Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Program Review

Assessment Awards

Service Unit: Career Services
Reason: "For their direct mapping of assessment results to service outcomes. Furthermore, they established a metric to indicate whether their assessment results indicated satisfactory performance with respect to service outcomes, and indicated what changes needed to be made in response to observations of unsatisfactory performance."
  • Program Director:
  • UAC Liaison:
  • Service Unit Leader:
Academic Program: Art History
Reason: "They did a great job linking assessment measures to SLOs, had an excellent rubric to show how they arrived at their assessment results, and demonstrated substantial faculty involvement in the development of these measures and their rubric.
  • Program Director: 
  • UAC Liaison: Holly Monsos
  • Chair:
  • Dean:

Assessment Awards Sub-Committee
Scott Molitor, Chairperson
Jordan Gannon
Erin Harper
Alana Malik
Laurie Mauro
Holly Monsos
Susan Pocotte
Rebecca Schneider
Linda Smith

Last Updated: 7/15/24