Global Medical Missions Hall of Fame

How to help

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Your donations are greatly appreciated and are used to support the efforts of The Medical Mission Hall of Fame Foundation as we provide life saving services to people around the globe. Whether you are an individual, organization or corporation, your gifts and donations are greatly appreciated and are used to support our efforts.

Your contributions to The Medical Mission Hall of Fame Foundation are truly appreciated. We welcome and rely on your support to continue our work around the world providing medical care for the welfare for less fortunate people around the world.

Know that we are wise stewards of funds placed in our care for use toward the betterment of humanity and the care of others.

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Induction Criteria

There are two types of Medical Mission Hall of Fame Awards:

  • Individuals are recognized for making significant and substantial contributions to advancing the quality of life of their brothers and sisters throughout our world.
  • Organizations are recognized for the extraordinary achievements of their professional staff and volunteer workers who have provided compassionate humanitarian health care assistance to the underserved.

Award recipients are selected by the Medical Mission Hall of Fame Selection Committee based on extensive and deliberate reviews of the endeavors and accomplishments of individuals and organizations in the medical mission field. Awards are announced and presented on an annual basis.

Last Updated: 7/15/24