College of Law

Government Documents

As a Federal Depository Library, the LaValley Law Library provides access to federal government information online.  Patrons may use library computers only to access government documents or conduct other types of legal research.

Federal Government Information

A federal government Web site maintained by the Government Publishing Office.  Includes links to various federal publications.  Every Federal depository library is required to have the titles in the Basic Collection available for immediate use.
 The official Congressional Web site maintained by the Library of Congress.  Includes links to current bills, members' web sites and more. This replaces

A federal government web site with links to various federal government statistics and statistical agencies.

Statistical Abstract of the United States
A federal government web site maintained by the Census Bureau.

U.S. Executive Branch Web Sites
A federal government web site maintained by the Library of Congress.  Links to various executive branch agencies.

Federal Judiciary The clearinghouse for information from and about the Judicial Branch of the U.S. Government.

State Government Information

The Official State of Ohio web site
Follow the "government" link from the first page of the Web site to find state officials, state agencies, etc.

The Official State of Michigan web sites
Links to Michigan government information.

For other legal links, please see legal research links.


Last Updated: 7/15/24