University Counseling Center

Alcohol Quiz

See if you can answer the questions below correctly. Hint: All answers are available within our alcohol use webpages. 


  1. What is the standard serving size of liquor?

a. 2 oz
b. 1.5 oz
c. 3 oz
d. 8 oz

2. Someone with a BAC between .05 and .07 may be feeling ____________?

a. Buzzed
b. Very drunk
c. Lightheaded
D. Dazed and confused

3. __________ in the stomach will slow the absorption of alcohol into the bloodstream and delay impairment.

a. Acetaminophen
b. Acid
c. Alcohol
d. Food

4. True or False: While drunk your sleep quality is worse than when you are sober. 

5. With ___________, you feel less drunk, so you’re less able to accurately judge your ability to function.

a. Tolerance
b. Withdraw
c. Sleep
d. Mixing alcohol types

6. As a rule of thumb, the liver can process about how many standard drinks per hour?

a. 5
b. 2
c. 1
d. 3

7. Symptoms of alcohol poisoning include all of the following except: 

a. Person cannot be awakened
b. Person has fast breathing and accelerated heart rate
c. Person has cold, clammy, pale, or bluish skin
d. Person is vomiting while passed out and does not wake up

8. Identify 2 ways that you can reduce your risk associated with your alcohol use.

9. True or False: Energy drinks mask the effects of alcohol by giving you a sense of energy and the false sense that you are not that intoxicated.

10. Binge Drinking can be defined as ___ or more drinks in one 2 hour period for women and ____ or more drinks for men. 

a. 5, 4
b. 3, 4
c. 4, 5
d. 6, 7


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Last Updated: 7/15/24