Physician Assistant Studies

Program Goals and Outcomes

program goals

Goal 1 - Upon graduation, our students will perform at or above the national pass rate on the PANCE.

  Class of 2019 Class of 2020 Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Class of 2023
Number of First-Time Takers 24 21 21 39 36
Program First-Time Take Pass Rate 85% 100% 100% 90% 95%
% of candidates who ultimately passed PANCE 97% 100% 100% 100% TBD
National First-Time Taker Pass Rate 93% 95% 93% 92% 92%

Success in meeting goal:

The program has met this goal three of the last five years.

Goal 2 - Maintain a diverse matriculating class comprised of one or more of the following: non-traditional, 1st generation college, military, and economically disadvantaged.

  Fall 2019 matriculants (n=25) Fall 2020 matriculants (n=39) Fall 2021 matriculants (n=39) Fall 2022 matriculants (n=39) Fall 2023 matriculants (n=40)
Non-traditional 8% 12.8% 2.6% 10.3% 25%
1st generation college 12% 10.3% 15.4% 20.5% 27.2%
Military 0% 0% 0% 0% 1.7%
Economically disadvantaged 12% 10.3% 12.8% 15.4% 13.4%

Benchmark: 20% of the incoming class will be comprised of students from 1 or more of the following: non-traditional, 1st generation college, military, and economically disadvantaged.

Success in meeting goal:

The program has met the benchmark for this goal four the last give years.

Goal 3 - Curriculum exposes students to an environment that promotes team-based healthcare.

  Mean Benchmark
Class of 2019 3.38 3.50
Class of 2020 4.25 3.50
Class of 2021 4.05 3.50
Class of 2022 4.06 3.50
Class of 2023 4.37 3.50

Data is collected from the End of Program survey where students are asked to rate the following statement using a 5-pt likert scale: The program offered learning experiences that helped prepare me to work in an interprofessional team. Responses are numerically scored as follows: 1, Strongly disagree; 2, Disagree; 3, Neutral; 4, Agree; and 5, Strongly agree.

The UToledo PA Program values team-based healthcare and promote interprofessional education through didactic training and experiences. Students participate in a two-semester interprofessional education experience (IPE) course which also includes students from medicine, nursing, pharmacy, physical therapy, occupational therapy, respiratory therapy, public health, speech and language pathology, clinical psychology, and social work. IPE training includes interactive clinical skills and simulations in the Interprofessional Immersive Simulation Center (IISC), small group exercises, and community presentations. Students in the program have additional opportunities for team-based healthcare experiences through participation in the student-led Community Care Clinic that includes participation by community clinicians and students from PA, medicine, pharmacy, nursing, physical therapy, and respiratory therapy. Additionally, students have opportunities to participate in University-sponsored mission trips with faculty and community healthcare providers. Additionally, interprofessional education is covered accross the curriculum.

Success in meeting goal:

The program has met the benchmark for this goal in four of the last five years. 

Goal 4 - Curriculum prepares students to work in an environment that includes underserved populations.

  Mean Benchmark
Class of 2019 3.33 3.50
Class of 2020 4.00 3.50
Class of 2021 4.10 3.50
Class of 2022 4.00 3.50
Class of 2023 4.26 3.50

Data is collected from the End of Program survey where students are asked to rate the following statement using a 5-pt likert scale: The program offered learning experiences that helped prepare me to work with underserved populations. Responses are numerically scored as follows: 1, Strongly disagree; 2, Disagree; 3, Neutral; 4, Agree; and 5, Strongly agree.

The UToledo PA Program students have multiple opportunities to provide care to the underserved populations in the community, including medically underserved patients and those from a lower socioeconomic status in an urban environment. Students may participate in the student-led Community Care Clinics (CCC), a free clinic established to provide primary care, women’s health care, diabetes management, chiropractic services, and respiratory therapy to the underserved in the community. PA students also have an opportunity to volunteer with community physicians, PAs, and nurse practitioners at Community of Hope Free Health Clinic located in the inner city of Toledo. The College of Medicine and Life Sciences participates in medical mission teams with the Global Health Program. PA students have an opportunity annually to serve on the Honduras mission trip and the Nicaragua Medical Mission Trip.

Success in meeting goal:

The program has met the benchmark for this goal in four of the last five years.


The Physician Assistant National Certification Examination (PANCE) is the national certifying examination offered by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA). A passing score is necessary to practice in most states.

Please find the most current PANCE Exam Peformance Summary Report showing our Pass Rates of the last five graduating classes.   


  Class of 2021 Class of 2022 Class of 2023
Maximum entering class size (as approved by ARC-PA) 40 40 40
Entering Class Size 25 40 39
Graduates 22 39 37
*Attritition Rate 12% 2.5% 5.1%
**Graduation Rate 88% 97.5% 94.9%

*Attrition rate calculation: Number of students who attritted from cohort divided by the entering class size.
**Graduation rate: Number of cohort graduates divided by the entering class size. 

Download the ARC-PA Student Attrition Template

Last Updated: 7/15/24