Standard Operating Procedures
Listed below are the standard operating procedures for biosafety in research at UToledo.
- FAC Use within the Flow Cytometry Core Facility | New: 10/21/2020
- Guidance on Biosafety Level Assignment for Adeno-Associated VIrus (AAV) | New: 04/07/2021
- Histology Core Facility | New: 04/21/2021
- IncuCyte S3 Live-cell Analysis System Use | New: 10/21/2020
- Lentivirus Guideline | New: 02/09/2022
- Rodent in Vivo Bioluminescence Imaging | New: 10/21/2020
- TCS SP5 Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope | New: 10/21/2020
- Sample IBC Protocol Form | Posted: 10/21/2020