Course Evaluations
The centralized process of administering course evaluations and the development of 13 core questions was designed to improve the quality of the course evaluation questions used and to reflect UToledo’s commitment to student success. By providing the course evaluations through an online format, our goal is to improve student access and reduce processing time.
Course evaluations from Fall, 2019 through Spring, 2021 were conducted through a program
called CampusLabs.
If you need access to course evaluations from this time, contact
Beginning in Summer, 2021, UToledo's end-of-semester course evaluations are conducted through the Qualtrics system.
To access evaluation results from Summer, 2021 through Summer, 2024, log in with your UTAD credentials to
After you log in, click on "Reports_2021-2024". Filters along the top of the dashboard will allow you to navigate through your collected data. It may take a few moments for your evaluation results to load.
If you have questions regarding access to course evaluations, email
how to download course evaluation results from Qualtrics
There is an option to Export the dashboard to the right, above the filters, where you are able to either download or receive via email. You are provided with seven options for the report format: PDF, JPG, PPTX, DOCX, CSV, TSV or XLSX.
Note: Exporting a PDF report may not capture all comment responses if there is a long list. If you need to download more comments than what is displayed in the PDF, select the “…” in the upper right of the comment boxes:
Select "Export" and you can then select to download the comments as a CSV file.
When you download the CSV files from Q11, Q12 and Q13, you will receive a notification that the file is ready for download. If you click the bell on the upper right corner of the page, you will see a notice indicating the file is ready for download. You will need to generate and download a separate CSV file for each of the three comment questions.
University Core Course Evaluation Questions
- I put forth my best effort in this course.
- Expectations for performance were clearly communicated throughout the semester.
- The teaching strategies used motivated me to do my best work.
- The teaching approaches used supported my learning needs.
- The course provided a comfortable environment for expressing views and ideas.
- I received feedback on my work within a reasonable timeframe.
- The quality of the feedback on my work helped my learning.
- The grading in the course fairly reflected the quality of my work.
- Overall, I had a good learning experience in this course.
- The instructor worked to make the course engaging for all students.
- Describe activities or assignments that were most beneficial to your learning.
- Suggest way(s) in which the course could be improved (if any).
- Briefly describe what you thought was the most important thing you learned in this course.
Questions 1 through 10 will be on a four-point scale: Strongly agree [4], agree [3], disagree [2], strongly disagree [1]; N/A option also included.
Questions 11-13 are open-ended, qualitative responses.
How Core questions were developed
The committee was charged with developing and testing a common core of course evaluation questions and exploring a standardized method for deploying course evaluations to students.
- Use a 4-point scale to ensure comparable scoring. If your scale contains, for example,
“Neither Agree nor Disagree,” consider changing it to “No opinion” or “Not Applicable”
or some other option and code it as 5 to match the coding of “Not Applicable” used
with the 13 CORE questions.
- If using your own scales, make sure that all response options are mutually exclusive and form a meaningful progression from less to more. For example,
- If assessing confidence, response options should represent different degrees of confidence.
- If assessing familiarity, response options should represent different degrees of familiarity.
- If assessing awareness, response options should represent different degrees of awareness, etc.
3. Stay consistent with the best practice implemented in the 13 CORE questions by making your questions about the course, not about the instructor. For example,
- You may want to say, “Course concepts/ideas were clearly communicated” instead of “The instructor communicated course concepts/ideas clearly.” This would also allow for capturing clarity of communicating ideas in lecture notes or any other ways used in the course.
4. Stay consistent with the best practice implemented in the 13 CORE questions by making your questions about the student completing the evaluation. For example,
- You may want to say, “I felt comfortable expressing my ideas” instead “The instructor encourages students to express ideas.” Not only will this help generate more accurate data (students may not know about every student in the course and should not be asked to generalize), but this will also make it easier for students to respond.
5. Avoid questions that tap into more than one aspect of the course experience. For example:
- Students might be able to get help during office hours but not necessarily outside of office hours. Combining both in one question makes it impossible to know which part students may or may not agree with.
- The syllabus may have clear grading criteria but the student may disagree with them. Combining both in one question makes it impossible to know which part students may or may not agree with.
6. Include questions that are pertinent only to the course in question, not any previous or other courses.
7. Avoid asking questions that require additional work or recall (e.g., comparing course experience to what is stated in the syllabus).
8. Avoid technical terms that students may not understand or routinely use (e.g., foundational knowledge).