Ritter Astrophysical Research Center

Stellar and Sub-Stellar Astrophysics

Stellar and Sub-Stellar AstrophysicsThe stellar research conducted at the University of Toledo spans the entire range of stellar masses, from the most massive hot stars to the least massive cool brown dwarfs. Professors Bjorkman and Bjorkman study the circumstellar disks around rapidly rotating massive stars, principally Be, B[e] and HAeBe stars. They use a combination of observations (spectroscopy, polarimetry and interferometry) and theoretical modeling (Monte Carlo radiative transfer and hydrodynamics simulations) to study how these disks form, grow and evolve. Professor Cushing's current focus is on discovering and characterizing the coolest brown dwarfs, the so-called Y dwarfs. He uses both ground- and spaced-based observatories (NASA IRTF, HST, Spitzer) to study the chemistry, dynamics and weather on the surfaces of these planet-like objects.

Faculty working in Stellar and Sub-Stellar Astrophysics include: Prof. Emeritus Jon Bjorkman, Distinguished Prof. Emerita Karen Bjorkman and Prof. Michael Cushing.

Last Updated: 7/15/24