John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business and Innovation

Supply Chain Research Team Shines with Best Conference Paper

By Staff

A research team from the John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business and Innovation has been honored with the Stan Hardy Best Conference Paper Award at the 2023 Midwest Decision Science Institute Conference.

A research team from the John B. and Lillian E. Neff College of Business and Innovation has been honored with the Stan Hardy Best Conference Paper Award at the 2023 Midwest Decision Science Institute Conference.

Their collaborative efforts, led by Mehrdad Jalali Sepehr, a Ph.D. student (middle), along with Dr. Benjamin George (right), Assistant Professor of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management and Dr. Paul Hong, Distinguished University Professor of Operations Management and Asian Studies Program, resulted in the paper titled "A Theoretical Framework for Strategic Cognitive Analytics Management and Supply Chain Cognitive Capabilities."

This paper marks a notable step forward in applying strategic cognitive analytics to organizations of different sizes.

Highlighting the role of cognitive analytics in improving business strategies and supply chain operations, the team is scheduled to compete with other regional best papers at the DSI National Conference in Atlanta, Georgia, in November 2023, reflecting their continued dedication to the field.

The research underscores the importance of evaluating organizational risks through cognitive analytics and implementing responsive measures using behavioral analytics, especially in the context of sustainable development.

This evolving research area shows promise for businesses navigating a rapidly changing global landscape.

The team's award-winning work serves as a foundation for the progress of strategic cognitive analytics management and the enhancement of supply chain cognitive capabilities, highlighting their valuable contributions to the fields of business analytics and supply chain management.

Last Updated: 7/15/24