Business Incubator

Business Model Canvas Videos

Every successful business has two things:

  1. A great idea
  2. A great business model

Even if customers like your idea, your business can fail if the business model is not scalable or financially sustainable.  The Business Model Canvas is a strategic management and entrepreneurial tool to help with these, and many more challenges. It allows you to describe, design, challenge, invent, and pivot your business model. 

Below you'll find a series of videos that are an introduction to this model.

Submit an idea
Lecture 1
how to build a startup

Creating a startup is a rollercoaster. Learn more about the factors that should be incorporated into the successful launch of a new company.

Lecture 2
Customer Development (pt 1)

Who are your customers and why do they want to buy from you? Learn more about identifying and developing your target market. 

Lecture 3
customer development (Pt 2)

You think you've found your startup target markets. Learn more about how to test your market hypotheses on real, potential customers. 

Value Proposition
Value Proposition

What are the pain points of your customers? Learn how well your audience's needs translate into the services or features you offer.

Customer Segments

Are you marketing your business to the proper audience? Learn how to identify and reach the best person to purchase from your startup. 

Business Model Canvas
the business model canvas

The business model canvas is a guide to help organize startup company details. Learn how to utilize this resource to its full potential. 

Last Updated: 7/15/24