College of Law

Legal Research Links

Many of these databases are limited to College of Law use only, and require a UTAD sign-in or a Rocket number.

Library Map and Directory (PDF)

Library Catalog for books and journal titles (not individual articles).  Defaults to keyword and all of UToledo's collection.

LibGuides for library resources on several law subjects.  Most of these were written by our former Assistant Director Christie Lowry. Christie's LibGuide for Law Library Study Aids is potentially helpful for exams, midterms, and the bar.

Bar Prep Guide that includes supplements to assist in your studying. 

LexisNexis Digital Library includes study aids like Q&As and the Understanding series published by Lexis and Carolina Academic Press.

West Academic Study Aids offers you easy online access to hundreds of study aids, treatises, and audio lectures to help you succeed in law school.

Aspen Learning Library, formerly the Wolters Kluwer Online Study Aid Libraryprovides ebook versions of popular study aids such as the Examples & Explanations Series, Emanuel Law Outlines, Emanuel CrunchTime, and Glannon Guides.  The E&Es are some of our favorite study aids. You also have access to Emanuel and Glannon, but please don't rely on them exclusively.  These outlines are necessarily generic,  and the authors don't know your professors.  To do well in law school you really need to create an individual outline yourself, and make it your own!

Our New Acquisitions List includes books and any other items recently added to the Law Library's collection.

LegalTrac provides indexing for more than 1,500 major law reviews, legal newspapers, specialty publications, Bar Association journals and international legal journals, including more than 250 titles in full text.

How to Find Legal Periodicals in the LaValley Law Library (PDF)

Full text coverage of hundreds of law journals from Volume 1 forward.

SSRN, the Social Science Research Network, is a free and searchable database containing nearly a million articles and essays by social scientists in many disciplines including law. Many law professors share their research here before it is published in a traditional law review or law journal. 

Lexis Advance (must have your own Lexis ID)

Westlaw (must have your own Westlaw ID)

Fastcase (law school IP access only)

govinfo is a service of the United States Government Publishing Office (GPO), which is a Federal agency in the legislative branch.  It provides free public access to official publications from all three branches of the Federal Government.

Toledo Legal News  Established in 1894, this daily newspaper is the designated law journal for the federal, county and city courts in Toledo and Lucas County.

CALI, the Center for Computer Assisted Legal Instruction, has over 900 interactive law school tutorials.
Please see a librarian for the CALI password.

LawMemo, a labor and employment law publisher, has served the legal community since 1999.  A team of writers, editors, and researchers provide labor and employment appellate law updates from all jurisdictions including the DC Circuit and the US Supreme Court.  Regular updates, custom alerts, and a database of over 20,000 employment and labor law cases are available. Get your password here.

LLMC-Digital is no longer available due to the ending of LLMC's partnership with the Center for Research Libraries, through which we previously had access. We're leaving this entry here as a placeholder if we subscribe again in the future. LLMC (the Law Library Microform Consortium) is a non-profit cooperative of libraries dedicated to the twin goals of preserving legal titles and government documents, while making copies inexpensively available digitally.

ProQuest Congressional (1789-present, law school access)
and ProQuest Congressional Digital Serial Set (1789-1969) (wireless, off campus and remote access)
Federal legislative history and many full text documents beginning with the First Congress.

A state-funded consortium of Ohio university and college libraries and the State Library of Ohio. Students, faculty members, and staff members affiliated with OhioLINK institutions can request books online, view journal articles online, search authoritative databases, and make use of other OhioLINK services that enhance research and education.

OhioLINK Databases
Research databases on various subjects, provided by OhioLINK and by The University of Toledo.

Government Documents

Local Court Rules

General Law Sites

Federal Government Sites

Ohio Law Sites

State Legislative History Research Guides on the Web

Forms, Search Engines, and Miscellaneous Sites

Faculty & Staff Research Links


Last Updated: 12/2/24