UToledo Human Resources

Continuity Of Operations and Essential Personnel

University Hall in the snow

The University of Toledo is committed to the campus community's safety and the continuation of essential operations during severe weather conditions and other emergencies.  The UToledo Continuity of Operations Plan has been developed to assist the University in managing its operations in the event the president or designee declares a campus emergency or temporarily suspends University operations.  The goals of the Continuity of Operations Plan are:

  • Continue critical UToledo operations during a temporary interruption of University services.
  • Ensure appropriate, timely and ongoing communication with all key stakeholders.
  • Protect the health and safety of students, patients, faculty, staff and guests.


UToledo has identified the following areas as essential to maintaining continuous operations during a temporary suspension of services:

  • Clinical Operations
  • Public Safety and UToledo Police
  • Information Technology
  • Academic and Student Services
  • Supply Chain Operations (for clinical operations only)
  • Facility Services
  • Employee Payroll
  • HRIS Services


Employees who work in the designated essential areas may be identified as essential personnel. As a result, they may be required to work when the Continuity of Operations Plan is activated. Supervisors of essential employees, please select the Essential Personnel Acknowledgement form below and follow the instructions included on the form.

Upon completion of the Essential Personnel Acknowledgement form the employee will receive  an email with a pdf of said form as well as their Essential Personnel Restricted Travel . The employees should carry these memos with them in their vehicles for presentation to local law enforcement officers in the event they are stopped during a declared Level 3 snow emergency.

Related Plan and Documents


University of Toledo employees may live in a variety of surrounding counties. When considering when to activate the Continuity of Operations Plan, the University president or designee may include Lucas County Snow Emergency declarations only (i.e., other surrounding county declarations will not be determining factors). 

In instances when counties other than Lucas County declare a Level 3 Snow Emergency, UToledo employees are expected to report to work as scheduled. Employee residents of counties other than Lucas County which declare a Level 3 Snow Emergency must notify their supervisor and seek direction as to the appropriate treatment of the absence should they choose not to report to work (e.g., use of available vacation time, if deemed an unexcused absence, etc.).


If severe weather or another type of emergency affects classes or University operations, the University will announce this information through the following channels:

  • UToledo Alert text message and email - be sure your cell phone number is updated in Banner to receive these notices;
  • Rave Guardian smart phone app - download free from your app store;
  • Website - visit myut.utoledo.edu, and utoledo.edu/weather for up-to-date (time-stamped) news;
  • Social Media - UToledo on Facebook and Twitter; and
  • Local media outlets - TV and radio stations

For the safety of our students, faculty and staff, every effort is made to announce suspension of morning classes by 6 a.m., afternoon classes by 10 a.m. and evening classes by 3 p.m. This gives the University flexibility should conditions improve throughout the day.


Last Updated: 9/3/24