Naser Mostaghel, Ph.D.
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
The University of Toledo
2801 W. Bancroft Street
Toledo, Ohio 43606-3390
Certificate, (1987), Professional Management, Personnel Administration Training, Univ. of Utah
Ph.D. (1968), Structural Engineering & Structural Mechanics, University of California, Berkeley
M.S. (1965), Structural Engineering & Structural Mechanics, University of California, Berkeley
B.S. (1963), General Engineering, Abadan Institute of Technology, Abadan, Iran
Ph.D. and M.S. Advisors
Professor Collin B. Brown, University of California, Berkeley (1963-65)
Professor Jerome L. Sackman, University of California, Berkeley (1965-68)
teaching experience
Statics, Dynamics, Strength of Materials, Structural Analysis, Structural Steel Design, Creativity & Problem Solving
Structural Dynamics, Earthquake Engineering, Mechanics of Stability, Advanced Mechanics of Materials, Continuum Mechanics, Engineering Mathematics
Hazard Mitigation, Earthquake Engineering, Seismic Isolation, Stability Analysis, Nondestructive Detection and Characterization of Damage in Structures, Characterization of Hysteretic Materials, Discontinuous Systems Simulation
95 - present Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio
1990 - 95 Professor and Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio
1980 - 90 Professor, Department of Civil Engineering,
University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah
1979 - 80 Professor of Civil Engineering, and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs,
Shiraz University (formerly Pahlavi University), Shiraz, Iran
1976 - 79 Professor of Civil Engineering and Director of Earthquake Engineering Center,
Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
1974 - 76 Professor, and Chairman, Department of Civil Engineering
Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
1973 - 74 (Sabbatical), Associate Research Engineer, Earthquake Engineering
Research Center, University of California, Berkeley
1971 - 73 Associate Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
1969 - 71 Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran
1968 - 69 Senior Engineer, T.Y. Lin International,
San Francisco, California
1963 - 68 Teaching and Research Assistant, Dept. of Civil Engineering, UC, Berkeley
American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)
American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Earthquake Engineering Research Institute (EERI)
Sigma Xi, Chi Epsilon
Scholarly And Creative Activities
4. U.S. Patent No. 6,536,258 (March 25, 2003 B1), “Blast Load Simulation System”
3. U.S. Patent No. 6,298,607 (October 9, 2001 B1), “Venting-Membrane System to
Mitigate Blast Effects”
2. U.S. Patent No. 5,366,395 (November 22, 1994), "Pulsating Impeller"
1. U.S. Patent No. 4,633,628 (January 6, 1987), "Device for Base Isolating Structures
from Lateral and Rotational Support Motion"
42. Naser Mostaghel, “The Cause of Tension in the Measurements of the Hubble Constant,” American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 8, No. 4. 2020, pp. 80-86.
41. Naser Mostaghel, “Effects of Time Dilation on the Measurements of the Hubble Constant,” International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2018, 8, pp. 330-346.
40. Naser Mostaghel, “The Role of Time in Cosmic Expansion,” American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 6, No. 1. 2018, pp. 9-20
39. Naser Mostaghel, “A New Solution for the Friedmann Equations,” International Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 2016, 6, pp. 122-134.
38. Naser Mostaghel, “An Analytical Estimate of the Hubble Constant,” American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol. 3, No. 3. 2015, pp. 44-49.
37. N. Mostaghel, "A Non-Standard Analysis Approach to Systems Involving Friction," Journal of Sound and Vibration, Vol. 284(3-5), 2005, pp. 583-595.
36. N. Mostaghel, Ryan A. Byrd, "Inversion of Ramberg-Osgood Equation And Description Of Hysteresis Loops," International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, Vol. 37, No. 8, 2002, pp. 1319-1335.
35. N. Mostaghel, Ryan A. Byrd, “Analytical Description of Multi-Degree Bi-Linear Hysteretic Systems,” American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 126, No. 6, June 2000.
