Philosophy and Religious Studies Program

Major and Minor in Religious Studies

The University of Toledo offers a B.A. degree with a major in Religious Studies. All students majoring in Religious Studies must take a minimum of 31 hours in Religious Studies plus 18 hours of related courses. The course requirements for the major are as follows:

A. Required courses (7 hours)

REL 2000 [Introduction to Religion, 3 hours], REL 3750 [Philosophy of Religion, 3 hours], REL4640 [Pro-Seminar, 1 hour]                                                                                      

B. Distribution Requirements (9 hours)

Students must take at least one course in each of the following distributions, with at least one course taken at 3000-4000 level. The student may petition their advisor to have other courses substituted from the list below in fulfillment of the distribution requirement.

distribution group ONE: Christianity & Judaism
REL 2310 [Old Testament/Tanakh], REL 2330 [New Testament], REL 2350 [Authority and the Bible], REL 2410 [Intro. to Christianity], REL 3420 [Christian Ethical Perspectives], REL 3080 [Jewish Biblical Studies], REL 3900 [Christian Marriage]

distribution Group Two: Islam
REL 2300 [Understanding Monotheism], REL 2980 [Introduction to Islam], REL 3350 [Qur’an and Hadith], REL 3580 [Cont. Issues in Islam]

distribution Group Three: Eastern Religion

REL 3500 [Eastern Thought], REL 3520 [Zen Philosophy]


All majors take 15 hours of electives, i.e. any 2000-4000 level REL course not counted toward the above requirements. At least 6 hours of these 15 hours must be taken at the 4000 level. Students may consider directing some of these hours toward a concentration (see D), toward a Religious Studies Internship REL 4940 ideally taken concurrently with the Pro-Seminar, or toward a Senior Thesis for Honors REL 4960 if pursuing departmental honors (see E).


d. optional: concentration areas (12 hours)

Students may opt to dedicate 12 hours toward a concentration in one of the four sub-fields of Religious Studies below to receive a B.A. in Religious Studies. Students may also opt out of concentrating to receive a B.A. in Religious Studies per se. Distribution courses, elective courses, courses in related fields and independent studies that align with the concentration in question can all count toward a concentration with prior approval of the advisor.

Jewish and Christian Studies concentration:

12 hours related to the study of Judaism and Christianity, selected from courses including, but not limited to:  REL 2300 [Understanding Monotheism], REL 2310 [Old Testament/Tanakh], REL 2330 [New Testament], REL 2350 [Authority and the Bible], REL2380 [Topics in Catholic Thought], REL 2410 [Intro. to Christianity], REL 3210 [Ancient & Medieval Philosophy],  REL 3420 Christian Ethical Perspectives], REL 3900 [Christian Marriage], REL 4610 [Christian Spirituality], REL 4620 [Suffering & Evil]

Islamic Studies concentration:

12 hours related to the study of Islam, selected from courses including, but not limited to:  REL 2300 [Understanding Monotheism], REL 2980 [Introduction to Islam], REL  3210 Ancient & Medieval Philosophy], REL 3100 [Islam], REL 3350 [Qur'an & Hadith], REL 3580 [Contemporary Issues In Islam], REL 4520 [History of the Middle East, 600-1500]


12 hours related to the study of inter-religion, selected from courses including, but not limited to:  REL 3210 [Ancient & Medieval Philosophy], REL3510 [Comparative Religion], REL4900 [Religion, Violence & Peace Iteration], REL 4920 [Directed Reading in Religious Studies, Interreligious Focus], REL 4980[ Mysticism]

Philosophy of Religion concentration:

12 hours related to the study of Philosophy of Religion, selected from courses including, but not limited to: PHIL 1010 [Introduction to Logic], PHIL 2200 [Introduction to Philosophy], PHIL 3000 [Symbolic Logic], PHIL/REL 3210 [Ancient & Medieval Philosophy], PHIL 3230 [Modern Philosophy], REL 3570 [Philosophy of Religion], PHIL/REL 4500 [Buddhist Philosophy], PHIL/REL 4920 [Directed Reading, Philosophy of Religion focus], PHIL/REL 4990 [Independent Study, Philosophy of Religion focus] 


E. Related Courses (18 hours)

As part of the general Arts & Letters requirements, the student must take 18 hours of related courses outside the Religions Studies program that have been approved by the student’s advisor.  A minimum of 9 of these hours must be taken at the 3000-level or above.  A Minor in another department may be used to satisfy the related courses requirement.


Meet with the Departmental Major Advisor to discuss the qualifications and to develop a plan to meet the honors requirements. May be combined with any concentration or not.               

  • 1) A 3.0 cumulative GPA and Junior or Senior status in order to seek Honors. 
  • 2) A 3.4 minimum cumulative GPA in REL courses. Transfer courses are not included.
  • 3) Honors Thesis: REL 4960
  • 4) Paper from 4000 Level Honors Seminar course REL 4***-91, 4***-92




The University of Toledo offers a Religious Studies Minor program.  All students minoring in Religious Studies must take a minimum of 18 hours in Religious Studies according to the following program:

A.   Required courses (6 hours)

REL 2000 Intro. to Religion, REL 3570 Philosophy of Religion.                                                                                                                                                               (Recommended, but not required: Pro-Seminar)

B. Distribution Requirements (9 hours)

At least one course must be taken in each of the three Distribution areas listed below. One of the three courses must be taken at 3000-4000 level. The student may petition their advisor to have other courses substituted for the list below in fulfillment of the distribution requirement.

Distribution  Group One: Judaism and Christianity

Distribution Group Two: Islam

Distribution Group Three: Eastern (Asian) religions

C. Elective Courses (3 hours.)

Choose one elective course (see Major for details). Must be at 4000 Level.

Last Updated: 7/15/24