The University of Toledo Office of Sustainability

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SEED logoSustainable Growth

Help to spread the nutrients and to create deeper roots within the community of sustainability. SEED commits itself to not only leaving behind a better planet, but by helping people to be better equipped to live on it.

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The University of Toledo aspires to minimize its impact on our environment and maximize the effective use of resources by fostering safe, comfortable, and efficient environmental behavior among faculty, students, staff, and volunteers. Our goals are organized into the three pillars of sustainability. The first component for the University is the social aspect. With increased engagement from faculty/staff, students, and the greater community, we can meet our sustainability goals. The second component, the economy, provides a budget so that the University can continually make changes and implement sustainable projects. The third and final component is the environment. If the first two components are properly implemented, then the environmental benefits come naturally. It is critical to protect the environment because without it we cannot have an equitable society or a flourishing economy.

Sustainability Policy Sustainability Strategic Plan


SEED Initiative is the University of Toledo's Office of Sustainability that is housed but not limited to Facilities & Construction. SEED focuses on Sustainability, Energy Efficiency, and Design to ensure the University is operating in a manner that betters our community, economy, and planet. Through environmental sustainability projects, energy conservation measures, innovative building renovation, and a comprehensive educational campaign, SEED commits itself to leaving behind a better planet than when we started.

Meet the SEED Team


Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory has fallen almost 70% since FY 2005

The initial greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory was completed in 2015 and has been updated every couple of years by student workers, interns, and as class projects. The data gives us a different indicator of how well our energy efficiency has been performing and its environmental impact. We have had a significant reduction in GHG over the past 10 years through three specific achievements: HSC coal plant was upgraded to natural gas, Campus wide energy reductions and implementing building operation hours, and negotiating/bidding carbon free electricity at no additional cost to UToledo. The below chart scopes are #1 fossil fuel heating, #2 electricity, and #3 transportation/travel. These emissions contribute to global climate change. One of our goals is to minimize this impact while providing all services required to promote research and student advancement for current and future generations.


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SEED scholarships

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The University of Toledo Office of Sustainability
Facilities & Construction



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Last Updated: 7/15/24