2008 - 2009 Catalog Archive

The University of Toledo 2008-2009 Catalog

Welcome to the University Catalog

      College of Arts and Sciences
      College of Business Administration
      College of Engineering
      College of Health Science and Human Service
      College of Law
      College of Nursing
      College of Pharmacy
      Graduate Studies
      Judith Herb College of Education 
      University Libraries

UTLearning Collaborative

  • UT Learning Collaborative Catalog
  • University Honors
    The University Honors Program is designed for highly motivated and academically talented students in all of the baccalaureate colleges and the Quest Program.  Admission to the University Honors Program is competitive and based on high school GPA, ACT or SAT scores, an essay, an extracurricular resume, and references.  Students entering directly from high school with a GPA of 3.75 or higher and an ACT Composite of 28 (1260 SAT) are encouraged to apply.  Highly motivated students with a GPA of 3.5 and an ACT Composite of 25 (1140 SAT) are also considered for the program. Continuing and transfer students with strong academic backgrounds are also encouraged to apply if they meet the specific requirements for University Honors in their home colleges as described in this catalog.  Admission into the Honors Program is granted on a space available basis.

The benefits of belonging to the University Honors Program include an enriched “great books”-based curriculum, small class size, seminar offerings that focus on interactive learning, personal contacts with top faculty, intensive academic advising, independent study and undergraduate research options, opportunities to present research at national meetings and conferences, first-priority advance registration, and several scholarships that are available only to Honors Program participants.  The program is located in Sullivan Hall.  For more information call 419.530.6030, email honors@utoledo.edu, or visit the Honors Program website 

  •  University College Degree Programs    

Ohio Board of Regents Catalog Statement

The Ohio Board of Regents in 1990, following a directive of the 119th  Ohio General Assembly, developed the Ohio Articulation and Transfer Policy to facilitate students' ability to transfer credits from one Ohio public college or university to another in order to avoid duplicaton of course requirements.  Read more

Important Notice about this Catalog

Last Updated: 7/15/24