Student Legal Services, Inc.

Eligibility & Limitations


Eligible Persons:

All registered UT students who have paid the Student Legal Services fee are eligible for services.
Students are automatically assessed the legal services fee when they register for classes each semester.
If students remove the fee during registration, then they are waiving their right to utilize the Program for that semester.  If you think that you inadvertently removed the fee, you have until the last day to add/drop classes each semester to put the fee back onto your account.

We provide year round services to eligible students. If you are not enrolled for classes during the summer term you can still maintain eligibility for our services over the summer.  To do so, when you register for Spring Semester elect to participate in the Legal Services for both the Spring and Summer semesters. This ensures that you will have access to licensed attorneys who can assist you with your personal legal matters even though you are not enrolled for Summer classes.

During spring registration you will have the following options:

  • Do nothing, in which case you will be billed $20 and will be eligible for legal services for spring and summer terms;
  • Opt out for summer only, in which case you will be billed $10 and will have legal services only for spring; or
  • Opt out for both spring and summer, in which case you will not be billed and will have no access to legal services.

Students who take summer classes:

  • If at the time of spring registration, you opted out of Student Legal Services for summer, you will again have the opportunity to purchase the services for  $10 during summer registration. If you do not want legal services, you should check the appropriate box to opt out.
  •  If you already paid $20 in the spring to cover both spring and summer, then you will not be billed again. You are already covered for summer.

Please note that if you are not planning to enroll in summer, your only opportunity to purchase legal services for summer will be at the time of spring registration.
For the basic fee of $ 10.00 per semester, eligible students are entitled to open three (3) files each semester.  Additional fees will be assessed for the fourth and any successive cases opened each semester.   Upon graduation, students with pending cases opened prior to their graduation will continue to receive services on that legal matter for a period of no more than six (6) months after graduation from the University.

Non-Eligible Persons
The following persons are not eligible for services from Student Legal Services:
  • Students who have not paid their Student Legal Services fee
  • Spouses and dependents of eligible students
  • Friends of eligible students
  • Non-enrolled faculty or staff of the University
  • Student and/or Community organizations
  • Individuals who have withdrawn from the University and/or lost student status except as noted above


Student Legal Services will not provide advice or representations in the following areas:

  • Actions between students and the University
  • Actions between students
  • Actions against a member of the Board of Regents, Board of Trustees, faculty or staff of the University
  • Actions against a state officer or agency arising out of the performance of the officer's or the agency's official duties
  • Actions against a law enforcement officer arising out of the performance of their office.

DISCLAIMER: The information on this website does not constitute legal advice, nor is it intended as a substitute for legal advice. UT students who have questions concerning the law or their legal rights may contact Student Legal Services, Inc. to arrange an appointment.  In order to maintain the confidentiality of your legal matters we request that you do not send us e-mails about your case or to request legal assistance.  Please contact us by phone or in person.

Last Updated: 7/15/24