
Scott M. Pappada, Ph.D.

Scott M. Pappada, Ph.D.Assistant Professor and Director of Research
Department of Anesthesiology
University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences

Assistant Professor
Department of Bioengineering
Prestige Faculty, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

PREPARE Platform Website


B.S. in Biomedical Engineering
Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Minor: Biomedical Sciences

Ph.D. in Engineering (Bioengineering)
University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio
Dissertation Title: Prediction of Glucose for Enhancement of Treatment and Outcome a Neural Network Model Approach
Ph.D. Advisor: Brent D. Cameron, Ph.D.

Awards and Honors:

  • 2019 Kosaka Best of Meeting Finalist - Basic Science Research, International Anesthesia Research Society Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada, May 2019
  • 2015 Outstanding Initiative Aptima, Inc. Corporate Annual Achievement Award
  • 2015 Second Place Award, Scientific Exhibit Use of NASA Task Load Index Scale in the Evaluation of Neurocognitive Workload During Cardiac Anesthesia-based Simulation Scenarios”, 2015 ANETHESIOLOGY Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA
  • 2015 Third Place Award for Best Research Poster (Faculty Advisor of Presenter) Midwest Anesthesia Residents’ Conference, Cleveland, Ohio

Professional Experience:

July 2019-Present Director of Research, Department of Anesthesiology, College of Medicine and Life Sciences, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio

  • Lead and coordinate Department of Anesthesiology research efforts and provide oversight to Federal, State, and Private Industry-funded R&D. 
  • Engage faculty, residents, and medical students in various research activities originating from the Department of Anesthesiology. 
  • Support continued growth of research collaboration between UToledo’s Main Campus and UToledo’s Health Science Campus. 

March 2017-Present Prestige Faculty AppointmentDepartment of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Toledo, Toledo, Ohio

  • Serve as graduate advisor and support educational and research objectives of the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

August 2016-Present Simulation Fellow in Residence, University of Toledo Lloyd A. Jacobs

Interdisciplinary Immersive Simulation Center (IISC), Toledo, Ohio

  • Work with IISC staff and College of Medicine and Life Sciences Faculty to grow innovative programs of research through pursuit of research funding from government and private foundations.
  • Work with IISC staff and College of Medicine and Life Science Faculty to integrate simulation and utilization of IISC into curriculum for advancement of education and learning.
  • Collaborate with other academic institutions and industry on independent research programs based out of the University of Toledo.
  • Lead efforts to develop and establish a novel learning management system (PREPARE) to predict knowledge/skill acquisition and recommend future training for learners at IISC. 
  • Improve and advance assessment of learners and healthcare professionals participating in simulation-based medical education and educational activities at IISC. 

August 2016-Present Assistant Professor, Departments of Anesthesiology and Bioengineering, The University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences, University of Toledo College of Engineering, Toledo, Ohio

  • Joint faculty appointments in the Department of Anesthesiology within University of Toledo’s College of Medicine and Life Sciences and within the Department of Bioengineering with the University of Toledo's College of Engineering.
  • Lead independent research programs surrounding the development of intelligent clinical decision support systems, mathematical models, and algorithms for use in augmenting performance of healthcare providers in the hospital\critical care setting, and within outpatient\ambulatory settings.
  • Lead and grow research programs within medical simulation, and medical training/education at UT'sInterprofessional Immersive Simulation Center. The goal of this research will surround optimization of healthcare provider performance via simulation-based training and development of new simulation technologies and interventions.
  • Stimulate and grow collaborative multidisciplinary research amongst The University of Toledo’s College of Medicine and Life Sciences and Engineering.
  • Advise and work closely with Anesthesiology faculty and residents to support publication and dissemination ofresearch within peer reviewed journals and national/international conferences.
  • Teach courses and support education of Anesthesiology residents on research methodologies, statistics, and ethics.
  • Teach undergraduate courses in Bioengineering Department with Biosignal Processing (BIOE4120) being primary course responsible for. 
  • Advise and support Bioengineering students (undergraduate and graduate) in Senior Design and Thesis\Doctoral Research programs.

