" Req Clin Clerkships HSC 3364-81-04-007-00 (superseded by 3364-81-04-007-00)
- Renamed Subj Exam in Req Clin Clerkship HSC 3364-81-04-008-00 (superseded by 3364-81-04-007-00)
- Loan Collections Students HSC 3364-81-04-003-00 (rescinded July 25, 2012)
- Student Formal Complaint Policy/Procedure HSC 3364-81-04-019-00 (rescinded September
6, 2012)
- 3364-81-04-016-03 Student hepatitis B positive virus status (superseded by 3364-109-EH-501
Work Restrictions for Personnel With Contagious Diseases)
- 3364-81-02-008-00 Clinical Trial Incentive (rescinded November 1, 2012)
- 3364-81-04-035-01 Advising-Specialty Training (rescinded September 17, 2015)
- 3364-81-04-010-01 Diploma replacement (superseded by 3364-71-21)
- Change of Status - Part Time 3364-81-04-012-02 (rescinded August 9, 2017)
- Curriculum - Modification 3364-81-04-011-00 (superseded by 3364-81-12)
- Grading Policy - Preclinical 3364-81-04-013-01 (rescinded August 14, 2018)
- 3364-81-04-013-08 Assigned education hours for preclinical medical education (superseded
by 3364-81-18)
- 3364-81-04-012-00 Final grade submission for courses/block/clerkships (superseded
by 3364-81-14)
- 3364-81-04-013-07 Formative feedback during preclinical curriculum (superseded by
- 3364-81-04-012-01 Curriculum for the College of Medicine (superseded by 3364-81-13)
- 3364-81-04-030 Health Requirements – TB Screening (superseded by 3364-30-54)
- 3364-81-04-010-03 Guidelines for the Bioengineering BS/MD Program (superseded by 3364-81-23)
- 3364-81-04-010-04 Guidelines for the Baccalaureate Degree into MD Program – NSM, VPA,
LLSS (superseded by 3364-81-23)
- 3364-81-04-032-00 Excused Absences – Religious Holiday (superseded by 3364-81-17)
- 3364-81-04-014-03 Clerkship – Excused Absence, Required Clerkship (superseded by
- 3364-81-04-014-04 Clerkship – Excused Absence, Elective Clerkship (superseded by
- 3364-81-04-014-05 Excused Absences – Preclinical (superseded by 3364-81-17)
- 3364-81-04-014-01 Scheduled holidays, breaks and flexible time for medical students
(superseded by 3364-81-18 and 3364-81-04-004-00)
- 3364-81-04-012-05 Pathology Fellowship (superseded by 3364-81-15)
- 3364-81-11-001-01 Recruitment and Hiring of Non-Clinical Faculty (rescinded July 7,
- 3364-86-037-00 Resident moderate (conscious) sedation (rescinded December 22, 2023)
- 3364-81-09-002-00 Fourth year medical school curriculum requirements (rescinded April
4, 2024; superseded by 3364-81-04-13-05 Graduation requirements for the MD program)
- 3364-81-13 Curriculum for the college of medicine (rescinded April 4, 2024; superseded
by 3364-81-04-013-05 Graduation requirements for the MD program)
- 3381-21 Supervision of medical students (rescinded April 4, 2024; superseded by 3364-81-04-006-01
Supervision and teaching of medical students)
College of Nursing
- 3364-82-213 Faculty record retention plan (rescinded June 27, 2022)
- 3364-82-230 Student record retention (rescinded June 27, 2022)
College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 3364-83-01 Minimal technical standards for admission, matriculation, and graduation
of Pharm D Students (rescinded June 23, 2021)
- 3364-83-02 Student Code of Professional Conduct – CPPS (rescinded June 23, 2021)
- 3364-83-03 Academic performance policy CPPS (rescinded June 23, 2021)
- 3364-83-04 Time to doctor of pharmacy program completion (rescinded June 23, 2021)
- 3364-83-05 Appeal procedure for academic performance and degree progression (rescinded
June 23, 2021)
- 3364-83-06 Student leave of absences (rescinded June 23, 2021)
- 3364-83-07 Academic performance and progression standards for doctor of pharmacy program
(rescinded June 23, 2021)
- 3364-83-08 College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences: remediation policy (rescinded
May 26, 2022)
- 01-033 Wall Hanging Guidelines - HSC (rescinded January 29, 2009)
- 01-034 Lockers - HSC (rescinded January 29, 2009)
- 01-048 Board of Trustees Approval of Capital Projects - HSC (rescinded January 29,
- 01-049 Commemorative plaques, statues or other objects - HSC (rescinded January 29,
- 01-080 Holiday/Patriotic/Memorabilia and Other Decorations - HSC (rescinded January
29, 2009)
- V-3-1 Biennial Capital Facilities Planning - MC (rescinded January 29, 2009)
- V-3-2 Building Committees - MC (rescinded January 29, 2009)
- V-3-3 Implementation of Capital Projects - MC (rescinded January 29, 2009)
- V-8-1 Plant Operations Services-General - MC (rescinded January 29, 2009)
- V-8-6 Unauthorized Posting or Distribution of Handbills - MC (Rescinded January 29,
