
Supplier Diversity Program

A Culture of Diversity text on image of a diverse group of individuals

Our Mission – to provide opportunities for diverse supplier businesses within our community and surrounding areas to grow and prosper which will have a positive impact on economic growth for the region.

The University of Toledo is continuing to enhance our Supplier Diversity Program to align with the goals and objectives of the University's Strategic Plan.   The University Purchasing Office in collaboration with the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is also working together to address the elements of the UT Diversity Strategic Plan, specifically Goal 5 which is all about supplier diversity. The purpose of our program is to create a more diverse and inclusive supplier base and ensure that certified suppliers are provided access and opportunity to compete for goods, services, and construction contracts with the University. 

The university created a supplier diversity policy in 2010 and it was mainly focused on the State of Ohio Certified Minority and EDGE programs.  Our most recent policy update took this to a new level and now recognizes all certified diverse categories of suppliers.   Refer to the supplier definitions chart  for education on the many various categories our suppliers may be certified in.   A supplier may hold more than one certification.  While we strive to keep business local within our region or state, there may be times when it is necessary to extend our reach beyond the region or state border.

Certifying entities can be local, state, or national.  Independent certification of diversity status is instrumental to our partnerships with diverse suppliers.  We highly encourage those interested in doing business with the university to pursue and maintain certification.  Links to many of the well-known certifying agencies are provided as useful resources for our suppliers who may be seeking certification and for our internal customers when sourcing suppliers for procurement needs.

Tier 2 Opportunities

There are many categories of spend that lend themselves to tier 2 opportunities and should not be overlooked by the supplier community.  While a direct or primary contract may not be available, a supplier may choose to align their company as a tier 2 provider/sub-contractor as an additional  way in which to grow their business.  Here is a list of some categories that typically lend themselves to tier 2 opportunities:

  • Medical and surgical supplies
  • Office Products
  • IT hardware and peripherals
  • Maintenance, Repair, and operations (MRO) supplies
  • Scientific supplies and equipment
  • Promotional Items
  • Construction projects

If a company manufacturers a product(s) in one of these categories, contact the contract manager of the category and they may be able to connect the supplier with one of the many distributors the university utilizes.


Last Updated: 7/15/24