University Libraries

Finding, Obtaining, and Citing Books and Book Chapters

Finding Relevant Books

The most important search tool when looking for books is the online catalog, which can be used to identify the resources owned by a particular library (like the University of Toledo) or group of libraries (like OhioLINK). Most catalogs can be searched by title (of book, journal, media), author, subject heading, and keyword. Important library catalogs at the University of Toledo are:


University Libraries catalog Start your search for books here. In the catalog, you can see what materials are available at the University of Toledo Libraries, no matter where they are. [Instructional materials]
OhioLINK catalog If not, the next step is to check the to see if any other academic library (including other medical school libraries) in Ohio has the books. From within the OhioLINK catalog, you can request a book be sent to the Mulford Health Science Library for you. [Instructional materials]
WorldCat [off-campus access  To further broaden your search for books, try WorldCat, a catalog that contains information about books from libraries worldwide. You can check to see if the books you find are available locally at UT or regionally via OhioLINK before requesting the books from the Interlibrary Services department (see below).

There are many other library catalogs in addition to the three listed above.  For books not available at the University Libraries or through OhioLINK, the Mulford Interlibrary Services department can borrow the books for you from another library. If you need help finding a book, contact Mulford Reference Assistance.

Finding Relevant Book Chapters

Book chapters can be a good source of information, however, it is sometimes difficult to identify them; you can't always tell if a book will have a good chapter just by looking at the book's title.

For some books, table of contents information can be found in the University Libraries catalog and the OhioLINK catalog. For example, look at this record for Evolution of Infectious Disease, which includes the table of contents. When you do an author, title, or keyword search, the chapter authors/titles will be searched too.

Mulford also has a print resource called Index to Scientific Book Contents (ISBC), which can also be used to identify chapters of interest. Consult the University Libraries catalog to see the volumes (years) owned by Mulford.

Sometimes you may also need to ask yourself what sort of book would have a chapter of interest. For example, if you are interested in childhood immunizations, you might want to search for a book on pediatrics or preventive medicine.

If you need help finding a book chapter, contact Mulford Reference Assistance.

Online Catalog Search Tips

  • DO think about your topic in advance.  What is your topic? What terms are synonyms for your topic? What terms are broader in scope that your topic? In what type of book might your topic be found (e.g., using an obstetrics book to find information on preeclampsia)?
  • DO review any available instructional materials (help sheets, tutorials, etc.) from the UT Library Guides, if needed.
  • DO begin with a word search if you are searching by topic. You can then use the results to identify appropriate subject headings (use the National Library of Medicine headings).
  • DO use your synonyms and broader terms as needed.
  • DON'T assume the library has no books on your topic until you have double-checked with a reference librarian.

Book Locations @ the Mulford Health Science Library

The catalog will indicate where a book is located by giving a location, a call number, and some indication of availability. Because the catalog is for all University of Toledo Libraries (plus St. Vincent's Mercy Medical Center library), you will see locations referring to Carlson, Law, and other locations. For Mulford Library locations:

MULFORD Book Stacks. Bookshelves are located in a closed section on the sixth floor of the library building.  Ask library staff at the service desk on the fourth floor for access.

MULFORD Reference. On the fourth floor, to the right of the back elevators.

MULFORD Reserve. At the service desk on the fourth floor, by the entrance of the library. This is a library staff-only area; request the item from the staff member on duty.

MULFORD Special Collections. Ask at the service desk to see a book from Special Collections.

MULFORD Reserve Electronic. At the service desk on the fourth floor, by the entrance of the library. This is a library staff-only area; request the item from the staff member on duty.

MULFORD Reserve Audiovisuals/Media. At the service desk on the fourth floor, by the entrance of the library. This is a library staff-only area; request the item from the staff member on duty.

MULFORD Reserve Special. At the service desk on the fourth floor, by the entrance of the library. This is a library staff-only area; request the item from the staff member on duty.

MULFORD Audiovisuals/Media. Located on the fourth floor of the library building, at the service desk, by the entrance of the library.

MULFORD New Book Shelf. On the fourth floor, near the entrance of the library, by the service desk.