- 01-016 Eleanor N. Dana Conference - HSC (superseded by 3364-20-03)
- 01-017 Dana Conference Center Reservations - HSC (superseded by 3364-20-03)
- 01-042 Permanent or Temporary Space Allocation - HSC (superseded by 3364-20-04)
- V-6-14 Shuttle Bus Operations - MC (superseded by 3364-20-05)
- V-8-4 Use of University Vehicles Rules and Regulations (superseded by 3364-20-06)
- V-8-5 Energy Management Policy - MC (superseded by 3364-20-07)
- 3364-20-03 Eleanor N Dana conference center (rescinded July 25, 2012)
- 3364-20-01 Facilities and construction critical utility/life support policy (rescinded
September 25, 2017)
- 3364-20-02 Facilities and construction operating policy (rescinded September 25, 2017)
- 3364-20-05 Shuttle bus operations (rescinded August 31, 2020)
Faculty and Staff:
- 03-011 Faculty Consulting - HSC (superseded by 3364-72-50)
- 07-004 Cell Phone Contract - HSC (superseded by 3364-40-07)
- 01-060 Internal Audit Charter - HSC (superseded by Internal Audit Charter)
- V-5-1 External and Internal Audits - MC (superseded by Internal Audit Charter)
- V-2-1 Budget Policy - MC (superseded by 3364-40-01)
- 01-007 Institutional dues and memberships (superseded by 3364-40-04)
- 01-015 Travel and Business Expense Reimbursement (superseded by 3364-40-03)
- 3360-40-20 Policy on Travel (superseded by 3364-40-03)
- V-5-5 Payroll - MC (superseded by 3364-40-09, 3364-40-13, 3364-40-14)
- 01-076 Payroll deduction - HSC (superseded by 3364-40-10)
- 01-077 Payroll deduction for community organizations - HSC (superseded by 3364-40-10)
- 01-009 Disclosure of payroll information - HSC (superseded by 3364-40-11)
- 01-035 Time cards and compensation for hours worked - HSC (superseded by 3364-40-12)
- 05-025 Pay day - HSC (superseded by 3364-40-13, 3364-40-14)
- V-7-6 Pay Periods - MC (superseded by 3364-40-13, 3364-40-14)
- 07-005 Procurement card policy (superseded by 3364-40-16)
- 3364-41-01 Internal Payment Request Authorization (Requisition limits for non-capital
purchases) (superseded by 3364-40-15)
- V-4-4 Purchasing Policies (superseded by 3364-40-15)
- V-4-5 Unauthorized Purchases (superseded by 3364-40-15)
- 03-009 Authorizing Signatures for Financial Affairs-HSC (superceded by 3364-40-08)
- 07-001 Purchase and Payment Request Authorization - HSC (superseded by 3364-40-08)
- V-5-2 Expenditure Authorization - MC (superseded by 3364-40-08)
- V-2-2 Budget Authority (rescinded effective April 1, 2011)
- V-4-1 Mail Services – General (rescinded effective April 1, 2011)
- V-5-3 Financial Reporting (rescinded effective April 1, 2011)
- 07-003 Supply Return Policy (rescinded effective April 1, 2011)
- 07-002 Supply and logistics management operations (rescinded effective April 1, 2011)
- 01-085 Compliance with unresolved findings for recovery (rescinded effective April
1, 2011)
- V-5-7 Finance-controller; restricted funds-MC (superseded by 3364-40-17)
- V-4-2 Fixed Assets-Property Control-MC (superseded by 3364-40-18)
- 05-039 Sol Doyk Memorial Fund-HSC (rescinded effective May 31, 2011)
- V-5-9 Student Fees and Accounts (superseded by 3364-40-19)
- V-5-6 Receipt of Cash-MC (superseded by 3364-40-22)
- V-5-8 Revolving Funds - Petty Cash and Change Funds_MC (superseded by 3364-40-21)
- 3364-40-02 Budget amendment policy (superseded by 3364-40-01)
- 3364-40-07 Wireless communication business expenses (rescinded effective June 16,
- 3364-40-10 Employee deductions (superseded by 3364-40-09)
- 3364-40-11 Disclosure of payroll information (superseded by 3364-40-09)
- 3364-40-12 Employee time recording (superseded by 3364-40-09)
- 3364-40-13 Pay periods and pay days – salary employees (superseded by 3364-40-09)
- 3364-40-14 Pay periods and pay days – hourly employees (superseded by 3364-40-09)
- 3364-40-26 University printing services (rescinded effective January 24, 2022)
General Administration:
- 3360-5-01 Sponsoring and overseeing start-up community schools - MC (superseded by
- VII-Governmental relations - MC (superseded by 3364-5-02)
- 01-071 Use of state property - HSC (rescinded August 1, 2008)
- 3360-10-01 Succession of administrative responsibility - MC (superseded by 3364-5-01)
- 01-37 Records Management and Retention - HSC (superseded by 3364-5-05)
- 3360-15-03 Policy on records management - MC (superseded by 3364-5-05)
- 01-074 Flag Presentation HSC (superseded by 3364-5-08)
- 01-029 Employee Health Services - HSC (superseded by 3364-5-11)
- 01-032 Employee Health Services/Medical Director - HSC (superseded by 3364-5-12)
- V-1-2 Complimentary Admission to University Events - MC (rescinded May 31, 2011)
