Counseling Center

Break 1: Work On Your Own

So far, we have identified symptoms of depression, discussed the CBT model for understanding depression, and completed a personal cross sectional formulation. We also focused on the importance of basic self-care in managing mood.

Take a break from this workshop and complete one cross-sectional diagram (here) using a situation you experience over the next few days or something that happens to you often. Try to complete the worksheet as soon as possible after the event. If you're unable to do so, jot down notes on your phone in order to prompt yourself to remember what happened. Feel free to do more than one if you can. It might sound overwhelming, but the more you practice, the better you will be at using this tool.   

Also, from the Sleep Hygiene and Exercise Tips (here) pick one exercise and one sleep hygiene tip that you would like to practice over the next few days. Remember that sleep and exercise are important tools for managing symptoms of depression.


Last Updated: 6/27/22