October 2013-Present Adjunct Assistant Professor, Department of Anesthesiology, The Ohio State University College of Medicine and The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, Columbus, Ohio

  • Support and pursue funding for multiple clinical research projects surrounding decision support system development and optimization of healthcare staff training, quality of care, and patient safety.
  • Work to grow collaborative research programs with industry and international healthcare institutions.
  • Support publication and dissemination of research within peer reviewed journals and conferences.

2012-Present Co-Founder and Director, Analytic Diabetic Systems, Inc., Dayton, Ohio

  • One of three members of Analytic Diabetic Systems, Inc. Board of Directors
  • Lead research and development of company technologies, some of which stem from doctoral research completed at The University of Toledo with collaboration between the College of Engineering’s Department of Bioengineering and The University of Toledo Medical Center’s Departments of Anesthesiology and Surgery.
    • Initial product (GlyCU) will serve as a comprehensive clinical decision support system for inpatient critical care settings to support optimization of glucose control through real-time prediction of glucose, performance assessment of staff in meeting glycemic control goals, and “what if” simulation capabilities to allow staff to evaluate impact of therapeutic interventions before committing to them.
    • Support generation of business plan, pursue additional funding opportunities including venture capital investment.
    • Coordinate regularly with the software engineering team—at Aptima, Analytic Diabetic Systems (ADS), and elsewhere—responsible for the development, quality control, and maintenance of the current and future ADSproduct(s);
    • Collaborate actively with third party advisors, to find a successful path through regulatory requirements and identify specific market needs for ADS product(s).

December 2011-July 2016 Senior Biomedical Engineer, Aptima Inc., Dayton, Ohio

  • Principal Investigator, Program Manager, and Task Lead for a number of federally funded research and development programs for the United States Air Force, United States Navy, United States Army Institute of Surgical Research, and Telemedicine Advanced Technology and Research Center.
  • Lead Aptima, Inc. business development and research and development for the healthcare domain with focus on development of intelligent clinical decision support systems, and technologies to improve healthcare training and education.
  • Cognitive and affective state modeling and assessment on a rapid timescale through signal processing/modeling of multimodal data such as neural, physiological, and behavioral data.
    • Lead efforts under U.S. Air Force and Navy Programs to develop comprehensive physiological signal processing software suite, and machine learning-based functional state modeling engine of Aptima’s Functional State Estimation Engine.
    • Pursuit of research funding through submission of proposals and grant applications to DOD, NIH, and other government agencies.
      • Contributed to acquisition of over $8M in research and development funding of government research and development programs.
      • Top Secret security clearance.

2010-2011 Senior Biomedical Researcher, NeuroWave Systems Inc., Cleveland Heights, Ohio

  • Coordinated R&D programs to accomplish established statements of work, schedules, and budgets.
  • Conceived, developed and pursued new research concepts and brain monitoring technologies, novel algorithms and techniques with applications in seizure detection, critical care patient monitoring, depth of anesthesia monitoring, psychiatry, and sleep medicine.
  • Analyzed data acquired from human subjects to establish the clinical utility of novel methods. Coordinated clinical studies.
  • Pursued research funding through submission of grant applications to NIH, DOD, and other government agencies.

Peer Reviewed Journal Publications (h-Index =10)

