The University of Toledo Admission

Freshman Admission Requirements

These admission requirements are for first-time college freshmen who are coming to UToledo directly from high school. These apply even if you have taken post-secondary/College Credit Plus (CCP) or Tech Prep courses).

I am an international student

Your admission reqirements differ. 

International Admission Requirements

I am an adult or transfer student

Visit our Adult and Transfer Admission webpage for admission requirements if you are:

  • Attending college for the first time, but not immediately after high school
  • Have a GED and never attended college
  • Are transferring from another college or university

Adult and Transfer Admissions

Find your admission requirements

UToledo admission requirements differ depending on your academic college and degree program.

If you don't know the academic college that houses your major, find your major on our list of degrees organized by academic college.

Always verify admission requirements and application deadlines with your department or program contact.

Admission to Jesup Scott Honors College requires a 3.5 high school GPA, however if your high school GPA falls just below the 3.5 threshold, we encourage you to still apply. You will have an opportunity to detail any circumstances that might have shaped your high school GPA in our extended review process.

Last Updated: 8/7/24