We are committed
To forge a culture dedicated to promoting excellence, innovation, accountability, execution and leadership. The department is comprised of Benefits, Compensation, Employment, Equal Opportunity & Affirmative Action, Labor Relations, Human Resources Records, and Organization and Workforce Development. Human Resources assists our departments with attracting, developing and retaining talented individuals.
Our Mission
The UToledo Human Resources mission is provide strategic and high quality services to students, staff and faculty in support of the university’s mission to improve the human condition and be a transformative force in the world.
Work-Life Harmony
At UToledo, we are committed to helping our faculty and staff find work-life harmony. Maintaining a healthy work-life harmony can help avoid “burn-out” and support good physical health and mental wellbeing.
Diversity, Equity and inclusion
Whatever your race, national origin, religion, beliefs, age, socio-economic status, gender, sexual orientation or disability status, you belong here.
News & Announcements
Employment LawsHR PoliciesEssential EmployeesHoliday Calendar
The University of Toledo Board of Trustees has formed a Presidential Search Committee as the next step in the process for identifying the University’s next permanent president. Interested? Check out more details on our search!
Events Calendar
Contact us
Mailing Address
The University of Toledo
2801 W. Bancroft Street
Human Resources, MS 205
Toledo, Ohio 43606
Visiting Address
The Center for Administrative Support
2935 E. Rocket Dr
Toledo, OH 43606
Form to Contact Us
419.530.4747 (HRHR)