College of Law

General Policies and Procedures


To check out materials from the Law Library please go to the Circulation Desk. Materials will be checked out according to the following policy:

  1. University of Toledo Law Faculty: Almost no restrictions on item types that can be checked out, and no time limit on how long materials can be borrowed. Items from other libraries are subject to limits. 
  2. University of Toledo Law Students: May check out books that normally circulate. Such materials are due in four weeks, except for reserve books, which are due in two hours. Materials that do not circulate outside the library include reporters, code volumes, multi-volume sets or any parts thereof, books in the reference collection, loose-leaf materials, periodicals, serials, microfiche, microfilm, A/V materials (video recordings, sound recordings, devices to record or display A/V media, etc.), electronic media (computer disks, etc.), flash cards, or any material not specifically mentioned that has been assigned an item type other than 006 in the loan rule determiner tables of the library's online catalog. (Non-circulating materials make up the majority of the Law Library's collection.) Must show UT ID.
  3. University of Toledo Undergraduate Students: See law student policy. Four-week time limit on circulating materials. Must show UT ID.
  4. Attorneys - Ohio and Michigan Only: See law student policy. Four-week time limit on circulating materials. Must show bar card.
  5. University of Toledo Law Staff Patrons: See law student policy. Four-week time limit on circulating materials. Must show UT ID.
  6. University of Toledo Faculty from Other Departments: See law student policy. Four-week time limit on circulating materials, except materials used for research projects (see #7 below). Must show UT ID.
  7. University of Toledo Faculty and Grad Students Performing Research: Time limit extended to eight weeks on circulating materials used for research projects. Must see Circulation Services for approval and show UT ID.
  8. Patrons from Other Universities: If OhioLink members, may check out items using their University ID card. If not OhioLink members, may not check out any item.
  9. Public Patrons: May not check out any item. Public patrons may photocopy the relevant portion, conforming to copyright laws, using one of the photocopiers available in the Law Library.

You may call the Law Library (419.530.2733) to renew your books or you may renew them via UTMOST on the web. If you get an error message when trying to renew, please contact the Law Library.


To check out reserve items for two-hour loan in the library, go to the Circulation Desk, where the attendant will retrieve the item you request. Please bring your UT ID, or Michigan or Ohio bar card so that the items may be properly checked out to you.

Overdue Fines. 

Circulating books may be checked out from the library for four weeks. The overdue fine is 25 cents per day, with a one-day grace period and a maximum charge of $100 per item. Circulating books that have been overdue for more than a month are deemed to be lost (see below).

Reserve items may be checked out for two hours and may not leave the library, unless an exception to this rule has been authorized by the reference librarian on duty. The overdue fine is 50 cents per hour, with a one-hour grace period and a maximum charge of $100 per item. Reserve items that have been overdue for more than a week are deemed to be lost (see below).

Lost Book Fines & Fees. 

In addition to the maximum overdue fine of up to $100 per item or actual replacement cost per item (whichever is greater), books and other circulating items that have been lost will incur a $10 billing fee and a $15 processing fee. The minimum charge for a lost book is therefore $125. Reserve items that have been overdue for more than a week, or circulating books that have been overdue for more than a month, are deemed to be lost.

Food and Drink.

Be a good citizen where food and drink are concerned. Food attracts bugs, and bugs eat books. (And sometimes people.) So clean up any crumbs or spills, and throw away any refuse from your meal in one of the many garbage cans in the library. To prevent spills, use a container that has a closable top for your beverages. By being considerate, you will help us maintain a healthy working environment for everybody.

Group Study Rooms.

There are nine group study rooms available. The rooms are not soundproof, but are designed for group discussions. Two or more students may reserve a group study room for up to four hours each day. A reservation is needed to guarantee a room at a specific time. An individual UT Law student may use a room if it is available, but must vacate the room if a group requests use of it. Individuals or groups using a study room without a reservation will be asked to vacate it when necessary to make it available to individuals who have reserved it.

Special Research Collection Shelves.

These shelves make up the outside of the Reserve Area. They are for upper-level law student projects as well as for law faculty research projects. One may place reporters, periodicals, and single- and multi-volume un-supplemented treatises on these shelves. The shelf may be reserved for a three-week period and may be renewed until the end of the current term. Please see a Reference Librarian or the Circulation Library Associate for a reservation slip.

Study Space.

The Law Library is reserved for law students and others doing legal research. Some areas and equipment, including the computer lab, are for the exclusive use of law students. Please observe the restrictions.

Last Updated: 7/15/24