  1. Pappada, SM, Owais, M. H., Cameron, B. D., Jaume, J. C., Mavarez-Martinez, A., Tripathi, R. S., & Papadimos, T. J. (2020). An Artificial Neural Network-based Predictive Model to Support Optimization of Inpatient Glycemic Control. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics22(5), 383-394.
  2. Dolin HH, Dziuba M, Pappada SM, Papadimos TJ. Presumed antiphospholipid syndrome and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura: An infrequent association. Clinical Case Reports. 2019.
  3. Regmi HK, Nesamony J, Pappada SM, Papadimos TJ, Devabhaktuni V. A system for real- time syringe classification and volume measurement using a combination of image processing and artificial neural networks. Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation
  4. Pappada SM, Woodling K, Owais MH, Zink EM, Dahbour L, Tripathi RS, Khuder SA, Papadimos TJ, Continuous glucose monitoring identifies relationship between optimized glycemic control and post-discharge acute care facility needs, BMC Res Notes, 2018, 11:533
  5. Rudoni MA, Yost CN, Winegardner JE, Brown AR, Pappada SM, Papadimos TJ. Utilization of Vancomycin Loading Doses in Patients with Renal Impairment. The Internet Journal of Infectious Diseases. 2018 Volume 16 Number 1.
  6. Chen Y, Pappada SM, Papadimos TJ. Simulation-based medical education and effective staffing ratios. International Journal of Academic Medicine 2018;4:303-305
  7. Vanderbilt A. A., Pappada SM, Stein, H., Harper, D., & Papadimos, T. J. (2017). Increasing patient safety with neonates via handoff communication during delivery: a call for interprofessional health care team training across GME and CME. Advances in medical education and practice, 8, 365.
  8. Pappada SM, Papadimos TJ. Clinical decision support systems: From medical simulation to clinical practice. Int J Acad Med 2017;3:78-83
  9. Papadimos TJ, Sipes AC, Lyaker MR, Murphy CV, Tsavoussis A, Pappada SM. The importance of emotional intelligence to leadership in an Academic Health Center. International Journal of Academic Medicine. 2016; 2(1):57.
  10. Pappada SM, Papadimos TJ, Lipps, JA, Feeney JJ, Durkee KT, Galster SM, et. al. (2016). Establishing an instrumented training environment for simulation-based training of health care providers: An initial proof of concept. International Journal of Academic Medicine2(1), 32.
  11. Stawicki SP, Kalra S, Jones C, Justiniano CF, Papadimos TJ, Galwankar SC, Pappada SM, Feeney J, Evans DC, Comorbidity Polypharmacy Score and Its Clinical Utility: A Pragmatic Practitioner's Perspective. Review Article, Journal of Emergencies, Trauma, and Shock, 2015.

Book Chapters

  1. Papadimos TJ, Pappada SM, Lyaker MR, Papadimos JS, Casabianca AB. Health Security and the refugee crisis inGreece: the refugee perspective. In: International Health Security. London: InTech Publishing; 2020
  2. Durkee, K., Hiriyanna, A., Pappada, SM., Feeney, J. and Galster, S., Multi-model Approach to Human Functional State Estimation. In International Conference on Augmented Cognition (pp. 188-197). Springer International Publishing, July 2016
  3. Durkee K, Pappada SM, Ortiz A, Feeney J, Galster S, Using Context to Optimize a Functional State Estimation Engine in Unmanned Aircraft System Operations. in Foundations of Augmented Cognition, D.D. Schmorrow and C.M. Fidopiastis (Eds.): Proceedings of HCI International 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 24-35

Manuscripts submitted for publication or completed

Pappada SM, Sathelly B, Javaid AY, Owais MH, Kostopanagiotou G, Papadimos TJ. An artificial neural network approach to predict the likelihood of liver failure. 

Pappada SM, Papadimos TJ, Mack S, Beachy P, Khuder S, Casabianca A. Operating room (OR) delays: Identifying Contributing Factors Within the Electronic Health Record and Future Implications Towards Optimization OR Efficiency. 

Solorio FA, Yermal S, Gower J, Pappada SM, Papadimos TJ. The role of situational awareness in the management of erroneous epinephrine administration in a patient with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. In process of submission: Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia

