John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business and Innovation

Margaret (Maggie) Buettner

Maggie Buettner

Major: Accounting

Minor: Information Systems

Class of 2024
Hometown: Wapakoneta, OH

Organizations and Activities

Alpha Kappa Psi
Women in Business Leadership
KLAR Leadership Academy

Internships and Job Experience

Audit and Financial Reporting Intern | Rehmann
Campus Ambassador | Becker Professional Education
Student Worker | UToledo's Business Career Programs Office
Office Assistant | Jauert & Burton LLP

How Did You Decide to Study Accounting and Information Systems?

Ever since high school, I knew that I wanted to major in accounting. I have always had an analytical mindset and really enjoyed math and the business course that I was able to take in high school. Coming into college and through internships, I found that I really enjoy accounting for the problem-solving skills that the career requires as well as the ability to be in a field that is fast-paced and allows me to challenge myself. In deciding on my minor, information systems, I was looking for a subject that interested me as well as worked well with accounting. For me, I love learning about changing technology and the way you can use technology to your benefit so information systems was the perfect fit for me!

Why Did You Choose the Neff College of Business and Innovation at the University of Toledo?

I chose the Neff College of Business and Innovation because of its strong accounting program and the welcoming nature of the college. I remember that on my first campus tour, I also toured the College of Business and Innovation and my tour guide stopped to talk to an accounting student that she knew in the hallway, and he was able to answer some of my questions that I had about the accounting program! This welcoming nature and ability to help is something that I noticed throughout the rest of my tour as well as the admissions program and ultimately, that is what helped me decide on UToledo.

What On-Campus Activities and Organizations Have You Been a Part of?

I had an unconventional freshman year due to the pandemic, and therefore I completed all my classes off-campus for my first semester as a student. During this semester, I joined Alpha Kappa Psi and Women in Business Leadership to feel more connected to campus as well as meet more people in a similar field as me. Being involved on campus is how I have made most of my friends on campus as well as it has helped me to know people and feel more comfortable in my classes. I had the opportunity to take leadership positions in both organizations, which has led me to current position as President of Women in Business Leadership.

During my junior year, I had the privilege to be asked to be a member of the Klar Leadership Academy, which I am currently participating in and have learned so much more about what it means to be a leader and has allowed me to do more service events and learn about the Toledo area.

Where on Campus have you lived?

My freshman year I lived in Parks Tower, my sophomore year I lived in Ottawa East and now I currently live in an apartment off campus as a junior. I highly suggest that if you are able to, try living on campus! It is a great way to make new friends and gain a community with others going through the same transition as you. I found that living on campus allowed me to establish better relationships with the other members on campus in my student organizations, and it taught me communication and interpersonal skills on how to live with other people.

What is Your Greatest Piece of Advice for an Incoming Freshman?

You should never feel that you are too young to do anything. Apply for internships, attend the job fair, ask for help to learn more about career fields you are interested in and don’t be afraid to take leadership positions. Being a freshman can be an advantage, you are young and have great new ideas - don’t be afraid to capitalize on that fact and learn as much as you can.

Who’s your favorite professor you’ve had In the Neff College of Business and Innovation?

Karen Green, who I first had my sophomore year for Accounting for Decision Making. Karen made the class enjoyable, and even though I do not currently have her for any classes, she is still a great resource during my college career. She recommended me for my Campus Ambassador position with Becker and has helped me find my path through what it’s like being an accounting major and preparing myself to be on correct track to obtain my CPA in the future! I highly recommend that as a business student, you take Karen Green if you can.

Last Updated: 7/15/24