Global Health: Getting Started
Any students interested in participating in a Global Health elective should complete Form 1, found on the Student Forms page, and submit to the Office of Global Health at least one term before you want to depart. The form asks you to rank your preferences for the sites and timing of your rotation; please review the curriculum and course descriptions for each site on this website as you make your decisions. Also, your signature on this form indicates that you will be able to bear all costs for the global health experience, which normally averages between $1,500 to $2,000. If funds are an issue, please do not hesitate to contact the Office about financial assistance, since the Office actively looks for ways to defray costs for students who request help.
After receiving your Form 1, the Office of Global Health will contact you to confirm that you are able to move forward to the next stage, which is a paper work meeting to explain and get you started on completing Forms 2-5. These forms walk you through the processes required for departure, such as securing your visa, health insurance, travel arrangements, vaccinations, legal release, etc. Students are required to complete all paperwork to secure final approval to have a global health experience.
In general, students make their own flight arrangements and get their own passports, visas and vaccinations, while the Office of Global Health coordinates housing, transportation, and curricular experience while onsite; there may be exceptions — see each site’s description and curriculum for details.
Student Orientation
At least two weeks prior to the Global Health rotation, each student will be required to attend an orientation session. All information pertinent to the international site should be reviewed on the website that may pertain to that student’s specific rotation. The orientation session will outline the travel logistics, cultural issues, links and information to their specific location and the institution. Academic expectations, healthcare information, risks and liability issues, any student concerns and expectations will be reviewed in this orientation session. Reporting requirements for the Global Health program while away will be outlined and emergency contact information reviewed.
Student Report
Upon completion of these international rotations, students must submit a report outlining their clinical experience. This report will include information on the healthcare system of the country and region outlining similarities and differences to the US healthcare system as described in the Global Health curriculum. The student will specifically address the most common disease encountered, access to medical care, resource limitations, preventive medicine/public health programs and medical ethics issues. The student should consider submitting a case study or report for presentation at a national or regional conference pertaining to this clinical experience.
Student evaluations are also required upon completion of these rotations and based on these evaluations, modifications may be made to these experiences to assure adequate academic and cultural experiences.