Counseling Center

Coping with Emotions


  1. Activities: Find something you enjoy doing. It can be anything from hiking to watching TV to going shopping.
  2. Contributing: Find something nice to do for someone.
  3. Sensations: Pay  attention to your surroundings using all five senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch).
  4. Relaxation: Get a massage, take a bath, or find something else that helps you reduce physical tension.
  5. Distractions: Find something to take your attention for 10 minutes, with a plan to return to the problem.
  6. Deep Breathing: Take 10 slow, deep, breaths. Count to 4 on the in and out breath.
  7. Mindfulness: Practice a short mindfulness exercise. You can find them easily on YouTube or apps like mindfulness coach.
  8. Opposite Emotions: Read, watch, or listen to things that evoke the opposite emotion from what you’re experiencing.
  9. Time-Out: When overwhelmed with emotions, take a ten-minute break and come back.
Last Updated: 6/27/22