Counseling Center

About The Podcasters



Dr. Cassie Haas is a licensed clinical psychologist at the UToledo Counseling Center. She describes herself as an introvert who loves spending time with her family and pets. She also enjoys cooking, traveling, and playing video games. Cassie fully believes in living every moment in the present in order to experience a rich and meaningful life. She also believes it is important to not take ourselves too seriously and to remember to have fun. 


Leah Reed describes herself as a go-getter, people-lover, and an unapologetic enneagram type 2. She is passionate about her yoga practice, her kitty cat (Oliver Joy), and reading as much as possible. All time favorite book series is Harry Potter (where are all my Hufflepuffs at?!). Leah is a Counselor Trainee pursuing her degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling; she graduates in August 2020. Since last August, Leah has been doing her internship at UTCC and falls more in love with her counseling work every day. 


Last Updated: 6/27/22