College of Medicine and Life Sciences

Wellness Self-Evaluation

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Are you concerned that your life is losing its balance?

There are many self-testing websites available. The key is follow up if you find that you do need help and guidance.  There is no shame in admitting that we are not perfect or impervious to stress.  We can do our job as providers more safely and compassionately if our life is joyful and balanced. The “Wellbeing index” self-evaluation is available through the Mayo Clinic website.

The Greater Good Science Center has self-administered testing for Altruism, Emotional Intelligence, Empathy, Mindfulness and Relationship Trust. All of these traits are good coping mechanisms and can point us to self-improvement.

Is your work-life balance tipping off center?  The Canadian Mental Health Association has a helpful quiz.

Anxious, depressed or stressed?

It happens but shouldn’t be chronic. Screening self-evaluations are available.

Feel burned out or on the verge of burnout?

The Maslach Burnout Index is available.  The Oldenburg burnout inventory is also available on line but is not yet validated on American subjects.

How happy are you?

Questionnaires evaluate such issues as optimism, gratitude, personal strengths and life meaning. Maybe you could be even happier.

Are keeping up with your physical fitness?

Not only is exercise a good health practice but it is a proven stress reliever.  Evaluate your exercise routine.


Possible PTSD from an event in your life, in which you felt intense fear of helplessness?

The PTSD Association of Canada has a paper and pencil test.


Test your self-compassion. Primarily but not exclusively for women and an aid to self awareness and improvement.

Is daytime sleepiness a problem?

The Epworth Sleepiness scale may help you decide if help in needed. 

Suicide Prevention

The ultimate issue is suicide.  If you or anyone you know is at risk, go to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention website or call the nearest hotline  567-316-0584 in Toledo or th National Suicide hotline 1-800-273-8255

If any of these evaluations indicate that help is needed go to Impact Solutions or a trusted advisor. We all need help at one time or another. It’s not a sign of weakness to assure our own well-being. We can’t heal if we are not healthy. 

Last Updated: 7/15/24