Flow Cytometry Core Facility

Contact Us

Whether you need help selecting the right antibodies and fluorochromes or optimizing your assay or results, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Flow Cytometry Core Facility. 

Andrea L. Kalinoski, Ph.D.

Associate Professor 
Technical Director, Integrated Core Facilities
Department of Surgery
College of Medicine and Life Sciences

Block Health Science Bldg. Mail Stop 1000
Office: BHSB 048
3000 Arlington Ave.
Toledo, Ohio 43614-2598
Phone:  419.383.4205

David A. Weaver, DDS, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor
University of Toledo Integrated Core Facilities
University of Toledo Health Science Campus
College of Medicine and Life Sciences
Department of Surgery

3000 Arlington Ave.
Health Education Bldg., Rm. 233A
Toledo, Ohio 43614
Phone:  419.383.3402



Last Updated: 7/15/24