34. N. Mostaghel, “Analytical Description of Pinching, Degrading Hysteretic Systems,” American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 125, No. 2, 1999, pp. 216-224.
33. N. Mostaghel, T. Davis, “Representations of Coulomb Friction for Dynamic Analysis,” Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 26, No. 5, pp 541-548, 1997.
32. N. Mostaghel, A. Javid, “Upward Shift of A Natural Frequency Through Preforming,” Iranian Journal of Science & Technology Vol. 21, No.3, pp 313-321, 1997.
31. N. Mostaghel, K.C. Fu, Q. Yu, "Shifting Natural Frequencies of Plates Through Preforming," Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 24, pp 411-418, 1995.
30. Qiulin Yu, N. Mostaghel, K.C. Fu, "Effects of Initial Curvature on the Natural Frequency of a Thin Plate on Hinge Supports," American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 120 No. 4 Apr. 1994, pp. 796-813.
29. N. Mostaghel, J.M. Kelly, P. Clark, "Stability of R-FBI Bearings, Analysis & Experiments," Journal, Earthquake Spectra, Vol. 8, No. 2, 1992, pp. 259-277.
28. N. Mostaghel, A.R. Mortazavi, "An Assessment of SEAONC Draft Code for Resilient Sliding Isolators," Journal, Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics, Vol. 20, No. 6, pp 523-533, 1991.
27. G. Ahmadi, N. Mostaghel, I.G. Tadjbakhsh, "Performance Analysis of Aseismic Base Isolation Systems for Multi-Story Building," Journal of Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp 152-171, 1991.
26. G. Ahmadi, N. Mostaghel, A.A. Nowroozi, "Earthquake Risk Analysis of Iran-V: Probabilistic Seismic Risks for Various Peak Ground Accelerations," Iranian Journal of Science & Technology, Vol. 13, pp 115-156, 1989.
25. N. Mostaghel, M. Khodaverdian, "Seismic Response of Structures Supported on R-FBI System," Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 16 pp. 839-854, 1988.
24. N. Mostaghel, M. Khodaverdian, "Dynamics of Resilient- Friction Base Isolator," Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 15, No. 3, pp. 379-390, 1987.
23. N. Mostaghel, "Response Bounds for Hysteretic Second Order Systems," Quarterly Applied Mathematics, Vol. XLV, No. 1, 1987.
22. N. Mostaghel, A.G. Hernried, "Seismic Inelastic Design Spectra," Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 379-389, 1986.
21. N. Mostaghel, A Response Bound for Hysteretic Second Order Systems," Quarterly of Applied Mathematics, Vol. XLIII, Number 2, 1985.
20. G. Ahmadi, N. Mostaghel, "On Dynamics of a Structure with a Frictional Foundation," Journal de Mechanique Theorique et Applique, Vol. 3, No. 2, pp. 271-285, 1984.
19. N. Mostaghel and J. Tanbakuchi, "Response of Sliding Structures to Earthquake Support Motion," Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 11, No. 6, pp. 729-748, 1983.
18. N. Mostaghel, M. Hejazi and J. Tanbakuchi, "Response of Sliding Structures to Harmonic Support Motion," Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 11, pp. 355- 366, 1983.
17. G. Ahmadi and N. Mostaghel, "Bounds on Earthquake Response of Elastic Columns," International Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 10, pp. 769-777, 1982.
16. N. Mostaghel and G. Ahmadi, "Estimation of the Peak Horizontal Ground Acceleration Based on the Peak Accelerations of the Components," Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, No. 2, Vol 72, pp. 637-642, April 1982.
15. N. Mostaghel and G. Ahmadi, "Construction of Site Dependent Design Spectra," Bulletin of New Zealand National Society for Earthquake Engineering, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 244-252, December 1981.
14. G. Ahmadi, N. Mostaghel and A.A. Nowroozi, "Earthquake Risk Analysis of Iran-IV," The Bulletin of the Iranian Petroleum Institute, No. 82, Second Quarter, pp. 1-21, 1981.