Patents/Patent Applications

  1. Pappada SMCameron BD, Owais MH, Aladawi M, A Fused Artificial Intelligence-Based Platform to Optimize Skill Training and Performance Via Multimodal Physiological, Lifestyle, and Behavioral Assessments, Provisional Patent Application, January 2020, 62/961,891
  2. Durkee K, Pappada SM, et al. Systems and methods to determine user state, U.S. Patent Application, Ser. No 14/772827, issued in April 2019.
  3. Pappada SM, Feeney J, DePriest N, System and Methods to Support Medical Therapy Decisions, Patent Application Submitted, July 2015.
  4. Cameron BD and Pappada SM Multifunctional neural network system and use thereof for glycemic forecasting U.S. Patent No. 8,762,306 B2
  5. Cameron BD and Pappada SM Neural Network System and Uses Thereof U.S. Patent No. 9,076,107 B2
  6. Pappada SM Systems and methods for clinical decision monitoring and modeling, U.S. Patent Application, Ser. No 61/709,499 October 2012

Conference Proceedings and Presentations

  1. Pappada SMOwais MH, Alvarado C, Schneiderman J, Brunner D, Casabianca A, Hofmann J, Papadimos TJ. Novel Learning Management System to Revolutionize Generation, Administration, and Assessment ofSimulation-Based Medical Education, International (IARS) Anesthesia Research Society Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada, May 2019, 2019 Kosaka Best of Meeting Finalist - Basic Science Research
  2. Pappada SMNam C, Merchant S, Rygielski S, Casabianca A, Khuder S, Papadimos TJ. Reducing Operating Room Delays: One Institution’s Search for the Holy Grail, International Anesthesia Research Society (IARS) Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada, May 2019
  3. Solorio F, Pappada SM, Papadimos TJ, Yermal S, Management of Erroneous Epinephrine Administration in a Patient with Hypertrophic Obstructive Cardiomyopathy, International Anesthesia Research Society Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada, May 2019
  4. Pappada SMOwais MH, Alvarado C, Schneiderman J, Brunner D, Casabianca A, Hofmann J, Papadimos TJ. Novel Learning Management System to Revolutionize Generation, Administration, and Assessment of Simulation-Based Medical Education, Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists (SOCCA) Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada, May 2019
  5. Pappada SMNam C, Merchant S, Rygielski S, Casabianca A, Khuder S, Papadimos TJ. Reducing Operating Room Delays: One Institution’s Search for the Holy Grail, Society of Critical Care Anesthesiologists (SOCCA) Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada, May 2019
  6. Pappada SMOwais MH, Alvarado C, Schneiderman J, Brunner D, Casabianca A, Hofmann J, Papadimos TJ. Novel Learning Management System to Revolutionize Generation, Administration, and Assessment of Simulation-Based Medical Education, Association of University Anesthesiologists (AUA) Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada, May 2019
  7. Pappada SMNam C, Merchant S, Rygielski S, Casabianca A, Khuder S, Papadimos TJ. Reducing OperatingRoom Delays: One Institution’s Search for the Holy Grail, Association of University Anesthesiologists (AUA) Annual Meeting in Montreal, Canada, May 2019
  8. Pappada SMOwais MH, Alvarado C, Schneiderman J, Brunner D, Casabianca A, Hofmann J, Papadimos TJ A Novel Learning Management System for Simulation-Based Medical Education, 2019 American College of Surgeons Surgical Simulation Summit, Chicago, IL, March 2019.
  9. Pappada SM, et. al, Development of a Novel Machine Learning-based Sepsis Risk Index for use in an IntelligentAntibiotic Decision Support System for the Hospital/Critical Care Setting, Panel Presentation for Breakout Session in Clinical Decision Support, Robotics, and Autonomous Systems, 2018 Military Healthcare SystemResearch Symposium (August 2018), Orlando, FL.
  10. Dahbour L, Zink E, Khuder S, Trapathi R, Papadimos TJ, Pappada SMDegree of glycemic control as a predictor of post cardiac ICU discharge facility needs, Research Snapshot Presentation, Society of Critical Care Medicine 47th Critical Care Congress, San Antonio, TX (February 2018).
  11. Zink E, Dahbour L, Papadimos TJ, Woodling K, Tripathi R, Owais MH, Khuder S, Pappada SM A continuous glucose monitoring study to identify a relationship between optimization of glycemic control in a cardiovascular ICU on post-discharge long-term acute care facility needs, Poster presented at Ohio Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Conference, September 2017
  12. Pappada SM, Feeney J, Salinas J, Papadimos, TJ, A Novel Measurement Technology to Improve Critical Care Provider Performance and Skill Acquisition, International Anesthesia Research Society Annual Meeting and International Science Symposium, Washington, DC (May 2017)
  13. Pappada SM, Feeney J, Moffatt-Bruce S, Winfield S, Papadimos, TJ, A Novel Measurement Technology to Improve Critical Care Provider Performance and Skill Acquisition, Society of Critical Care Medicine 46th Critical Care Congress Honolulu, HI (January 2017)
  14. Pappada SM, Feeney J, Papadimos, TJ, Salinas J, Mann-Salinas EA, Investigating a novel sepsis risk index foruse in an intelligent antibiotic decision support system, Society of Critical Care Medicine 45th Critical Care Congress Orlando, FL (February 2016)
  15. Castellon-Larios K, Pappada SM, Papadimos TJ. A novel decision support system for optimization of glycemic control in the critical care settingSociety of Critical Care Medicine 45th Critical Care Congress Orlando, FL (February 2016)
  16. Nasser S, Pappada SM, Lipps J, Feeney J, Winfield S, Pfeil S, Castellon-Larios KC, Moffatt-Bruce S, Papadimos TJ, Optimizing Healthcare Staff Training and Performance Using a Novel Measurement System (ACLAMATE) to Support Automated Cognitive Load Assessment, Midwest Anesthesia Residents Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, (May 2015).
  17. Durkee K, Pappada SM, Ortiz A, Feeney J, Galster S, Using Context to Optimize a Functional State Estimation Engine in Unmanned Aircraft System Operations. Panel Presenter in Augmented Cognition Section of HCI International, Los Angeles, CA (August 2015).
  18. Durkee K, Pappada SM, Ortiz A, Feeney J, Galster S, System Decision Framework for Augmenting Human Performance Using Real-Time Workload Classifiers. IEEE International Multi-Disciplinary Conference on Cognitive Methods in Situation Awareness and Decision Support (CogSIMA), Orlando, FL (March 2015).

