Facilities and Construction

Facilities and Construction Space Change Form

Part I   Approval of this form is to be completed any time there is a Request for Space  (a request for additional or different space without specific space identified);
Part II  is to be completed for a Request for Change in Occupancy (the department assignment of a room changes);
Part III is to be completed for a Request for Change in Room Use or Physical Modification.


1.  Approval from both Director/Dept. Chair and Dean/VP required for all requests.
2.  Academic Space Approval - If space change involves academic space, approval required from Provost and Executive VP for Academic Affairs.
3.  Non-Academic Space Approval; - if space change involves non-academic space, approval required from Executive VP for Finance and Administration.
4.  UTMC Space Approval - If Space change involves space at the UT Medical Center, approval required from Executive VP for Clinical Affairs.
5.  Approval from two or more Executive VP's may be required for requests involving a combination of academic, non-academic and/or UTMC space.

If renovations are necessary, initiate a Capital Project Request form after Space Change Form is approved.

Last Updated: 2/15/24