13. G. Ahmadi and N. Mostaghel, "Stability and Upper Bound to the Response of Tall Structures to Earthquake Support Motion," Journal of Structural Mechanics, Vol. 8, No. 2, pp. 151-159, 1980.
12. N. Mostaghel and G. Ahmadi, "Smooth Site Dependent Spectra," Journal, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol. 53, pp. 2263-300, 1979.
11. N. Mostaghel and K. Habibagahi, "Cyclic Liquefaction Strength of Sands," Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 7, pp. 213-233 1979.
10. G. Ahmadi and N. Mostaghel, "On the Stability of Columns Subjected to Nonstationary Random or Deterministic Support Motion," Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 6, No. 3, 1978.
9. N. Mostaghel, "Stability Regions of Hill's Equation," Journal of the Institute of Mathematics and Its Applications, Vol. 19, pp. 253-259, 1977.
8. N. Mostaghel and K. Habibagahi, "Effects of Self-Weight and Buoyancy on the Buckling of Submerged Columns," Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 6, pp. 1-5, 1977.
7. G. Ahmadi and N. Mostaghel, "On the Stability of a Class of Nonstationary Nonlinear Random Systems," International Journal of System Science, Vol. 7, No. 6, June 1976.
6. N. Mostaghel, A.A. Nowroozi, "Earthquake Response of Hills," Bulletin of Seismological Society of America, Vol. 65, No. 6, pp. 1733-1742, 1975.
5. N. Mostaghel, "Stability of Columns Subjected to Earthquake Support Motion," Journal of Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, Vol. 3, pp. 347-352, 1975.
4. N. Mostaghel and I. Tadjbakhsh, "Buckling of Rotating Rods and Plates," International Journal of Mechanical Science, Vol. 15, pp. 429-434, 1973.
3. N. Mostaghel and J.L. Sackman, "On the Stability of Hill's Equation," Journal of the Franklin Institute, Vol 289, No. 2, 1970.
2. N. Mostaghel and J.L. Sackman, "A Stability Analysis Through Liapunov's Direct Method," The Logistics Review, Vol. 6, No. 27, pp. 3-16, 1970.
- C.B. Brown and N. Mostaghel, "Modulus and Strength of Reinforced Matrices," Journal of Materials, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 120-130, 1967.
19. N. Mostaghel, R. Roy, “Detection and Characterization of Damage in Beams,” Proceeings of the Symposium on recent Advances in Mechanics, Democritus University of Thrace, Xanthi, Greece, pp.276-289, July 10-12, 1998.
18. Anil Nair, N. Mostaghel, "Control of Moment Resisting Frames by a Gap Knee-Bracing System," Proc. of the Fifth U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Chicago, July 10-14, 94.
17. Qiulin Yu, K.C. Fu, N. Mostaghel, "The Influence of Preform on the Vibration Mode of a Thin Plate,"
Proc., ASCE, Fifth International Conference on Computing in Civil Engineering, Anaheim, California, June 7-9, 1993
16. N. Mostaghel, M. Khodaverdian, "R-FBI Analyses & Experiments," Seismic, Shock, and Vibration Isolation, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME, PVP- Vol. 222, pp 7-14, 1991.
15. N. Mostaghel, A.R. Mortazavi, "Code Versus Analysis Design Displacement For R-FBI System," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME, Pressure Vessels & Piping, PVP - Vol. 181, 1989.
14. Fa-Gung Fan, G. Ahmadi, N. Mostaghel, I.G. Tadjbakhsh, "Fourier and Response Spectra For Base Isolated Structures," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME, Pressure Vessels & Piping, PVP - Vol. 181, pp. 29-33, 1989.
13. Fa-Gung Fan, G. Ahmadi, I.G. Tadjbakhsh, N. Mostaghel, "A Comparison of Performances of Various Frictional Base Isolation Systems," American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE, Structural Congress, San Francisco, CA May 1-5, 1989.