- 01-025 Scheduling, Events and Rooms - HSC (superseded by 3364-5-10)
- V-6-2 Use of University Facilities - MC (superseded by 3364-5-10)
- 3364-45-03 University printing services (superseded by 3364-40-26)
- 3364-5-06 University sustainability policy (superseded by 3364-20-07)
Human Resources:
- 05-058 Inclement weather/weather emergencies (superseded by 3364-25-14)
- 01-027 Standards of conduct (superseded by 3364-25-01)
- 05-089 Position Review Committee (superseded by 3364-25-03)
- 05-012 Access to Personnel Files - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-04)
- 05-014 Personnel Records Maintenance - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-04)
- 05-080 Employee mailing address and phone number - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-04)
- V-7-9 Employee record keeping - MC (superseded by 3364-25-04)
- 05-002 Orientation (New Employee) - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-07)
- 05-076 Licensure verification - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-09)
- 05-041 Unemployment Compensation - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-10)
- 05-026 Daylight savings time - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-15)
- 05-068 Limited contract appointment status - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-16)
- 05-059 Pre-employment drug testing - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-17)
- 05-079 Authorized employee break areas - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-12)
- 05-036 Early learning center (day care) - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-21)
- 05-034 Blood Bank - HSC (rescinded July 28, 2008)
- 05-087 Dress code guidelines - HSC (rescinded November 18, 2008)
- 05-47 Office of Equal Opportunity/Grievance Procedure - HSC (superseded by 3364-50-01)
- 05-063 Light duty and transitional return to work (superseded by 3364-25-33)
- 05-28 Holiday/Holiday Pay - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-05)
- V-7-11 University Holidays - MC (superseded by 3364-25-05)
- 05-029 Jury and Witness Duty - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-08)
- V-7-17 Nepotism - MC (superseded by 3364-25-18)
- 05-064 Nepotism - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-18)
- 05-072 Family and Medical Leave Act - HSC (superseded by3364-25-30)
- 05-051 Voluntary Reduction in Hours – Full Contract, Grandfathered Limited Contract
and Salaried Staff - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-32)
- 06-030 Flexible Spending Account Plan - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-37)
- V-7-3 Personnel: Group Insurance - MC (superseded by 3364-25-38)
- 06-001 Dental Insurance Plan - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-38)
- 06-002 Disability Plan for Contract and Salaried Employees (LongTerm) - HSC (superseded
by 3364-25-38)
- 06-003 Health Insurance Plans - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-38)
- 06-006 Life Insurance Plan – Contract Employees - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-38)
- 06-007 Life Insurance Plan – Executive Staff - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-38)
- 06-008 Life Insurance Plan – Non-contract classified, unclassified, grant funded,
and resident physician employees - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-38)
- 06-009 Life Insurance Plan – Salaried Group Employees - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-38)
- 06-010 Dependents Life Insurance Coverage - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-38)
- 06-012 Optical Plan - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-38)
- 06-013 Prescription Drug Plan - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-38)
- 06-017 Travel Accident Insurance - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-38)
- 06-023 COBRA - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-39)
- 06-025 Tax Sheltered Annuities - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-42)
- 05-008 Seniority - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-43)
- 01-43 Organization - HSC (rescinded May 28, 2009)
- 06-29 Alternative Retirement Plan (rescinded May 28, 2009)
- 5-073 Red Cross Disaster Relief-Volunteer Release Program (rescinded May 28, 2009)
- V-7-5 Collective Bargaining (superseded by 3364-25-34)
- I-2-8 Conflicts With Collective Bargaining Agreements (superseded by 3364-25-34)
- 06-19 Vacation Allowances/Non-Contract Employees - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-36)
- 06-18 Vacation Allowances/Contract Employees - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-36)
