Department of Psychology

CASL Members

Sarah Francis, Ph.D.

For more information about Dr. Sarah Francis, please click here.

Emily Roemhild, M.A. 


  • Completed her Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.) at Miami University in 2017
  • Completed her Master of Arts (M.A.) degree at the University of Toledo in 2020
  • Currently on internship at the University of Michigan 

Research Interests

  • Influence of parenting behaviors on child anxiety
  • Self-efficacy in relation to anxiety development
  • Child and parent self-report on behaviors, parent-child relationship factors, and anxiety
  • The roles of emotion regulation and anxiety control on anxiety

Mackenzie Trevethan, B.A. 


  • Completed her Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.) at Miami University in 2020Mackenzie

Research Interests

  • Child anxiety
  • Familial relationships
  • Early prevention and intervention
  • Minority populations

Bailey Crittenden, B.A.


  • Completed her Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.) at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville in 2020Bailey

Research Interests 

  • Personality trait influences on child/adolescent anxiety
  • Child/adolescent personality pathology
  • Personality assessment

Lauren Kramer, B.A., B.S. 


  • Completed her Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science degree (B.S.) at Miami University in 2021Lauren

Research Interests

  • Child/adolescent anxiety
  • Risk and resilience factors
  • Emotion regulation as a transdiagnostic construct
  • Adverse childhood experiences
  • Parental influence on child/adolescent anxiety

Avleen Walia, B.S.


  • Completed her Bachelor of Science degree (B.S.) at The University of California San Diego in 2020

Research Interests

  • Risk and resilience factors for child anxiety, rumination, and obsessive thinking
  • Specific parenting behaviors influencing child anxiety and emotion regulation abilities
  • Prevention of child anxiety and emotion dysregulation
  • South Asian populations


Last Updated: 7/15/24