Invited Presentations and Lectures

  1. Pappada SM, Advancing Healthcare Education and Training with a Novel Learning Management System equipped driven by artificial intelligence and analytics, Invited Lecture for Owens Community College STEM Friday, College-wide event. Postponed due to COVID-19
  2. Pappada SM, Panelist, Healthcare R&D in Ohio, The One Ohio Series: Defense Summit "Ohio's Drive for Defense" Development-Research-Innovation-Vision-Entrepreneurship, May 30-31 2018, Huron, Ohio.
  3. Pappada SM, Invited Presentation, The Future of Medicine in the era of Big Data: The role of engineers and data scientists in supporting the optimization of healthcare delivery and operations, Ohio Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, September 2017
  4. Pappada SM, Panelist in Simulation and Technology in International Medicine Section, The role of current and future technologies in improving the evaluation and assessment of learner skill acquisition and expertise during simulation-based medical education, Conference of the American College of Academic International Medicine, July 2017.
  5. Pappada SM, Panelist, Biomedical Engineering Careers III, Biomedical Engineering Society Midwest Regional Conference, November 2015, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio
  6. Pappada SM, Development of a system supporting Automated Cognitive Load Assessment for Medical Staff Training and Evaluation (ACLAMATE), Systems of Care for Complex Patients Research Task Area Seminar at US Army Institute of Surgical Research, September 2015
  7. Pappada SMDevelopment of an Intelligent and Directed Antibiotic Decision Support System with Sepsis Risk Predictive Algorithm, Panel Presenter, Medical Decision SupportSmart Monitoring Military Health 2015,, Fort Lauderdale, FL (August 2015).
  8. Papadimos TJ, Pappada SMImproving healthcare delivery via intelligent decision support systems and healthcare training technologies, Lecture given to faculty and staff at Attikon Hospital (University of Athens affiliate) in Athens, Greece, December 2014.