MULFORD Oversize Books. Oversize books are located Bookshelves are located in a closed section on the sixth floor of the library building.  Ask library staff at the service desk on the fourth floor for access.

MULFORD Offices. Ask at the service desk on the fourth floor.

MULFORD Leisure Reading. On the fifth floor near the atrium side of the balcony, by the low bookshelves.

NWO Book Depository. Ask at the service desk on the fourth floor.

Books are arranged by Library of Congress and National Library of Medicine call numbers. The availability statement indicates if the item is available, checked out of the library, on order, on hold, missing, etc.

Online Books

In addition to traditional print books, the Mulford Library also provides access to a variety of online books that are searched and viewed using a web browser like Internet Explorer or Firefox. Many of these titles are part of a larger information system like Clinical Key or AccessMedicine. For a complete listing of the resources that include online books, see our list of full-text resources.

The easiest way to determine if a book is available online is to search the online catalog. If the book is available online, there will be a link from the catalog to the book. See Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine as an example. [Due to licensing restrictions, some of these online resources are not available off of the Health Science Campus.]

Missing Books

If the needed book is not on the shelf, double-check the online catalog to make sure that the book isn't checked out, missing, or otherwise unavailable. Ask a staff member if you need help.

If the catalog indicates that the book is available, check for the book in the photocopy room and in study spaces. If you cannot find the book, report it at the service desk. Staff members who reshelve the books will conduct a thorough search of the library. If requested, they will contact you to let you know when the book has been found.


Mulford Book Check-out Policies

Circulating Books. Books from the fifth floor book stacks can be checked out for four weeks with up to four renewals (as long as someone else hasn't requested the book). A book can be renewed a week before it is due, provided the book isn't overdue. Books can be renewed over the phone
(419.383.4225) or online.
OhioLINK Books. OhioLINK books can be checked out for three weeks with up to six renewals (as long as someone else hasn't requested the book). A book can be renewed a week before it is due, provided the book isn't overdue. Books can be renewed over the phone (419.383.4225) or online.

Interlibrary Loan Books. Books that are borrowed from a non-OhioLINK library through interlibrary loan can usually be checked out for three weeks; loans and renewals are subject to the lending library's policies. To see if an interlibrary loan book can be renewed, contact Interlibrary Services (419.383.3973).

Reserve Books. At the Mulford Library, reserve books can be checked out for two hours at a time or overnight.

Holds. If the desired book is checked out of the library or is otherwise missing on the shelf, you can ask at the service desk to put a hold on the book. When the book is returned, you will be contacted.

For additional information, contact the service desk at 419.383.4225.

Borrowing a Book from Another Library

If the needed book isn't available at the University of Toledo Libraries, check the OhioLINK catalog to see if any other academic library (including other medical school libraries) in Ohio has the books. From within the OhioLINK catalog, you can request a book be sent to Mulford for you. Online borrowing through OhioLINK is available to all faculty, residents, staff, and students at the University of Toledo, as long as they are registered with the Libraries. See the online/on-site borrowing help sheet[PDF] for more information.

For materials not available through OhioLINK, complete and submit a book request form (this form can also be used to to request dissertations and audiovisual materials). When the item is received at Mulford, you'll be contacted.

Citing Books and Book Chapters

When preparing a research paper or manuscript, you may need to cite a book or book chapter. The format of this citation depends upon the style required by the professor or publisher. Here are some web sites that give example of citing books and book chapters for styles that are most commonly used on campus. If you need information that is more detailed that what you find online, contact Mulford Reference Assistance. A reference librarian can also help you verify citations and find information needed to complete incomplete references.

American Medical Association (AMA)

American Psychological Association (APA) - 6th edition

Council of Science Editors (formerly the Council of Biology Editors)

National Library of Medicine

Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals (Vancouver)

Print style manuals are available in the Library. EndNote (a program that integrates with Word and can be used to cite and format references in papers and manuscripts) is available for use on campus and for home use for UT faculty, residents, staff, and students. For more information on EndNote, see the EndNote Library Guide.

Last Updated: 7/15/24