- 06-27 Vacation Allowances/Salaried Employees - HSC (superseded 3364-25-36)
- V-7-23 Vacation Leave - MC (superseded by 3364-25-36)
- 05-078 Temporary Furlough Due to Disasters (rescinded September 4, 2009)
- 05-027 Emergency Staffing (rescinded September 4, 2009)
- 05-082 Participation of an MCO Employee as a Research Study Subject (rescinded September
4, 2009)
- 06-011 Household moving policy for new contract employees - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-19)
- V-7-16 Staff Moving Expenses - MC (superseded by 3364-25-19)
- 05-083 Payment for services provided in referring patients for clinical research supported
by grants - HSC (rescinded December 1, 2009)
- 05-038 UT-MCO Federal Credit Union (rescinded March 11, 2010)
- 05-006 Internal Bidding Program (rescinded March 11, 2010)
- 05-058 Independent Contractor Status - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-44)
- V-7-7 Personnel: Payment of Fees - MC (superseded by 3364-25-35)
- 05-048 Bulletin Boards (rescinded October 1, 2010
- 05-054 Employee Assistance Program (HSC) (superseded by 3364-25-20)
- V-7-18 Personnel: Work Schedules (superseded by 3364-25-13)
- 05-016 Work Schedule (superseded by 3364-25-13)
- 05-015 Hours of Work and Work Week Non-Contract Employees (superseded by 3364-25-13)
- 05-019 Lunch Period (superseded by 3364-25-13)
- 05-018 Rest Period (superseded by 3364-25-13)
- 05-004 Performance Evaluation-Nonfaculty, non management_HSC (superseded by 3364-25-45)
- V-7-20 Personnel Employee Performance - MC (superseded by 3364-25-46)
- 06-021 Retired Contract Employee Benefits (superseded by 3364-25-27)
- 06-020 Retirement (age and service) Requirements and Benefits (superseded by 3364-25-27)
- V-7-22 Personnel: Retirement Program (superseded by 3364-25-27)
- V-7-10 Personnel Complain Resolution - MC (superseded by 3364-25-41)
- 05-053 Problem Resolution Procedure Non-Faculty and Non-Bargaining Unit-HSC (superseded
by 3364-25-41)
- 01-079 Consensual relations (superseded by 3364-50-01)
- 05-071 Transfer of Sick Leave-Contract and Non-Contract Employees - HSC (superseded
by 3364-25-24)
- 05-074 Administrative Leave (with pay) - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-25)
- V-7-13 Personnel Leave of Absence - MC (superseded by 3364-25-26)
- 05-022 Call-Back Pay and Administrative Leave - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-28)
- 05-023 On-Call Pay - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-40)
- 05-035 Work Related Illness or Injury - HSC (rescinded May 31, 2011)
- 05-067 Resignations - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-48)
- V-7-2 Personal Terminations - MC (superseded by 3364-25-48)
- 05-011 Exit Interview - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-48)
- V-7-19 Personnel Outside Employment - MC (superseded by 3364-25-49)
- V-7-12 Staff Honoraria - MC (superseded by 3364-25-50)
- V-1-1 Conflict of Interest - MC (superseded by 3364-25-50)
- 05-033 Personal days - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-52)
- 05-075 Management Position Description/Performance Plan & Appraisal - HSC (rescinded
July 12, 2011)
- 05-088 Incentive Payments, Productivity Bonus and Supplemental Compensation - HSC
(rescinded July 12, 2011)
- 01-014 Solicitation and Distribution - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-51)
- 05-056 Compensatory Time Accrual and Use - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-56)
- 05-060 Automatic pay position guidelines - HSC (superseded by3364-25-58)
- V-7-8 Personnel Employee Conduct and Disciplinary Actions - MC (superseded by 3364-25-54)
- 05-021 Overtime - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-101)
- 05-069 Salaried Employment Status - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-102)
- 06-016 Surviving spouse benefits-contract employees - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-103)
- V-6-12 Public Safety Drug & Alcohol Testing - MC (superseded by 3364-25-104)
- 01-044 Drug & Alcohol Abuse - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-105)
- 05-066 Drug and Alcohol Testing - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-106)
- 05-081 MCO Employees Working on a Grant for Supplemental Compensation - HSC(superseded
by 3364-25-107)
- 05-084 Retroactive Payment for Services on Grants - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-108)
- 05-085 Residents Working on a Grant/Contract - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-109)