12. N. Mostaghel, S.H. Lo, E. Buman, "Design of R-FBI Bearings for Seismic Isolation," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME, Pressure Vessels & Piping, PVP - Vol. 147, pp. 15-20, 1988.
11. N. Mostaghel, M. Khodaverdian, B.F. Flint, "Seismic Response Abatement of Power Plants and Internal Components," Seismic Engineering, Recent Advances in Design, Analysis, Testing & Qualification Methods, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME, Pressure Vessels & Piping, PVP - Vol. 127, 445-453, 1987.
10. N. Mostaghel, "Resilient-Friction Base Isolator (R-FBI)," Proc. of ATC Seminar on Base Isolation and Energy-Dissipation Devices, San Francisco, California, pp 221-230 1986.
9. N. Mostaghel, M. Hejazi, M. Khodaverdian, "Response of Structures Supported on Resilient-Friction Base Isolator (R-FBI)," Proc. 3rd U.S. National Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Charleston, South Carolina, pp 1993-2003, August 1986.
8. G. Ahmadi, A.A. Nowroozi and N. Mostaghel, "Seismic Acceleration Risk Analysis of Iran," Proc. of Eighth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, California, Vol. II. pp. 69-76, July 1984.
7. N. Mostaghel and M. Shahabi, "Strong Ground Motion Duration and Effective Cyclic Acceleration," Proc. of Eighth World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, San Francisco, California, Vol. II, pp. 843-850, July 1984.
6. N. Mostaghel and J. Tanbakuchi, "Response of Structures on Slinky Type Supports," American Society of Civil Engineers, ASCE National Convention, Paper No. 83-007, May 1983, Philadelphia, PA.
5. N. Mostaghel and M. Khojasteh-Bakht, "Mitigating Roof Collapse in Adobe Dwellings," Vol. I, Proceedings of International Workshop on Earthen Buildings in Seismic Areas, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, May 24-28, 1981.
4. N. Mostaghel and G. Ahmadi, "A Simplified Procedure for Obtaining Site Dependent Design Spectra," Proc. Seventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, pp. 151-154, September 3- 13, 1980, Ankara, Turkey.
3. N. Mostaghel and G. Ahmadi, "Determination of Equivalent Material Properties for Masonry," Proc. Second Iranian Congress of Civil Engineering, Shiraz University, (formerly Pahlavi University), May 1976.
2. N. Mostaghel, R. Mayes, R.W. Clough and S.W. Chen, "A Study on the Major Factors Influencing the Strength of Masonry Prisms," Proc. Second Iranian Congress of Civil Engineering, Pahlavi University, May 1976.
1. R.L. Mayes, N. Mostaghel, R.W. Clough and W.L. Dickey, "Cyclic Tests of Masonry Piers," Proceedings of the Third Congress of Yugoslav Associations for Earthquake Engineering, pp. 85-96, September, 1974.
3. A short chapter in the book, Almost The Real Thing, Simulation In Your High-Tech World, Gloria Skurzynski, Bradbury Press, 1991.
2. H. Chung, N. Mostaghel, Ed., "Seismic Shock and Vibration Isolation," American Society of Mechanical Engineers, ASME, Pressure Vessels & Piping, PVP-Vol. 147, 1988.
1. K. Habibagahi, N. Mostaghel, "Methods of Improving Low- Cost Construction Materials Against Earthquake," New Horizons Construction Materials, Vol. 1, Ed. Hsai-Yang Fang, Envo Publishing Company, Inc., Pennsylvania, pp. 461-475, 1976.
23. N. Mostaghel, Ryan A. Byrd, "Inversion of Ramberg-Osgood Equation And Description Of Hysteresis Loops," Report No. UT-CE/ST 00-101, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toledo, March 2001.
22. N. Mostaghel, Ryan A. Byrd, "Analytical Description of Multi-Degree Bi-Linear Hysteretic Systems," Report No. UT-CE/ST 99-104, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toledo, June 1999.
