Research and Sponsored Programs

Information about infoed at Utoledo

InfoEd Login:
Problems logging in for the first time? Contact us at with name, rocket number, and login name, and we'll create the profile in InfoEd.

Help Guides - Orientation
InfoEd Login & Portal Navigation (PDF)
Locating a Record in InfoEd (PDF)

Help Guides - COI
Submitting Conflict of Interest Disclosures & Requesting a New COI Entity (PDF)
How to Download your Disclosure from InfoEd (PDF)

Help Guides - Proposal
Proposal Screens (01) - Create & Setup Questions (PDF)
Proposal Screens (02) - Intake/Endorsement eForm (PDF)
Proposal Screens (03) - Personnel (coming soon)
Proposal Screens (04) - Attachments & Routing (PDF)
Proposal Screens (05) - Finalize (coming soon)

Help Guides - Budget
Budget Tool (00) - Orientation & Budget Summary
Budget Tool (01A) - Named Personnel
Budget Tool (01B) - Unnamed Personnel
Budget Tool (02) - Non Personnel Budget Items
Budget Tool (03) - Subawards (coming soon)
Budget Tool (04) - F&A (coming soon)
Budget Tool (05) - Cost Share (coming soon)
Budget Tool (06) - Justifications (coming soon)
Budget Tool (07) - Modular Budgets (coming soon)

Help Guides - Endorsement
Reviewer Dashboard & Proposal Endorsement Process (PDF)
Selecting a Delegate & Assigning Permissions (PDF)

Help Guides - URFO
How to Submit Your URFO Letter of Intent (PDF)
How to Create Your URFO Proposal (Major and Minor Programs) (PDF)

Training Videos
RSP Webinar: How to Submit Your URFO LOI in InfoEd (Youtube video on RSP channel, 42')
RSP Webinar: How to Submit Your Conflict of Interest Disclosures (Youtube video on RSP channel, 43')
RSP Webinar: Endorsement, Reviewer Dashboard and Review Delegation (Youtube video on RSP channel, 55')
RSP Webinar: Orientation to InfoEd Proposal and Budget, V1 (Youtube video on RSP channel, 58')
RSP Webinar: Orientation to InfoEd Proposal and Budget, V2 (Youtube video on RSP channel)
RSP Webinar: Budget 201 (Youtube video on RSP channel)

What is InfoEd?

InfoEd is an electronic research management system that allows you to:

  • develop research proposals for federal and non-federal funding opportunities
  • submit proposals to online sponsor systems without duplicating efforts
  • complete and manage your financial conflicts of interest

InfoEd also provides a more streamlined process for proposal tracking to assist with more efficient completion of proposals. In Phase II, beginning in FY25, UToledo will implement InfoEd’s post-award management system, resulting in faster account setup.

What is the timeline for implementation?

As of January 23, 2024 all proposal records must be started using InfoEd. Complete the Create Screen and Setup Questions screen at least 10 business days prior to proposal submission deadline for proposals without subrecipients, and at least 15 business days prior to the submission deadline for proposals with subrecipients.

COI Disclosures: Beginning October 2, all COI disclosures must be made through InfoEd - even when valid COI disclosures exist in the previous system.  Legacy data from the site will not be available!  COI disclosures should be submitted in InfoEd no later than December 1 in order to ensure timely processing prior to 2024 deadlines.

URFO Proposal Submissions:  Contact the InfoEd Support Team,, for assistance with URFO submissions through InfoEd. Contact Eva English,, for URFO programmatic questions. 

What training and support is available?

Recorded webinars are available above.

If you have a proposal due soon and need assistance, we encourage you to make an individual appointment. Contact or call Rick Francis at 419-530-2936.

Thurs. 2/8/2024, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm, RSP Webinar: COI Disclosure and Entity Request, Meeting Link:

Tues. 2/13/2024, 10 am - 11:30 am, RSP Webinar: InfoEd Proposal/Budget Overview, Meeting Link:

Thurs. 2/15/2024, 9:30 am - 10:30 am, RSP Webinar: InfoEd Endorsement & Delegation, Meeting Link:

Thurs. 2/22/2024, 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm, RSP Webinar: InfoEd Budget 201, Meeting Link:

Tues., 3/5/2024, 3 pm - 4:30 pm, RSP Webinar: InfoEd Proposal/Budget Overview, Meeting Link:

Thurs., 3/7/2024, 10 am - 11:30 am, RSP Webinar: InfoEd Budget 201, Meeting Link:

Thurs., 3/14/2024, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm, RSP Webinar: InfoEd Endorsement & Delegation, Meeting Link:

Tues., 3/19/2024, 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm, RSP Webinar: InfoEd COI Disclosure & Entity Request, Meeting Link:

How will InfoEd work with my IRB, IACUC, and IBC protocols?

InfoEd receives updated protocol information nightly from OneAegis (a.k.a. IRB Manager). Proposal-protocol associations can be made by investigators and staff in InfoEd on the proposal record. That association displays changes to the protocol, including personnel changes and status updates, within the InfoEd proposal record. Assistance will be available!

What changes for me, the researcher?

Researchers currently complete a proposal intake form, an endorsement form, an excel budget form for internal use, and documents to meet the sponsor proposal requirements -- and typically this information must be replicated in online sponsor forms. 

In InfoEd a researcher will accomplish all of these functions one time directly in the InfoEd record, with the endorsment process accomplished through InfoEd routing.  For federal submissions, most will be sent directly from the InfoEd record to with system-to-system (S2S) submission.

How was InfoEd chosen by UToledo?

UToledo undertook a selection and procurement project to address critical needs in research administration software. These included:

  • development, endorsement, and submission of external grant proposals
  • award tracking and post-award management of sponsored projects
  • disclosures of financial conflicts of interest (COI)

Key stakeholders from IT, RSP, compliance areas, and the researcher community evaluated responses to a nationwide Request for Proposals. They attended live demonstrations of competing products, compiled evaluations, and chose InfoEd for its flexibility across multiple modules. InfoEd is also compatible with OneAegis (formerly known as IRB Manager), currently used to manage protocol submission and review. 

Related links: Maintenance Calendar

Questions?  Email the InfoEd Support Team at or call Rick Francis at 419-530-2936.

Last Updated: 8/16/24