- 05-003 Probationary Period - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-110)
- 05-042 Corrective Action; Non-Bargaining Unit Employees - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-111)
- 05-024 Working Out of Classification - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-112)
- 05-001 Hiring Procedures - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-113)
- 05-005 Wage Increases-Non-Contract Employees - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-114)
- 05-077 Unclassified Positions - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-115)
- 05-013 Employment Eligibility Verification - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-116)
- 05-007 Reclassifications and Audits - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-117)
- V-7-21 Personnel Recruitment of Personnel - MC (superseded by 3364-25-118)
- V-7-1 Personnel-Personnel Actions - MC (superseded by 3364-25-119)
- V-7-4 Classification and Pay - MC (superseded by 3364-25-120)
- 01-052 Absenteeism/Tardiness Guidelines - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-55)
- 05-020 Absence from Premises/Non-Contract Employees - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-121)
- 05-043 Attendance - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-122)
- 05-061 Leaves of Absence (other than FMLA) and Sick Leave Accrual - HSC (superseded
by 3364-25-123)
- 05-070 Position Authorization Form - HSC (superseded by 3364-25-124)
- V-7-14 Personnel Sick Leave - MC (superseded by 3364-25-125)
- V-7-15 Personnel Reporting of Absences - MC (superseded by 3364-25-126)
- 3364-25-03 Position review committee (rescinded July 25, 2012)
- 3364-25-102 Salaried employment status (rescinded effective July 25, 2012)
- 3364-25-124 Position Authorization Form-HSC (rescinded effective July 25, 2012)
- 3364-25-115 Unclassified positions (superseded by 3364-25-59)
- 3364-25-120 Classification and pay (superseded by 3364-25-29)
- 3364-25-16 Limited contract appointment status (grandfathered) (rescinded July 16,
- 3364-25-23 Toledo industrial recreation employees' service (T.I.R.E.S.) (rescinded
July 16, 2013)
- 3364-25-58 Automatic pay position guidelines (rescinded July 16, 2013)
- 3364-25-54 Employee conduct and disciplinary actions (rescinded April 2, 2014)
- 3364-25-61 Re-employment of Retirees (rescinded April 4, 2014)
- 3364-25-12 Authorized employee break areas (rescinded November 22, 2016)
- 3364-25-15 Daylight savings time (rescinded November 22, 2016)
- 3364-25-107 Employees working on a grant for supplemental compensation (rescinded
November 22, 2016)
- 3364-25-108 Retroactive payment for services on grants (rescinded November 22, 2016)
- 3364-25-109 Residents working on a grant/contract (rescinded November 22, 2016)
- 3364-25-121 Absence from premises non contract employees - HSC (rescinded November
22, 2016)
- 3364-25-118 Recruitment of personnel (rescinded February 21, 2017)
- 3364-25-33 Light duty transitional return (rescinded March 17, 2017)
- 3364-25-103 Surviving spouse benefits contract employees (rescinded March 17, 2017)
- 3364-25-21 Early learning center (day care) (rescinded September 25, 2017)
- 3364-25-26 Leave of absence without pay (rescinded September 25, 2017)
- 3364-25-106 Drug and alcohol testing - HSC (rescinded September 25, 2017)
- 3364-25-122 Attendance and absence from premises - HSC (rescinded September 25, 2017)
- 3364-25-125 Sick Leave (superseded by 3364-25-123)
- 3364-25-50 Conflict of Interest (superseded by 3364-25-18)
- 3364-25-11 Student employment (superseded by 3364-30-23)
- 3364-25-117 Reclassifications and audits (rescinded May 27, 2022)
- 3364-25-10 Unemployment compensation (rescinded June 27, 2022)
- 3364-25-39 COBRA (rescinded June 27, 2022)
- 3364-25-116 Employment eligibility verification (rescinded December 21, 2022)
3364-25-119 Personnel actions (rescinded April 5, 2024)
Information Technology:
- 024 Backup policy - HSC (superseded by 3364-65-04)
- III-4-1 Responsible Use of Information Technology - MC (superseded by 3364-65-05)
- 01-072 Responsible Use of Information Technology Resources (superseded by 3364-65-05)
- 021, Password Management - HSC (superseded by 3364-65-07)
- 3360-70-04 Password Policy - MC (superseded by 3364-65-07)
- 010 Information systems - HSC (rescinded November 18, 2008)
- 019 Equipment repair - HSC (rescinded November 18, 2008)
- 3360-70-06 Systems development and implementation - MC (rescinded November 18, 2008)
- 01-70 Electronic Mail Services Policy - HSC (superseded by 3364-65-01)
- 3360-70-03 E-mail use - MC (superseded by 3364-65-01)
