Office of Assessment, Accreditation and Program Review

Academic Program Review

Program review is a data-driven process to help assess the overall quality and operational health of programs.  The review process focuses on program quality and program efficiency, and incorporates elements from the Higher Learning Commission and the Ohio Department of Higher Education.  Academic program review is meant to ensure that the University of Toledo is providing distinctive, high-quality programs through serious self-reflection on program strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. 

Academic program review at the University of Toledo is structured as follows:

  • All degree programs are reviewed every 7-10 years.
  • Faculty leaders of degree programs prepare and complete a program self-study report.  Externally accredited programs may use accreditation documents to replace or supplement the self-study report.
  • External review, including a site visit.
Program Review Resources
Academic Program Review Manual 2023-24
Self-Study Template (updated for 2023-24)
Questions for External Reviewers
(used for programs not under external accreditation)

Relevant Links:

The scope of academic program review at the University of Toledo includes the following:

  • Program Framework/Curriculum
  • Faculty and Staff
  • Students
  • Performance Measures
  • Ethical and Professional Practice
  • Current Resources
  • Strategic Planning


Last Updated: 7/15/24