

Does the University bid all items?
No. However, we are required by UT board policy to bid goods totaling $50,000 or greater and services totaling $75,000 and greater. For purchases under these thresholds, the campus procurement card for purchases under $5,000 is utilized. For purchases between $5,000 and bid thresholds, it is expected that departments and/or purchasing will obtain at least three (3) quotations to ensure the best pricing/service is received.

How do I get on the University of Toledo's approved bid list?
There is a simple registration process to complete online. Please visit the Purchasing Services website and click on the Supplier Registration link located on the left navigation bar (towards the bottom)

What exactly is the University doing to assure the inclusion of MBE and EDGE suppliers in the procurement of goods, services and construction?
The Purchasing office is maintaining a comprehensive in-house listing of state certified minority and EDGE classified suppliers. State and local directories are used by the procurement team as an adjunct to the university’s in-house listing.

The University may attempt to unbundle opportunities in order to reduce the size of contracts and increase the potential participation of minority suppliers.

Purchasing keeps the campus community updated with minority supplier information via standing business meetings and website updates to ensure greatest level of success.

Purchasing works in tandem with the Office of Equity and Diversity to conduct outreach events on a scheduled basis.

Assures a high level of visibility and accountability for the program.The Supplier Diversity Council was created to plan, coordinate and direct all phases of the University’s minority and small business development activities.

Purchasing reports on a quarterly basis to the Executive Leadership Team and the Supplier Diversity Council spend reports showing minority spend volume for each time period.

Who should I contact to inquire on payment status of an invoice?
To find out payment status of an invoice, please email accountspayable@utoledo.edu referencing the Purchase Order number and date of invoice.

Should I make an appointment to visit with the Purchasing Staff?
Absolutely! By meeting with the Purchasing contract managers you will be informed of the University’s policies and procedures. They can also answer questions and help educate the supplier on how to do business with the University.

Last Updated: 7/15/24