Office of the Provost

Faculty 180 and RPT (Review, Promotion & Tenure)

The University of Toledo uses Faculty 180 as a repository for faculty activities.

Faculty 180 is a web-based faculty activity reporting databases system. Scholarship, teaching and service activities are input into the database eliminating the need for faculty to maintain binders and paper files.

RPT is a module added to Faculty 180 to facilitate the review of cases for tenure and promotion, annual pre-tenure and lecturer reviews, post-tenure assessments and sabbaticals.

Training and support will be overseen by the Provost Office.  Questions? Email

Access Faculty 180 Login Page

Step by Step Training Guides

How to Prepare Materials on Faculty 180

Tenure and Promotion Procedures


Annual Review of Professional Activity (ARPA)


Pre-Tenure Annual Reviews

Candidate Submission
Department Personnel Committees (DPC) Review 
Department Chair Review 
College Personnel Committees (CPC) Review
Dean Review
University Committee on Academic Personnel (UCAP) Review 

Five-Year Post Tenure Assessment

Five-Year Post Tenure Assessment – Candidate Submission Documentation


Sabbatical Leave Application – Candidate Submission
Sabbatical Leave Applications - Department Chair

Sabbatical Leave Applications – Dean 
Sabbatical Leave Applications – UCS 

Preparing Materials for Review

Publications and Scholarly Contributions Import Steps

Visual walk through of these steps is available from the University Libraries

The Profile Form is used by faculty members to input personal data that tends to remain static over time, such as contact information, degrees, credentials, and work experience. Faculty members can update their profile at any time. Faculty members are also reminded on a regular basis to review their profile to make sure it is current.

The Activity Form is used by faculty members to keep track of their professional activities, including the following:

  • Advising load at the undergraduate and graduate levels 
  • Information about students being supervised by the faculty member 
  • Professional and creative works that are pending and/or complete 
  • Pending and funded internal and external grants
  • Participation in standing committees, and other service to academic institutions and professional organizations 
  • Professional development, including conferences, training, and continuing education 
  • Professional consultation provided by the faculty member

Review, Promotion and Tenure Training Videos


Last Updated: 7/15/24