Professional Memberships Review and Advisory Panels

  • 2019-present Professional Member, Society for Simulation in Healthcare
  • 2016-2018 Professional Member, Society of Critical Care Medicine
  • 2011 Voting Member, Institutional Review Board for NeuroWave Systems, Inc., Cleveland Medical Devices, Inc., and Orbital Research, Cleveland, Ohio

Educational Activities

Courses/Lecture Modules

Research Study Design and a Brief Introduction to Statistical Methods and Approaches, Course/Lecture Module provided to Anesthesiology Residents.

Academic Research, Scientific Writing, and Grantsmanship, Course/Lecture Module provided to Anesthesiology Residents.

Biomedical Electronics (BIOE3300), Undergraduate course teaching concepts of measurement circuits, signal analysis, and computer design in biological systems and medicine. Electronic devices, digital devices, amplifier design, and instrumentation safety.

Biosignal Processing (BIOE4120), Undergraduate course teaching concepts of digital signal processing techniques andmodeling involving biomedical signals such as ECG, EEG, EMG, and other healthcare datasets/data sources. This courseinvolves significant use of MATLAB to apply knowledge learned in class.

Various Graduate Level Independent Study Sections, I have taught various independent study level courses for graduate students in the College of Engineering. During these courses I have engaged them in real-world research activities to align them with their thesis or doctoral dissertation research. These courses include hands on experience with advanced applications including machine learning, software development, data analysis and processing, medical simulation, etc.  

Introduction to Engineering Lecture, Provide a lecture module as part of an Introduction to Engineering course offeredby the University of Toledo’s College of Engineering for local high school students enrolled at St. Francis/St Ursula. I provided a lecture on behalf of the Bioengineering Department on the topic of Artificial Intelligence and/or Biosignalprocessing/modeling in Biomedical Engineering and Medicine.

Other Educational Activities

  • Supporting development of curriculum and assessment/evaluation of learners for multiple academic departments on UToledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences Campus. This includes Department of Anesthesiology, Department of Emergency Medicine, and various clerkship programs.
  • Work with faculty and staff at Interprofessional Immersive Simulation Center to continue to advance curriculum and assessment/evaluation activities that are parallel with development and advancement of a technology developed at UToledo: PREPARE Learning Management System.

Chair of Thesis/Doctoral Research Committees

  • Masters Student: Mohammad Hamza Owais, Development of Intelligent Systems to Optimize Training and Real-world Performance Amongst Health Care Professionals
  • Masters Student in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Balaji Sathelly, An Artificial Neural Network Approach to Predict Liver Failure Likelihood, Co-Chairs: Ahmad Javaid, Ph.D. and Scott M. Pappada, PhD.

Thesis/Doctoral Research Committee Participation

  • Masters Student in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Yuning Zhang, Machine learning algorithms to detect artifacts within electrodermal activity (EDA) data collected from wearable sensors, Advisor: Kevin Xu, Ph.D.
  • Doctoral Student in Biomedical Engineering: Niraj Gupta, Development of a Wearable Noninvasive Biomarker Sensing Platform, Advisor: Brent Cameron, Ph.D.Doctoral Student in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Zhipeng Hunag,Probabilistic Generative Models for Dynamic Social Networks
  • Doctoral Student in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Praveen Demarchala, Simulation Studies and Benchmarking of Voice Synthetic Assistant based Human-Machine Teams (HMT), Advisor: Vijaya Devabhaktuni, Ph.D.
  • Doctoral Student in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Ruthwik Junuthula,Continuous time analysis of social networks, Advisor: Kevin Xu, Ph.D.
  • Doctoral Student in Bioengineering: Yagya Ojha, Development of biosensors for applications in saliva – A noninvasive monitoring tool for point-of-care diagnostics, Advisor: Brent Cameron, Ph.D. 