- III-4-5 Student Telephone Usage Policy - MC (superseded by 3364-65-08)
- III-4-8 Telecommunications - MC (superseded by 3364-65-09)
- 004 Computer Room Wiring Closet Security - HSC (superseded by 3364-65-10)
- 022 Workstation Policy - HSC (superseded by 3364-65-12)
- 3360-70-05 Supported Hardware and Software Policy (superseded by 3364-65-12)
- 3360-70-07 Network Services - MC (superseded by 3364-65-09)
- 3364-65-08 Student telephone usage (rescinded October 14, 2010)
- III-4-2 Home Pages - MC (rescinded effective April 29, 2011)
- 3364-65-01 Electronic mail services policy (superseded by 3364-65-07 effective January
12, 2017)
- 3364-65-04 Information technology disaster recovery and back-up policy (superseded
by 3364-65-09 effective January 12, 2017)
- 3364-65-05 Responsible use policy (superseded by 3364-65-01 effective January 12,
- 3364-65-06 Disposal servicing and transfer of IT equipment (superseded by 3364-65-05
effective January 12, 2017)
- 3364-65-07 Password security policy (superseded by 3364-65-04 effective November 19,
- 3364-65-09 Network and telecommunications (superseded by 3364-65-08 effective January
12, 2017)
- 3364-65-10 Data center/data closet access (superseded by 3364-65-03 effective November
19, 2018)
- 3364-65-11 Remote access security (superseded by 3364-65-04 effective November 19,
- 3364-65-12 Workstation policy (superseded by 3364-65-06 effective January 12, 2017)
- 3364-65-13 Information security framework (superseded by 3364-65-02 effective November
19, 2018)
- 3364-65-14 Boundary security (superseded by 3364-65-04 effective November 19, 2018)
- 3364-65-15 Malicious code security (superseded by 3364-65-06 effective January 12,
- 3364-65-16 Computer incident response (superseded by 3364-65-10 effective January
12, 2017)
- 3364-65-17 Computer Purchases (superseded by 3364-65-05 effective January 12, 2017)
- 3364-65-18 Server Policy (superseded by 3364-65-05 effective January 12, 2017)
- 3364-65-19 HIPAA IT Policy (superseded by 3364-65-02 effective November 19, 2018)
Institutional Advancements:
- 3360-80-01 Naming policy - MC (superseded by 3364-55-01)
- 01-051 Building names - HSC (superseded by 3364-55-01)
- 01-47 Private sector funding - HSC (superseded by 3364-55-02 and 3364-55-04)
- VI-2-1 University policy relating to gifts - MC (superseded by 3364-55-02 and 3364-55-04)
- VI-2-2 The endowment fund - MC (superseded by 3364-55-03)
- 01-84 Community charitable drive of the Medical College of Ohio (superseded by 3364-55-04)
- 01-85 VI-1 Alumni relations (superseded by 3364-55-05)
- 3364-55-03 The Levis House endowed fund (rescinded April 29, 2011)
Institutional Diversity:
- 01-001 Equal employment opportunity/affirmative action - HSC (superseded by 3364-50-02)
- V-7 Unlawful harassment policy - MC (superseded by 3364-50-01) and 01-075 Harassment
- HSC (superseded by 3364-50-01)
- 01-061 Nondiscrimination on the basis of disability-Americans with Disabilities Act
Compliance - HSC (superseded by 3364-50-03)
Legal Affairs:
Marketing and Communications:
- 01-019 Media relations - HSC (superseded by 3364-45-01)
- VII-2-4 Use of university name and symbols - HSC (superseded by 3364-45-02)
- V-4-3 University printing services - MC (superseded by 3364-45-03)
- 01-024 Document Reproduction - HSC (superseded by 3364-45-03)
- VII-2-1 Banners, poster, and signs - MC (superseded by 3364-45-04)
- 01-11 Use of seal and logo - HSC (superseded by 3364-45-05)
- VII-2-2 Publications - MC (superseded by 3364-45-06)
- VII-2-3 Solicitation and advertising - MC (superseded by 3364-45-07)
- 01-064 Release of information to news media (rescinded July 28, 2008)
- 3364-45-07 Solicitation and advertising (superseded by 3364-25-51)
- 3364-45-03 University printing services (superseded by 3364-40-26)
- 3364-45-05 Proper use and reproduction of university and UTMC logos, seals, and associated
marks (superseded by 3364-45-02)
- V-6-15 Concealed/dangerous weapons on campus - MC (superseded by 3364-61-03)
- 01-083 Workplace weapons - HSC (superseded by 3364-61-03)
- V-6-1 Access to and security of land and premises (superseded by 3364-61-08)
- 05-049 Identification Cards - HSC (superseded by 3364-61-04)
- 01-022 Motor vehicle, traffic and parking rules - HSC (superseded by 3364-61-01)
- V-6-10 Parking - MC (superseded by 3364-61-01)
- V-6-7 University Safety and Health - MC (superseded by 3364-60-02 and 3364-60-03)
- 01-036 Crime prevention program - HSC (superseded by 3364-61-06)
- V-6-3 Authority of university law enforcement officer - MC (superseded by 3364-61-07)
