UToledo Online

Faculty Ultra Course View

Introducing Blackboard Learn Ultra: a New Way to Teach

Blackboard Ultra LogoBlackboard Ultra Course View (UCV) is a whole new course experience. It features simplified course navigation, a mobile-friendly experience, intuitive workflows, and data-driven learning analytics, making it easier for you to keep your students engaged and on the path to success. UToledo Online began piloting UCV with a small group of faculty in Summer 2022, with expanded pilots each subsequent semester. Since that time, over 200 faculty have adopted UCV in over 400 course offerings at UToledo.

“Blackboard Ultra has a clean, well-organized user interface that students can easily navigate. Over the past two semesters of using Ultra, my students have enthusiastically embraced it as a significant improvement over Blackboard Original.”
– Jerry Van Hoy, Associate Professor – A&L

 “The interface requires some mindset changes, but once you jump in and find your way around, the changes are mostly positive.  For example, the gradebook [in UCV]…is easier and more straight forward [to use and manage] than…the classic view.”
 – Kevin Gibbs, Senior Lecturer – NSM

 “The new course view is refreshing and easy to use and my students find the interface effortless and intuitive. Their favorite tool is student progress tracking, which helps them keep track of the items they have completed in the course and not have to solely rely on notifications or instructor email reminders. That’s one less task for me.”
– Shagufta Sami, Adjunct Instructor – ENG / Educational Technologist UToledo Online

While the Blackboard name is the same, UCV is very different from the previous version of Blackboard (sometimes referred to as Blackboard Original). Blackboard Original Course View (OCV) is the classic version of Blackboard currently used for the majority of UToledo courses. UCV has a cleaner and more modern design compared to OCV.  

Faculty original course view

faculty ultra course view

Why Ultra?

Ultra Course View offers a fresh, more intuitive interface, resulting in easier workflows for both faculty and students. Most notable is simplified navigation in UCV, featuring a single-page content pane to reduce clicks. It also has powerful new tools that are not available in OCV, such as discussion analytics, drag and drop content creation, and course pop-up announcements. Additionally, the new interface offers a better mobile experience, enhanced accessibility, and improved grading and assessment tools.

Review the Ultra Course View Feature Guide for a complete comparison of the features in Original and Ultra Course Views. The tabs below offer a UCV preview of some of the most commonly used Blackboard features.

Faculty course content image example


Course Content is one of the main features of Blackboard Ultra Course View, where instructors can upload course materials such as syllabi, lecture notes, and assignments; organize materials into modules and folders; manage assessments such as quizzes and tests; and communicate and collaborate using discussions and journals.
Faculty calendar image example


Calendar enables instructors and students to keep track of important dates and deadlines specific to each course and allows instructors to schedule course events such as meetings, office hours, and due dates. Due dates for deployed Blackboard assessments automatically populate the Calendar tool. In the Ultra Base Navigation, outside of the course, the calendar will display due dates for all your courses.
Faculty announcements image example


Announcements serve as a centralized location for instructors to communicate important information to students. Students can view these announcements to stay informed about course updates, deadlines, and other relevant information.
Faculty discussions image example


Discussions serve as a centralized location for instructors to communicate important information to students. Students can view these announcements to stay informed about course updates, deadlines, and other relevant information.
Faculty gradebook image example


Gradebook allows instructors to view and manage student grades for assignments, tests, quizzes, and other assessments in their course. Gradebook provides a comprehensive view of student progress and performance where instructors can customize grading schemas, calculate weighted grades, and add comments and feedback.
Faculty messages image example


Messages can be used to send messages to individual students, groups of students, or the entire class, and receive responses from students. Instructors can also attach files or links to their messages and send reminders to students about upcoming deadlines or important events. Course messages are internal to Blackboard and are separate from your university email. However, users can elect to send a copy of a message to the recipient's email during the message creation process. To ensure you don't miss a Course Message, you might consider enabling Email Notifications for "New Messages" via your Blackboard Profile page. Instructors should advise students on their preferred method of communication.
Faculty analytics image example


Analytics allows instructors to view data about student performance and engagement in their course with real-time information on how students are interacting with course content and assessments. The tool provides insights into a range of metrics, including course access and engagement and student performance. 

Faculty groups image example

Groups provides a space for students to collaborate in smaller groups within a course. Students can use this tab to access their group work, communicate with group members, and collaborate on assignments or projects.

Pilot faculty have indicated UCV is a significantly improved course experience with easier workflows:

  • Adding, editing, and copying content is much easier with a straightforward, clean, and modern user interface.
  • The new gradebook includes several major improvements.
  • The redesigned discussion board interface is a faculty favorite!

UCV at UToledo Today

UToledo has a future goal for full conversion to UCV by Summer 2025, at which time all new Blackboard course shells will be in Ultra Course View. Original Course View will remain the default version of Blackboard for Fall 2024 and Spring 2025.

What this means for your courses:

  • Beginning Summer 2025, your Blackboard course shells will be in UCV.
  • Content from Blackboard Original can be copied into Blackboard Ultra (but not vice versa).
  • You will still be able to access past courses in Original*; however, you will not be able to teach in Original after Spring 2025.

*Blackboard courses are maintained for 4 years.


New Users 

UToledo Online will continue to offer demonstrations and direct assistance for early adoption. Watch your email for faculty development opportunities from UToledo Online and sign up for an upcoming demo session. Departments can also request group sessions by contacting our Help Desk at UTLV@utoledo.edu. 

Please Note:  

  • Current semester courses cannot be converted. All conversions must be completed prior to course start.  
  • Course conversions are performed mid-semester in the semester prior to the offering. We are unable to convert courses in the 2 weeks prior to the start of classes due to the high volume of help services requested during that prep time.  

Current Users 

Current and/or experienced Ultra users may elect to have additional courses changed to the new interface any time before semester start without an appointment. Please email UTLV@utoledo.edu to request conversion; be sure to include course information as well as a note that you are a current Ultra user. If you require additional design assistance, please arrange an appointment with your instructional designer. 


UToledo Online has developed a series of resources to assist you in having a smooth teaching experience in Ultra. 

Additionally, the Idea Exchange is a hub where faculty and staff can share, discover, and refine ideas for improving teaching and learning experiences. Join the Anthology Blackboard Learn Idea Exchange to share your ideas and upvote ideas from other innovative educators like you! 

Last Updated: 7/22/24