Student Advisement

Current (Primary Advisor)
PhD Student, Biomedical Engineering: Solomon Teye-Lartey: Dissertation: TBD

Past (Completed as Primary Advisor)
Masters Student, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Mohammad Hamza Owais, Thesis: Development of Intelligent Systems to Optimize Training and Real-world Performance Amongst Health Care Professionals

Masters Student, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Balaji Sathelly, Thesis: An Artificial Neural Network Approach to Predict Liver Failure Likelihood

Co-Advisor with Ahamad Javaid, PhD for MS student Electrical Engineering and Computer Science: Venkatamayukha Cheekati

2017—present Advising and providing mentorship to multiple medical students (Aaran Varatharajan, Christopher Nam, Layth Dahbour, Evan Zink, Sean Mack, Peyton Beachy, Talha Saif) from UT’s College of Medicine and Life Sciences to involve them on active/ongoing research projects.


University of Toledo

  • Ongoing— Member Graduate Admission Committee, Department of Bioengineering, College of Engineering
  • 2020 — Member, Faculty Search Committee, Associate Dean and Medical Director of IISC Search Committee
  • 2019 — Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Bioengineering University of Toledo College of Engineering
  • 2019 — Member, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Bioengineering University of Toledo College of Engineering
  • 2017-2018— Member University of Toledo, Conflict of Interest Committee
  •   2017-2018 —Member, University of Toledo Faculty Senate Academic Regulations Committee


  • Mentor and Advisor for Internship for Toledo Technology Academy/Toledo Public Schools (Spring 2017): Provide advisement and mentorship to two students: Sam Lehman and Tyler Wright, from the Toledo Technology Academy (Toledo Public Schools). I involved them on work and activities at the University of Toledo's Lloyd A. Jacob's Interprofessional Immersive Simulation Center.
  • Local High School College Experience (2018):  Provide introduction to engineering lectures on behalf of the Bioengineering Department on the topic of Artificial Intelligence and/or Biosignal processing/modeling in Biomedical Engineering and Medicine.
  • Simulation and Education Outreach: Work with faculty and staff at University of Toledo Interprofessional Immersive Simulation Center to provide simulation and education outreach  activities to the Toledo, Ohio area and across Northwest   Ohio. This includes use of the mobile simulation platform (ambulance converted for simulation and education).  Planned activities include community health clinics/centers, and exposing high schools/middle school students to simulation and healthcare careers.

Journal Peer Review and Appointments

2020.   Diabetes Care

2019.                 Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine

2018                  Computational Biology and Chemistry

2017                   Diabetes Spectrum

2016                   Methods of Information in Medicine

2016                   PLOS One

2016                   Artificial Intelligence in Medicine

2015-Present     Section Editor, Theoretical Biology and Modeling, International Journal of AcademicMedicine

2014                   Journal of Critical Care

2012                   Neural Networks

2010-2012         Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics

2010                   Archives of Public Health

Research Activities

Ongoing Research Support

Medicaid Equity Simulation Project MEDTAPP Providers As Allies In Equity And Care (PAEC), Funding Agency: Ohio Department of Medicaid, Role: Co-Investigator, Performance Period:   7/1/2020 – 06/30/2021, Total Funding: $244,886

Next Generation Virtual Health Capabilities, Funding Agency: US Army Medical Research and Development Command (USMRDC), Role: Principal Investigator (UToledo team via subaward), Performance Period:  10/1/2020-9/30/2022, Total Funding (via subaward): $30,034 (Award pending)

nxComms: Intelligent Patient Simulation, Funding Agency: US Army Medical Research Acquisition  Activity (USAMRAA), Role: Principal Investigator (UToledo team via subaward), Performance Period:10/1/2020-9/30/2022, Total Funding (via subaward): $120,778 (Award pending) 

Prior Research Support

Medicaid Equity Simulation Project MEDTAPP Providers As Allies In Equity And Care (PAEC), Funding Agency: Ohio Department of Medicaid, Role: Co-Investigator, Performance Period: 11/01/2018 – 06/30/2020, Total Funding: $2.23M

Ohio Opioid Analytics Project– Ohio Colleges of Medicine Government Resource Center/Ohio Department ofHealth, Role: Co-Investigator, Project Lead Data Analyst, Performance Period: 6/01/2018 – 6/2019, Total Funding:$110,000