- 01-012 Scope and authority of MCO police department - HSC (superseded by 3364-61-07)
- 01-039 Reporting of crime to the MCO police department - HSC (superseded by 3364-61-07)
- I-2-7 Sexual predator/offender notification - HSC (superseded by 3364-61-09)
- 01-45 Sexual Assault response/Prevention - HSC (superseded by 3364-61-02)
- IV-23/3360-30-23 University policy on sexual assault - MC (superseded by 3364-61-02)
- 01-020 Keys - HSC (superseded by 3364-61-11)
- V-8-2 University Key Control Rules and Regulations - MC (superseded by 3364-61-11)
- V-6-11 Public Safety-Use of Non-Motorized Equipment (superseded by 3364-61-12)
- The policy number for 3364-61-04 Identification Badges was changed to 3664-40-23 to
reflect the change in responsible agent from the Chief of Policy to Director, Auxiliary
- 3364-61-05 Forensic photography (superseded by 3364-100-90-14 Photographing-videotaping,
filming, video recording)
- 3364-61-02 Sexual assault response/prevention (superseded by 3364-50-01 The University
of Toledo's Title IX policy)
- 3364-61-11 Key Control (superseded by 3364-20-09 on July 16, 2019)
- 3364-61-01 Vehicles, traffic and parking (superseded by 3364-61-12)
- 3364-61-09 Sexual offender notification (rescinded August 9, 2024)
Safety and Health:
- 01-006 Smoking - HSC (superseded by 3364-60-01)
- V-8-3 University Smoking Regulations - MC (superseded by 3364-60-01)
- V-6-6 On the job accidents - MC (superseded by 3364-60-02 and 3364-60-03)
- V-6-7 University Safety and Health - MC (superseded by 3364-60-02 and 3364-60-03)
- V-6-5 Operational contingency and continuity planning - MC (superseded by 3364-60-04)
- V-6-4 Emergency closure of the university - MC (superseded by 3364-60-04)
- V-6-8 Disposal of hazardous waste - MC (superseded by 3364-60-05)
- V-6-13 Violence in the workplace - MC (superseded by 3364-60-07)
- 01-078 Safety and health occupancy reviews - HSC (superseded by 3364-60-08)
Student Life:
- 3360-30-21 Residence hall policy - MC (superseded by 3364-30-21)
- 3360-30-10 Administrative grievance procedure - MC (rescinded April 29, 2011)
- 3360-30-15 Health Insurance Mandate - MC (superseded by 3364-30-05)
- 3360-30-16 Policy for amplified sound on campus - MC (superseded by 3364-30-08)
- 3360-30-11 Policy on alcoholic beverages and appendix A - MC (superseded by 3364-30-02)
- 3360-30-12 Alcohol and substance abuse and appendix A and B - MC (superseded by 3364-30-09)
- 01-062 Alcohol Policy - HSC (superseded by 3364-30-02)
- 3360-30-04 Fees (superseded by 3364-40-19)
- 3360-30-02 Policy on confidentiality of student records - MC (superseded by 3364-71-15)
- IV-14 Health service - MC (superseded by 3364-71-16)
- 3360-30-05 The student conduct and discipline system - MC (superseded by 3364-30-04)
- 3360-30-01 Joint statement on rights and freedoms of students - MC (superseded by
- 3360-30-07 Student grievance council - MC (superseded by 3364-71-05)
- IV-08 Academic Grievance Procedure - MC (superseded by 3364-71-05)
- IV-3 Policy on Satisfactory Academic Progress for Recipients of Federal Financial
Aid - MC (superseded by 3364-30-52)
- 3360-30-17 Social events policy - MC (superseded by 3364-30-16)
- IV-09 Grade Appeal Procedure For Graduate Students - MC (superseded by 3364-30-11)
- 3360-30-22 Policy on space utilization for the Student Union and Student Center -
MC (superseded by 3364-30-01)
- 3360-30-20 Policy on hazing - MC (superseded by 3364-30-20)
- 3360-30-13 Student organizations - MC (superseded by 3364-30-12)
- 3360-30-18 Policy on student sponsored major events - MC (superseded by 3364-30-13)
- 3360-30-19 Policy on outside speakers sponsored by students - MC (superseded by 3364-30-14)
- 3364-30-11 Grade appeal procedure for graduate students (superseded by 3364-77-01)
- 3364-30-50 Pell summer packaging (rescinded July 25, 2012)
- 3364-30-13 Policy on student-sponsored major events (superseded by 3364-30-06)
- 3364-30-14 Policy on outside speakers sponsored by students (superseded by 3364-30-06)
- 3364-30-09 Alcohol and Substance Abuse (superseded by 3364-30-02)
- 3364-30-21 Eligibility for residence halls (rescinded January 27, 2020)
- 3364-30-52 Policy on satisfactory academic progress for recipients of federal financial
aid (rescinded March 16, 2020)
- 3364-30-05 Student health insurance (superseded by 3364-40-27)
University Faculty:
- II-5 Honorary Degrees - MC (superseded by 3364-72-04)
- I-2-12 3360-20-15 Missed class policy - MC (superseded by 3364-71-14)
- I-2-10 Financial Exigency Plan - Principles And Procedures - MC (rescinded August
16, 2011: obsolete)
- II-2-3 Salary Determination - MC (rescinded August 19, 2011: obsolete)
