Wellness Coaching
Wellness Coaching Model
The University of Toledo Wellness Wheel is the framework for Wellness services on both the Main campus as well as the Health Science campus. The 8 dimensions are based on Swarbrick's (1997) formula, to which she said, "Wellness is... being aware of ourselves as a whole people (holistic), including a sense of balance & comfort." (Swarbrick, 2012)
The 8 Dimensions of Wellness are Strengths-Focused, meaning each dimension:
- Impacts another, positively or negatively
- Builds on each person's daily habits & routines
- Functions on a growth mindset model ("I will..." instead of "I can't...")
Wellness Coaching
Wellness coaching involves the Wellness Coach as well as a Coachee. Sessions involve focusing on the present and helping the Coachee move towards the future. In a safe and confidential space, the Coach and the Coachee discuss the current issue and the Coachee sets goals based on his/her values, needs, and vision.
Being healthy means having the courage and energy to take care of ourselves and what we care about each day. Wellness coaching focuses on supporting you as a student and future health care provider by providing a safe and confidential space to discuss life issues, such as friends, family, struggles, fears, and accomplishments with a Wellness Coach and educator. Through a student-centered approach based on mutual trust and respect, wellness coaching helps build resiliency and confidence emotionally and academically.
Coachee Role
Wellness Coach
Schedule an appointment
Learners have the opportunity to choose in-person or virtual appointments at their convenienice. In-person appointments are held in the Academic Enrichment Center Suite located on the Health Science Campus in the Mulford Cafe 029. Virtual appointments are held via Microsoft Teams. To accommodate student needs the Academic Enrichment Center has night and weekend availability. To schedule an appointment visit the Academic Enrichment Center Microsoft Teams Booking page.