Intelligent and Direct Antibiotic Decision Support System –Defense Health Agency Phase II SBIR (United States Army Institute of Surgical Research\Defense Health Program Contract W81XWH-15- C-0017). Role: Principal Investigator, Performance Period: 2\2017-9\2019, Total Funding (via subaward): $249,673

TRACR-T Confined Spaces: Tool for Rapid Assessment of Cognitive Readiness in Teams– US Air Force Phase II SBIR (Contract # FA8501-16-C-0020) Role: Principal Investigator, 2\2017- 9\2019, Total Funding (via subaward): $149,000

Principled Design of an Augmented Reality Trainer for Medics, Phase I Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR), Defense Health Agency, subaward provided by Aptima, Inc. Role: Principal Investigator Performance Period: 10/2017-4/2017, Total Funding (via subaward): $44,749

ACLAMATE: Automated Cognitive Load Assessment for Medical Staff Training and Evaluation, Phase II Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) via Defense Health Agency via Aptima, Inc. (Contract, W81XWH-14-C-0021), Role: Principal Investigator Performance Period: 10/2017-3/2018    Total Funding (via subaward): $35,005 

Intelligent and Direct Antibiotic Decision Support System –US Army/Defense Health Agency SBIR Phase I/Phase II(United States Army Institute of Surgical Research\Defense Health Program). Role: Principal Investigator; Performance Period (Phase I): 11/2014-6/2016. Performance Period (Phase II): 4\2016-4\2018, Total Funding:$1.15M

Warfighter Interface Technologies Advanced Research Programs (WITARP), United States Air Force\Air Force Research Laboratory Broad Agency Announcement, 3/2014-3/2018, Role: Co- Investigator and Technical Development Lead, Total Funding: $4.8M

ACLAMATE: Automated Cognitive Load Assessment for Medical Staff Training and Evaluation – SBIR Phase I/Phase II (Contract, W81XWH-14-C-0021, United States Army Medical Research and Material Command/Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center) Role: Program Manager; Performance Periods:(Phase I) 12/2013-7/2014, (Phase II) 3/2015-6/2016, Total Funding: $1.15M

Beta Prototype Development of a Comprehensive Web-based Clinical Decision Support System (GlyCU) Supporting Optimization of Glycemic Control in the Hospital/Critical Care Setting State of Ohio Third Frontier Program Technology Validation and Start Up Fund Award. Role: Principal Investigator; Performance Period: 11/2013-12/2014. Total Funding: $98,366

Human Universal Measurement and Assessment Network (HUMAN) Technology, Demonstration, and Validation – SBIR Phase III (Contract FA8650-11-C-6236, Air Force Research Laboratory) Role: Co-Investigator and Technical Development Lead; Performance Period:  12/2011-12\2015. Total Funding: $6M

Accelerated Learning in Simulation-based Training (A-LIST) – SBIR Phase II (Contract N00014- 11-C-0455, Office of Naval Research) Role: Co-Investigator and Technical Development Lead. Performance Period:  12/2011-12/2012. Total Funding: $744,618

Field Deployable, Automatic, EEG Seizure Detector and Brain Dysfunction Monitor National Institutes of Health – U44 NS057969-05, PI (Bibian), Role: Co-Investigator, Performance Period: 2010-2011. Total Funding: $748,584


Novel Algorithms and Device for Quantification of Wake-Sleep States National Institutes of Health – R44 HL078442-03, PI (Bibian), Role: Co-Investigator, Performance Period: 2010-2011. Total Funding: $642,779

Neurobehavioral Tool for Assessment of Sleep Structure in Psychiatric Disorders National Institutes of Health – R43 MH086985-02, Role: Co-Investigator, Performance Period: 2010-2011. Total Funding: $499,770

Translational Research Award, The University of Toledo/University of Toledo Medical Center, Co- PI (Cameron), Co-PI (Papadimos) Role: Co-Investigator, Performance Period: 2008-2010. Total Funding: $100,000

  • Doctoral research project, led multiple aspects of the effort
Last Updated: 7/15/24