21.N. Mostaghel, Brian W. Randolph "Bomb Blast Container (BBC), Development of a Portable Containment Vessel for Conventional, Chemical and Biological Explosives Suitable for On/Off site Neutralization," Report No. UT-CE/ST 99-102, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toledo, March 1999.
20. N. Mostaghel, “A Blast Load Simulation System,” Report No. UT-CE 98-103, Patent Disclosure, Office for Research and Development, University of Toledo, September, 1998.
19. N. Mostaghel, "Analytical Description of Pinching, Degrading, Hysteretic Systems," Report No. UT-CE/ST 98-102, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toledo, February 1998.
18. N. Mostaghel, Brian W. Randolph "Fuel Container Safety System," Report No. UT-CE/ST 98-101, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toledo, January 1998.
17. N. Mostaghel, “Interim Technical Report To The Office Of Naval Research On The Pulsating Impeller,” Grant # N00014-96-1-0091, December 1996.
16. N. Mostaghel, Jiwan D. Gupta, "Centing-Membrane System to Mitigate Blast Effects," Report No. UT-CE 96-101, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Toledo, November 1996.
15. N. Mostaghel, J.M. Kelly, A.R. Mortazavi, "Design Procedure for R-FBI Bearings," Report No. UTEC 88-31, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Utah, April 1988.
14. N. Mostaghel, "Stability Analysis of R-FBI Bearings," Report No. UTEC 88-037, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Utah, April 1988.
13. N. Mostaghel, "Taisei Base Isolated Demonstration Building," Report No. UTEC 88-064, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Utah, July 1988.
12. N. Mostaghel, J.M. Kelly, "Design Procedure for R-FBI Bearings," Report No. UCB/EERC-87/18, Earthquake Engineering Research Center, University of California, Berkeley, 1987.
11. N. Mostaghel, Brett F. Flint, "Experimental Evaluation of R- FBI Bearing," Report No. 86-089 UTEC86, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 1986.
10. N. Mostaghel, "Aseismic Base Isolation,"Workshop on Mitigating Earthquake Risk in Older Buildings," January 16-18, 1985, Salt Lake City, Utah
9. N. Mostaghel, "Resilient-Friction Base Isolator (R-FBI), Report No. UTEC 84-097, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Utah, November 1984.
8. N. Mostaghel, "Pneumatic Base Isolation," Report No. UTEC 83-055, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Utah, July 1983.
7. N. Mostaghel and M. Khojasteh-Bakht, "Rural Housing Plan to Mitigate Earthquake Effects," Earthquake Engineering Center Report EEC-78-3, School of Engineering, Shiraz University, (formerly Pahlavi University), (in Persian),.October 1978.
6. N. Mostaghel and G. Ahmadi "Spectra for Rude-Karun Site," prepared for Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, December 1978.
5. M. Khojasteh-Bakht and N. Mostaghel, "Evaluation of Strength of Masonry Structures Against Earthquakes," Report No. 2, EEC-76- 2, Earthquake Engineering Center, Shiraz University, (in Persian), October 1976.
4. N. Mostaghel, M. Khojasteh-Bakht, Progress Report No. 2, "Methods of Improving Resistance of Masonry Structures Against Earthquakes," Earthquake Engineering Center, Shiraz University, Report No. 1, EEC-76-1, April 1976.
3. N. Mostaghel, M. Khojasteh-Bakht, Progress Report No. 1, "Methods of Improving Resistance of Masonry Structures Against Earthquake," Department of Civil Engineering, Shiraz University, (formerly Pahlavi University), January 1975.
2. M. Khojasteh-Bakht, N. Mostaghel, "Study of a 2500 Low Cost Housing Project in Bandar Abbas from the Standpoint of Its Earthquake Resistance," Report No. 022, Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Pahlavi University, Shiraz, (in Persian), June 1971.
1. N. Mostaghel, J.L. Sackman, "Stability of Some Nonlinear Systems," SESM Research Report No. 68-2, U.S. Army Research Offices Project No. 4547-E, 1968.