- II-3 Department Chairpersons - MC (superseded by 3364-72-05)
- 05-086 Post Tenure Review - HSC (superseded by 3364-72-52)
- II-2-6 Superannuates - MC (superseded by 3364-72-06)
- II-2-5 Personnel Benefits - MC (rescinded December 2, 2011)
- II-1 University Faculty and Instructional Staff - MC (superseded by 3364-72-01)
- II-2 Appointments and Tenure - MC (superseded by 3364-72-76)
- II-2-1 Academic Rank (superseded by 3364-72-77)
- II-2-2 Evaluation - MC (superseded by 3364-72-78)
- II-2-4 Faculty Leaves - MC (superseded by 3364-72-02)
- III-2-5 Non-Tenure Track Research Faculty - MC (superseded by 3364-72-80)
- 3364-72-01 University faculty and instruction staff (rescinded June 11, 2012 - obsolete)
- 3364-72-02 Faculty leaves (rescinded June 11, 2012 – obsolete)
- 3364-72-76 Appointments and tenure (rescinded June 11, 2012 – obsolete)
- 3364-72-77 Academic rank (rescinded June 11, 2012 – obsolete)
- 3364-72-78 Evaluation (rescinded June 11, 2012 – obsolete)
- 3364-72-80 Non-tenure track research faculty (rescinded June 11, 2012 – obsolete)
- 05-057 Faculty Grievance and Appeals - HSC (superseded by 3364-72-51)
- II-2-7 Emeriti - MC (superseded by 3364-72-08)
- II-4 Grievance Procedures - MC (superseded by 3364-72-07)
- 3364-72-06 Faculty returning after retirement (superseded by 3364-25-61)
UT Medical Center:
- 7-10-01 General Consent/conditions for treatment (superseded by 3364-100-10-1)
- 7-10-04 Informed consent for minors (superseded by 3364-100-10-1)
- 7-10-06 Situations where informed consent cannot be obtained from patient (superseded
by 3364-100-10-1)
- 7-10-11 Informed consent (superseded by 3364-100-10-1)
- 3364-5-11 Employee health services (rescinded August 1, 2016)
- 3364-5-12 Employee health services/medical director (rescinded August 1, 2016)
- 3364-101-03-08 Protecting the Privacy of Patients During a Medical Examination (superseded
by 3364-100-01-22)
- 3364-87-02 Medical Records, H&P's, Inpatient, Observation and Outpatient Procedures
(superseded by 3364-87-42)
- 3364-100-70-11 Use of abbreviations in the medical record (superseded by 3364-87-42)
- 3364-110-04-03 Medical orders (superseded by 3364-87-42)
- 3364-100-53-16 Verbal orders including telephone orders (superseded by 3364-87-42)
- 3364-100-53-18 Handwritten entries in the medical record, and electronic signatures
on transcribed reports (superseded by 3364-87-42)
- 3364-100-90-20 Use of Electronic Messaging Containing Protected Health Information
(information included in 3364-87-42)
- 3364-87-28 General Consent (superseded by 3364-100-10-01)
- 3364-87-41 Credentialing LIPs in the Event of a Disaster (superseded by updated medical
staff by-laws)
- 3354-87-34 Child Birth in the Emergency Department (superseded by 3364-100-53-20)
- 3364-105-026 Retrieval and Copying Chart for Autopsy (rescinded as this is a department
workflow, not policy)
- 3364-100-53-05 Universal protocol policy – comprehensive surgical checklist (superseded
by 3364-100-53-27)
- 3364-87-18 Operative services committee (superseded by 3364-100-53-27)
- 3364-87-39 Scheduling of operating rooms (superseded by 3364-100-53-27)
- 3364-87-40 Surgical provider operating room responsibilities (superseded by 3364-100-53-27)
- 3364-124-09 Block scheduling (superseded by 3364-100-53-27)
- 3364-135-89 Administration of Radiopharmaceuticals – QMP Required (superseded by 3364-135-90,
3364-135-91, 3364-135-92)
- 3364-103-VS-04 Program Enrollment (Superseded by 3364-103-VS-20)
- 3364-103-VS-05 Safety and Health Training (Superseded by 3364-103-VS-20)
- 3364-103-VS-10 Identification and Dress Code (Superseded by 3364-103-VS-20)
- 3364-134-36 Ordering Radioactive Isotopes Blanket Order
- 3364-134-49 Radiation Safety Precautions for Radioactive Patients on 4AB During Medical
- 3364-134-90 Strontium 89/Samarium 153
- 3364-134-91 I-131
- 3364-134-93 Instructions for Post Seed Studies
- 3364-100-05-06 Physician/Non-Staff Caregiver Table Maintenance
- 3364-160-SD-152 Admission Criteria for Pain Rehabilitation Program (rescinded 12/02/2022)
- 3364-100-50-35 Impounded Paper Medical Charts (rescinded: no paper charts with Epic)
- 3364-105-204 Online Medical Record Deficiency Analysis (rescinded: record analysis
is HIM required functionality)
- 3364-135-039 Emergency department preliminary reports (rescinded: 09/2023)
- 3364-109-EH-605 COVID-19 Vaccination and exemption (rescinded January 5, 2024)
- 3364-100-60-15 Patient financial support for ambulatory, outpatient care, scheduled
surgical procedures and diagnostic testing (rescinded 3/20/24)