Office of the Provost

Process to Obtain Emeriti Status for Retiring Faculty

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1)  Department Chair originates a memo to the College Dean requesting emeritus status for retiring faculty member. The memo should highlight the justification for the emeritus status. Requests to the Chair for emeritus status may also originate from the retiring faculty member, or faculty in the department of the retiring faculty member. Although a request for emeritus is usually submitted at the time of, or shortly after retirement, there is no time limit after retirement as to when the request can be submitted.

a. )  Attach a draft of the text for the emeritus citation. The word count should not exceed 300 words, and be created in a Word document using 11 point, Calibri font.  A sample citation can be found here.
b.)  Attach the original completed Academic Personnel Action form (APA) Main Campus OR the Appointment/Change of Status Form Health Science Campus. Change the Title to Professor Emeritus or Emerita (depending on rank at time of retirement). Put $0.00 in the compensation, and the start date is the Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting date the Emeritus title becomes effective.
c.)  Attach any other memos of "Endorsement" as desired.
d.)  The Department Chair shall act on the request – approval or denial – within 30 calendar days of the submission date. Failure to act shall be considered as approval of the request. Once approved, the request shall be forwarded to the Dean.
e.)  Should the Department Chair not support the request, the Chair should originate a memo to the retiring faculty member denying the request, and the rationale for the denial.
f.)  The retiring faculty member has the right to appeal the Chair’s denial to the College Dean.  The appeal must be submitted in writing.

2)  The College Dean originates a memo to the Provost supporting the emeritus status.

a.)  Should the College Dean not support the request, the College Dean should originate a memo to the Department Chair denying the request.

Submit the packet no later than the due date per the Academic Personnel Calendar to the Office of the Provost by completing this online Emeriti nomination form


Fall Semester:  Monday, October 2, 2023

Spring Semester:  Monday, April 1, 2024

Documents to be uploaded include:

a.)  Department Chair Memo
b.)  College Dean Endorsement Memo
c.)  Draft text of emeritus citation
d.)  Curriculum Vitae of retiring faculty member
e.)  APA OR Change of Status Form

3)  The Provost originates a memo to the College Dean supporting the request for emeritus citation, or signs "Approved" on the Dean memo.

a.)  Provost should include any edits to the draft citation
b.)  The Provost shall act on the request – approval or denial – within 30 calendar days of the submission date. Failure to act shall be considered as approval of the request. Once approved, the request shall be forwarded to the President.
c.)  If the request is denied, the Provost originates a memo to the retiring faculty member and the College Dean and returns packet, with the rationale for denial.
d.)  The retiring faculty member has the right to appeal the Provost's denial to the President. The appeal must be submitted in writing. The President's decision is final and cannot be appealed.
e.)  If the request is denied, steps 4 through 9 do not apply.

4)  Once the President approves, a copy of the Provost approval memo and the packet is given to the Office of Academic Finance and Faculty Administration for reporting and approval on the Academic Personnel Action Report at the next possible Board of Trustees (BOT) meeting. Emeritus status is only approved at the December or June BOT meeting.

a.)  The packet is held by this office until it goes to the BOT.

5)  Once BOT Approved, the Office of Academic Finance and Faculty Administration will:

a.)   Forward the APA to HR-Data Entry for the title to be changed in Banner
b.)   Ensure the Banner Emeritus Box on PEAFACT is checked and title updated
c.)   Create two official emeriti citations
d.)   Place copies in faculty personnel file
e.)   Update listing on Emeritus website

6)  Once the certificates are created and printed, Provost Office will forward to the Office of the President for signatures.

7)  Once signed by both the BOT Chairperson and the University President, the original, official citations are to be returned to the Office of Academic Finance and Faculty Administration.

8)  The Office of Academic Finance and Faculty Administration in the Provost Office will:

a.)   Retain a photo copy of signed citation in the faculty members official University personnel file.
b.)   Return signed original, official citations to the College Dean's Office.

9)  The College Dean and the Department Chair will arrange for presentation of the official citation to the faculty member. The college will retain a copy for college files.

a.)  The College may wish to have the citation framed

10)  Re-application: A retired faculty member whose initial request for Emeritus status is denied may re-apply one time, at any time. The process for review will be the same as outlined above in this document. If the re-application is denied, the decision cannot be appealed, and the retired faculty member cannot request Emeritus status again.

Emeritus/Emerita Titles

  1. All tenure track faculty will be Professor Emeritus/Emerita unless they are also a Distinguished University Professor, then they would be a Distinguished University Professor Emeritus/Emerita instead.
  2. All lecturers will be Lecturer Emeritus/Emerita unless they are a Distinguished University Lecturer, then they would be a Distinguished University Lecturer Emeritus/ Emerita instead.

The Emeriti Policy

Policy #3364-72-08, is located on the University Policy website at


For questions regarding this document, or the emeritus process, contact the Office of the Provost at 419.530.2738 or

Last Updated: 7/12/23