John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business and Innovation

Ricardo Flores

Ricardo Flores

Majors: Marketing and Digital Marketing

Class of 2023
Hometown: Delta, OH

Organizations and Activities

Pi Sigma Epsilon
Sigma Phi Epsilon 
Student Conduct Board Member 
House Manager/Resident Assistant 
College of Business- Curriculum Committee Member 
Klar Leadership Academy 

Internships and Job Experience

Logistics Intern | Bath & Body Works
Customer Service Manager | McDonald's

How Did You Decide to Study Marketing and Digital Marketing?

Coming into college as a first generation student I truly didn’t know what I wanted to major in, but I did know that I wanted to be a part of the business function. I knew that the curriculum for the College of Business required me to take classes that are part of the whole business function; while going through my basic business classes, I found my interest in social media and connecting to the customer via online platforms.

Where have you lived on campus?

I have lived on-campus throughout my 4 years of college! I have lived in Parks Tower, Presidents Hall and I am currently in McComas Village! I have loved my experience so much that I serve as a House Manager for my fraternity! I recommend living on campus because you are literally steps away from campus resources and fun activities throughout campus!

What is Your Greatest Piece of Advice for an Incoming Freshman? 

I would tell any incoming freshman to “get conformable with the uncomfortable." I get it, I was a freshman once, we are nervous of the unknown and what life has in store for us, but we can’t let that set us back from achieving success as a business professional and a human in general!

Who’s your favorite professor you’ve had at the Neff College of Business and Innovation?

I have loved every single professor that has crossed my collegiate life! I would say that the top 3 professors that have jumpstarted my professional life are Jennifer Stevens, Lora Parent and Amy O’Donnell! These women have taken the time to help me professionally develop to the person I am now; these women are willing and able to help those who ask for it! 

What’s your Favorite Class that you’ve taken in the Neff College of Business and Innovation?

It’s hard to say with one class I loved the most, but my top 2 classes would have to be Social Media Marketing with Dr. Jennifer Stevens and International Marketing with Dr. Elizabeth Napier! Social Media Marketing gave me the ability to know how to connect and engage with customers on social media platforms! I also learned how to measure certain impressions and how importance of having a good budget for Marketing is! I also loved International Marketing because it allowed me to take a look into how marketing plays into effect into different places around the world. In International Marketing we discussed the importance of being culturally educated is essential if you are trying to engage customers around the world.

Last Updated: 7/15/24