Civil and Environmental Engineering

Eddie Y. Chou, Ph.D., P.E.

Dr. Eddie Chou



Professor of Civil Engineering and
Director, Transportation Systems Research Laboratory
University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio 43606
Phone: 419-530-8123


Ph.D., Civil Engineering, Texas A&M University
Post Graduate Study, Civil and Computer Engineering, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
M.S., B.S., Civil Engineering, National Taiwan University

Professional Registration

Licensed Professional Engineer, State of Ohio

Research Areas

Transportation systems design, analysis, and modeling; transportation asset management; smart transportation systems; traffic simulation; decision support systems; multi-criteria decision-making and optimization

Selected Research Experience (Awarded ~ $7 million total research funding at UT, including ~ $4.2 million from external sponsors)

  • Principal Investigator, “Transportation Asset Management Task Orders”, U.S. Department of Transportation & Ohio Department of Transportation, $509,730 total, $400,000 external, 8/2017-8/2019
  • Principal Investigator, “Development of Transportation Asset Management Decision Support Tools,” U.S. DOT & Ohio DOT, $1,221,745 total, $718,541 external, 2/2012-8/2017
  • Co-Investigator, “Development of an Overlay Design Procedure for Composite Pavements,” U.S. DOT & Ohio DOT, $370,433 total, $214,597 external, 9/2013-9/2016
  • Principal Investigator, “Benefit Cost Models to Support PMS Decisions,” U.S. DOT & Ohio DOT, $619,093 total, $380,950 external, 2/2008-6/2012
  • Principal Investigator, “Development and Operation of a Pavement Management Information System, Phases III, IV & V,” $667,038 total, $357,476 external, The City of Toledo, 1/2006-12/2015
  • Principal Investigator, “Pavement Forecasting Models,” U.S. DOT & Ohio DOT, $629,823 total, $372,677 external, 11/2003-12/2007
  • Principal Investigator, “Effectiveness of Hot-Mix Thin Overlay on Pavement Ride and Condition Performance,” U.S. DOT & Ohio DOT, $285,733 total, $179,974 external, 2/2002-12/2007
  • Principal Investigator, “Structural Support of Lime and Cement Stabilized Subgrade Used with Flexible Pavements,” U.S. DOT & Ohio DOT, $302,326 total, $137,351 external, 4/2000-10/2004
  • Principal Investigator, “Evaluation of the Pavement Performance Variations between Districts,” U.S. DOT & Ohio DOT, $345,084 total, $218,251 external, 1/2001-9/2004
  • Principal Investigator, “Evaluation of Guidelines for Subgrade Treatments, ”U.S. DOT & Ohio DOT,, 12/2001-3/2004
  • Principal Investigator, “Development of a Pavement Management Information System for the City of Toledo, Phases I & II” The City of Toledo, $520,572 total, $288,077 external, 5/2001-12/2005
  • Principal investigator, “Rational Determination of Pavement Layer Structural Coefficients,” U.S. DOT & Ohio DOT, $306,710 total, $131,944 external, 1/1994–9/1999
  • Principal Investigator, “Verification of the ODOT Overlay Design Procedure,” U.S. DOT & Ohio DOT, $79,785 total, $67,077 external, 8/1992–2/1995

Selected Publications

  • Subedi, R., P. Shrestha, M. Pujari and E. Chou, “Vehicle Classification, Rumble Strip Detection and Mapping Using Artificial Intelligence”, in Proceedings of ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2022, August 2022.
  • Subedi, R, E. Chou, and A. Williams, “GIS-based Integrated System for Analysis, Planning and Visualization of Transportation Infrastructure, Safety and Equity in Urban Areas”, in Proceedings of ASCE International Conference on Transportation and Development 2022, August 2022.
  • Chou, E. and A. Williams, “Communicating Municipal Asset Management Results to the Public: City of Columbus Example”, presented at the Transportation Research Board 13th National Conference on Transportation Asset Management, August 2021.
  • Wang, S. and Chou, E. “Cross-Asset Transportation Project Coordination with Integer Programming and Constraint Programming”, in Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 2482, p.117-125, 2015.
  • Wang, S., Chou, E. and A. Williams. “Development and Implementation of a Network-level Pavement Optimization Model for Ohio DOT,” refereed, presented at the 93rd TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 1/2014.
  • Chou, E. “Benefit Cost Models to Support Pavement Management Decisions”, final research report reviewed and published by FHWA and Ohio DOT, Report No. FHWA/O H-2012/10, 6/2012.
  • H. Pulugurta, Q. Shao, and E. Chou "Pavement Condition Prediction Using Markov Process" Journal of Statistics and Management Systems, Vol. 12, Issue No. 5, 9/2009, pp. 853-871.
  • J. Yu, E. Chou, and J-T. Yau, “Estimation of the Effects of Influential Factors on Pavement Service Life with Cox Proportional Hazards Method,” in ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Volume 14, Number 4, pp. 275-282, 12/2008.
  • Chou, E, D. Datta, H. Pulugurta, “Effectiveness of Thin Hot Mix Asphalt Overlay on Pavement Ride and Condition Performance,”FHWA and Ohio DOT, Report No. FHWA/OH-2008/4, 4/2008.
  • Chou, E., H. Pulugurta, D. Datta, “Pavement Forecasting Models,”FHWA and Ohio DOT, Report No. FHWA/OH-2008/3, 3/2008.
  • J. Yu, E. Chou, and Z. Luo, “Development of Linear Mixed Effect Models for Predicting Individual Pavement Conditions,” in ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 133 Issue 6, p347-354, 6/2007.
  • Z. Luo and E. Chou, Pavement Condition Prediction Using Cluster wise Regression,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 1974, p.70-77, 12/2006. 
  • J. Yu, E. Chou, and J-T. Yau, “Development of Speed-Related Ride Quality Thresholds using International Roughness Index,” Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Vol. 1974, p.47-53, 12/2006.
  • Chou, Y. and Lytton, R. L. “Accuracy and Consistency of Back Calculated Pavement Layer Modulus,” in Transportation Research Record, Vol. 1293, p.72-85, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, D. C.,  October, 1991.



Last Updated: 7/15/24